Is it over yet?

Apr 20, 2010 09:11

My busiest time I mean. I think it might be slowing down, but I can't tell quite yet. If nothing else, I know that in just a few weeks I'll be off on my PCH trip so it won't matter. Other people will have to take care of the work for two weeks. I cannot wait for the break! I feel like I'm in the movie "Groundhog's Day" and I just keep waking up each morning stuck in the same pattern. So it's time for random thoughts posting!

- Tonight is the Madonna episode of "Glee" which I'm very excited to see. Tomorrow night I'm going to the Hotel Cafe to see Jesse Plemons (of Friday Night Lights fame) play a set. I'm not sure what his music is like, but he's a sweetheart so I want to support him. I'm sure there will be tons of people there as long as the weather doesn't drive people away. If anyone wants to join me, I'd love the company!

- I need to seriously start looking for a house to buy. Scary! It's just so much money and I think I'll have a heart attack while signing any loan documents. I don't like debt. I know this is the right thing to do but I hate owing people money! I'm such an accountant.

- The new season of Doctor Who has me conflicted. I've only seen the first episode because I decided that since David is no longer the Doctor, I don't feel the need to download it immediately and watch it. Instead, I'm watching it on BBC America. I was entertained by the first episode but I didn't love it. I'm holding out hope that it gets better. So far the companion doesn't thrill me but it was the first episode. I'll still give it a shot. I love the idea of the show so I know that I'll still be entertained each episode but I don't see myself loving it like I did these past four years. Afterwards I felt the need to pull out my DVDs and watch some of David's episodes. *sigh* Why did he have to leave? I am looking forward to his new show though ("Single Father") as he should be excellent in it.

- My friend, Ian, got married a week ago. So strange to see another one bite the dust.

- On May 1st, I'm doing the Accomplice Hollywood experience. There's only one ticket left for the time that a bunch of us are going. Is it wrong to hope that Nathan Fillion decides he wants to do it again? hahahaha!

Off to review my credit report to make sure there isn't anything on there that isn't mine. That's the first step in the house buying process. (Or at least, it's the first on my list of steps!) Time to commit to the idea and take the plunge!
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