Vacation, House Hunting and More Vacation!

Jun 20, 2010 10:37

So it's been a while! I've been busy finishing all my projects at work before I went on vacation for 2.5 weeks touring Napa and the entire California coastline. Took a road trip starting from the border of California and Oregon. We stopped many places along the way. I got to see the redwoods, the gorgeous California coastline and many of the oceanside cities along the way. It was a great time and was very relaxing! Here are a few pictures from my cell phone camera:

Waterfall on one of the trails at Russian Gulch State Park:

California Coast!

The only waterfall in California that empties into the Pacific:


Now that I'm back, I'm firmly invested in house hunting. I have spoken to various bankers and have applied for loan approval so that I can actually start looking at houses and make an offer if I can find one I like (and is in my price range.) I hope to have a house in a few months, but I'm sure it will take longer than that. I'm probably too picky! It's so much money to spend though, so I need to really like the place.

In just three weeks, masheek2 and I will be headed to Boston for what seems to be my annual trip to the area. I'm hoping to meet up with friends while there and then we're heading to Stockbridge to see Randy Harrison in a play. I always love travelling with masheek2 because we're pretty much on the same page when it comes to relaxing and enjoying ourselves on vacation. Can't wait for this next trip!

A week after we get back from Boston, I'm off to Comic-Con. I can't believe a year has already gone by since the last one. I'm super excited for this year even though it probably won't be as good as last year (only because David Tennant won't be there and that was truly the highlight of all my Comic-Con experiences so far) but it will be a blast especially with so many new shows making their first appearances.

The rest of July has to be spent looking for a house. We'll see what happens with that. I'm so nervous about the process, but I'm excited about having my own place to come home to each night that I believe it's worth it in the end.

Off to cook and continue to catch up on TV recorded on my DVR. Entourage starts soon so I thought I'd use the boys for my icon. They're always nice to look at whenever you have the chance! :D
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