Last Weekend in May ... The Good and the Bad

May 31, 2017 16:29

Things are in rest mode for me this weekend ( Read more... )

pork, weekend cooking plan, fruit

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Comments 6

spikesgirl58 May 31 2017, 20:43:57 UTC
Wow, it sounds like you had a busy day. I'm sorry cooking wise, it didn't go well with the cherries. Better luck tomorrow!


a_boleyn May 31 2017, 20:48:51 UTC
I'm not fond of overly sweet desserts. Other people would have considered the dessert a winner.


spikesgirl58 June 1 2017, 11:47:15 UTC
I know what you mean. I am not crazy about desserts anyhow, but when I have one, I don't like too much sweet.


edgeofthewoods May 31 2017, 22:05:56 UTC
Sounds like a fne weekend... Cream puffs as a gift! You are my kind of present presenter!

So many recipes are too sweet for my tastes, I often cut the sugar back quite a bit bc of this.


a_boleyn May 31 2017, 23:04:37 UTC
It's hard to judge how sweet something will be the first time that you try a new recipe. Next time, I'll know better.

My friend and colleague devoured 3 or 4 of the cream puffs immediately. (I don't know if he thought I was kidding on Friday when I said I'd bring them in on Tuesday, because he was amazed when he saw the containers.) He gave a few away to a couple of fellow teachers who had the same free period as we did and took the rest home. I hope his wife gets some ... but I wouldn't count on it. :)


edgeofthewoods June 2 2017, 02:11:44 UTC
If it's more than a cup, I automatically slash it. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, tho.

I'm so glad your colleague enjoyed the cream puffs - what an awesome surprise gift!


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