Who: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Kenzi
When: Wednesday
Where: Places.
Summary: Sherlock was fairly certain that if there were a railroad running through the facility, Kenzi would manage to get herself tied to the tracks.
Rating: Yeah, I dunno. R just in case.
Warnings: The usual.
Botanical creature stirs, seeking revenge! )
Comments 28
"She loves you more than she loves me these days," he mentioned casually and returned to what he had been doing-- namely, milking the aloe from the leaves of one of the plants they'd found earlier.
He didn't bother to correct Sherlock about the 'idiot' remark, though he was a bit annoyed that they could just be connected through the network and not physically together and Sherlock and Kenzi would still fight.
Dont want YOU to save me. bring john. itchy cut on leg also kind of being strangled a little hurry?!
However attractive and dashing and completely awesome Sherlock was didn't matter at the moment. This was embarrassing and she needed her bbff. British best friend forever.
biodome near entrance GIANT TREE!!!!!!!
The tree was actually pretty average-sized, but anything is giant compared to Kenzi.
Like an obedient dog, John trotted after Sherlock only to frown as they neared the cafeteria.
It was dangerous in there. The Biodome would be worse. What was Kenzi thinking!? ... Probably nothing.
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