P's and Q's - Puff Pastry, Quiche and Quince

Apr 13, 2014 17:12

I must apologize for this less than inspired 'abc' themed post. I had planned to make the apple and quince tart, and thawed the package of puff pastry from my freezer, to use as a base, a few days ago. And then circumstances forced me to put things off. In fact, I wasn't going to make it this weekend after all, but I had kind of 'hinted' to a ( Read more... )

quince, quiche, dessert, pork, cheese, picspam, ham, tarts, puff pastry, fruit

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Comments 15

ext_1117662 April 13 2014, 21:31:14 UTC
That quiche is gorgeous. That's a terrific set of dishes for someone who's too tired to cook.


a_boleyn April 13 2014, 21:49:40 UTC
Thank you ... I was tired and not very enthused about the whole baking process but you do what you have to, don't you? :) Quiches are my last resort when all I've got in the house are cheese, eggs, milk and some odds and ends of ingredients to use for a filling.


spikesgirl58 April 13 2014, 22:10:12 UTC
Was the tart very sweet? We bought some quince paste once and it was too sweet to eat, even when we cut it.

The quiche, OTOH, I will happily take off your hands. I adore them and yours looks like perfection.


a_boleyn April 13 2014, 22:29:29 UTC
Yes, the tart was quite sweet. I had eaten the quince jam before as an accompaniment for samosas or potstickers in place of plum sauce and the flavour were just right. This time, it was a bit sweeter than I liked. I really think that eating it with some sharp cheese would help. I may have overdone the jam though ... perhaps I should have used 1/3 cup instead of 1/2 cup.


spikesgirl58 April 14 2014, 00:02:43 UTC
That's what I thought. It was just too sweet for me, but I'm more of a savory person. It still looked yummy.

I've got peas on the boil now for split pea soup and biscuits... such a change after last night.


a_boleyn April 14 2014, 00:10:07 UTC
There were good and not so good elements in this tart. The shell was thin and crunchy. The apples were sweet and tender ... maybe if I'd added a layer of mascarpone over the quince jam that would have offset some of its sweetness.

Split pea soup is one of my favourites. I haven't made it in ages. As a matter of fact, rather than thawing one of the soups I made last week, I opened a can of Campbell's cream of tomato a couple of days ago. I bought a leg of lamb for Easter. I was going to buy lamb shoulder chops but they were all out at Food Basics when I went shopping today. That will teach me to put off grocery shopping til 1:30 pm on a Sunday.


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a_boleyn April 14 2014, 03:58:15 UTC
I came late to cooking and have only ever had to do it to feed myself and to 'play' in the kitchen trying out new recipes so it's still new and fun to me.


squid_ink April 14 2014, 12:55:56 UTC
that tart is beyond yum...!!! beautiful


a_boleyn April 14 2014, 14:01:57 UTC
Cutting it was fun ... the puff pastry was crisp and flaky.


anonymous April 15 2014, 21:45:55 UTC
You have had a busy weekend! Both the quiche and the tart look lovely. I like the idea of quince jam and fresh apples combination. I still must have some several years old quince jam in my pantry... I always seriously overlap apple slices in my tarts. They shrink so much! Sissi (http://www.withaglass.com)


a_boleyn April 15 2014, 21:56:00 UTC
I've had the quince jam in my fridge for ages as well. It was a good way to use up about 1/2 a cup. :) I expected SOME shrinkage of the apples but was surprised as to how much there actually was.


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