In case you were wondering ...

Apr 27, 2016 15:47

... I still have my moments of irreverent snark. These days they are often political. Here's one I recently posted on Facebook (with minor alterations for format):

This bill, requiring a 24 hour waiting period and a note from your partner detailing your sexual inadequacies in order to get Viagra, should not pass in its current form; it is simply ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

mundungus42 April 27 2016, 20:03:32 UTC

... )


a_bees_buzz April 27 2016, 20:07:34 UTC
It was, in my never humble opinion, one of my better moments. But yes, there is more of that sort of thing now and then.


dickgloucester April 28 2016, 06:49:04 UTC
It is LOVELY to see you, and I am using FB a bit as well. I'll PM you.


the_rainbow_jen April 28 2016, 14:35:33 UTC
BUZZY! I've missed your snark. May we be friends?


a_bees_buzz April 28 2016, 15:18:21 UTC
Of course. PM me your FB info and I'll friend request you.


shiv5468 April 29 2016, 06:02:53 UTC
I'm shiv pfeifferfour-sixate over there


a_bees_buzz April 29 2016, 06:54:32 UTC
Friend request sent. Also, of course you are! I should have guessed.


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