Sigh not so, but let them go.

Nov 15, 2011 07:09

Yeah, I know I never post here anymore, and probably the only person who is going to read this are russian spambots, but I am just... I don't even know.
Possibly triggering for abuse, drugs, and past issues. )

yeah, hate my life, don't know if i can do this, warning: whiny post, angst, freakout, depression, blah blah cry moar emo kid, fml, eye, death, family, well i'm done with this shit now, why is this fucking happening to me?, blind, kim hates everything forever

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Comments 3

bane_assassin November 15 2011, 21:20:55 UTC
Hey, I know my only role in your life is that of a creepy lurker, but I just wanted to say that you are an amazing woman. I knew that the moment I met you. I have always been impressed by your ability to keep going regardless of the sh** that life throws your way. I never knew how much you have overcome in your life and I never would have guessed it because you handle it so well. I have no doubt that you will make it through this, just like you've made it through everything else.

You are a wonderful, beautiful woman! You'll get through this!



fuck_of_nature November 16 2011, 00:54:34 UTC
Hey. I know we haven't talked in a while, but I'm here for you still. This is so much for you and that's not fair at all. Hang in there, get away from those bad influences. I know you can do it.


danceswithbeans November 17 2011, 04:26:58 UTC

I'm always there for you, give me a call if you need someone to vent to during the weekend.

PS (i'm a russian spam bot ;)

Love you!


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