
Sep 29, 2007 17:58

This is unacceptable.

Private to Rufus // Hackable.

One of your subordinates has recently broken into my house. This person did not cover their steps well, most notably because they took several items of a personal significance to me and left the toilet seat up. I suppose there is no need to request them back; I have better things to do than engage ( Read more... )

subject: hojo is up to something, response: ansem, subject: hojo is vexed by your insolence, subject: specimens, classification: private message, response: rikku, response: namine, response: lime, response: sasuke, classification: private, response: rufus, response: sasori, classification: ic, subject: planning, response: vincent, response: rukia, response: kazuki, subject: hojo is a bit unstable

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Comments 101

somes_auditus September 28 2007, 21:12:01 UTC
Something vexes thee, my darling professor? I can't think of what it might be, because I'm still alive and well!


a_failed_god September 28 2007, 21:23:36 UTC
I have far greater priorities than you, Sasori.


somes_auditus September 28 2007, 21:26:56 UTC
It would seem so! How sad. And here I was going to offer you whatever assistance I can offer. And you'd be surprised how long the list is. We have, after all, a business arrangement, do we not?


Private // Unhackable. a_failed_god September 28 2007, 21:30:54 UTC
... Yes.

Yes, we do. Though I'm surprised to see you so willing to fulfill your side of the deal, with no offense intended.

I require your assistance.


[Private//NOT hackable] i_must_repent September 28 2007, 21:19:15 UTC
I would have no worry, to that end. Let me alone, and you may have your silence.


[Private//NOT hackable] a_failed_god September 28 2007, 21:25:09 UTC
How treacherous. And here I thought you enjoyed our time together.

... So be it.


breaking_bonds September 28 2007, 21:39:12 UTC
Someone seems less than pleased.


Private // Unhackable. a_failed_god September 28 2007, 21:44:17 UTC
Is it that obvious?

My house has been ransacked without justification. I'm hardly surprised, I must say; Rufus is no less of a thug for having been 'reformed', it appears.


Private // Unhackable. breaking_bonds September 28 2007, 21:45:02 UTC
Perhaps a little.

Perhaps you need a bodyguard.


Private // Unhackable. a_failed_god September 28 2007, 21:58:00 UTC
The President of the Shinra Company that recently sprung up. It appears he has lost his mind, as irrational as this place has made him.

Perhaps I do. Are you offering assistance?


calamitousness September 28 2007, 21:55:58 UTC
Pfft, whoever broke in must've been an armature. A real thief, like me, never leaves a trace of their presence.


a_failed_god September 28 2007, 22:01:02 UTC
An amateur, perhaps, or in a terrible hurry.

The absence of several documents and some destroyed and stolen equipment was indicative enough; there was no way to cover it up in the time I was gone.

... Or perhaps they expect to foresee retaliation.


calamitousness September 28 2007, 22:10:52 UTC
Thieves are supposed to be fast, though. Even in a hurry, a good one cleans up after the heist.

Ohh. Well... I could steal the stuff back?

Maybe. I mean, messing up someone's house usually is a good way to piss them off.


a_failed_god September 28 2007, 23:30:46 UTC
I doubt your affiliation in these circumstances coincides with my own. The culprit works for Rufus Shinra.


foreswear September 28 2007, 22:06:53 UTC
Nothing less than what you had coming, I imagine.


a_failed_god September 28 2007, 22:39:35 UTC

That won't stop me taking retaliatory action, as you are surely aware.


foreswear September 28 2007, 22:42:56 UTC
I would have been pleasantly surprised if you had remained quiet and passive about it, actually. I can't say that it will be entirely wise on your part, however. After all, you do have a number of factors - and people - working all against you.


a_failed_god September 28 2007, 22:52:42 UTC
In a world where one can't die, does the small matter of enemies really carry any weight?

I can come back again. Again. Again. Until I have completed what she asks of me.


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