Vacation, House Hunting and More Vacation!

Jun 20, 2010 10:37

So it's been a while! I've been busy finishing all my projects at work before I went on vacation for 2.5 weeks touring Napa and the entire California coastline. Took a road trip starting from the border of California and Oregon. We stopped many places along the way. I got to see the redwoods, the gorgeous California coastline and many of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

timberho June 20 2010, 17:43:11 UTC
gorgeous pictures! I love that area so much!


a_karls June 21 2010, 18:27:35 UTC
It was great to finally see it. I've been living in CA for almost 8 years and had never been on this road trip. Loved it!


livehead16 June 20 2010, 20:49:57 UTC
those are awesome pics! i'm so jealous... i've always wanted to just hit the PCH and go. so pretty.

good luck with the house hunting... that's quite an undertaking. but it will be worth it in the end. :-)

i don't have any Entourage icons anymore... i should remedy that now that i have a zillion icon spaces. looking forward to the show next sunday, tho!


a_karls June 21 2010, 18:30:34 UTC
I can't wait for Entourage (even if Adrian did butcher his gorgeous hair!)

House hunting. AHHHHHHHH!!! It's causing me such stress, but I'm hopefully that you're right and in the end it will be worth it.


babygotbass June 21 2010, 02:16:15 UTC
Looks like a great vacation. I really need to get myself to Cali!!

And I hope your house hunting goes well. I know when I started the process last you were not optimistic about your plans to good luck!


a_karls June 21 2010, 18:29:14 UTC
I hope it goes well too. Surprisingly the bank wants to give me way more money than I think I can afford so I'm not accepting it all. Now it's all about finding the right place for the right price and that's always the hardest part. At least I have 20% down saved up which I didn't last year. That helps a ton!


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