memes and some RL

Jan 13, 2012 12:41

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Comments 9

dickgloucester January 13 2012, 19:05:10 UTC
Please don't ever believe that it is your fault if your child is having problems. The circumstances of her life may be giving her some difficulty, but think about it - did you CHOOSE to be ill? No you did not. Plenty of children grow up in difficult circumstances and come out just fine. Yours will too, because you are doing your best to help her through this difficult time.

If it's any help, during the period when my parents' marriage was collapsing, I stole from my mother and I took comfort in sweet foods. I came through as a reasonably functional person, without psychologists getting involved.

This too shall pass. *hugs you*


a_bees_buzz January 13 2012, 19:13:27 UTC
"Please don't ever believe that it is your fault if your child is having problems."

I know this in my brain, just not in my gut.

I did stuff like that as a kid too, which is why it took quite a while for us to treat it as more than just general naughtiness. But the quantities involved, both of money and sugar, are huge, and it's constant regardless of what we do to discourage the behavior. The school got involved when she gave a $20 bill she took from my wallet to a classmate in return for the dessert in his lunch.

I'm actually pleased the shrink said OCD, as that is something that can "pass", in the sense of becoming manageable. We were worried about her having addiction issues, which are much more of a problem over the long term - in my worst moments, I was seeing sugar as a gateway drug to heroin and its ilk.


dickgloucester January 13 2012, 19:20:37 UTC
*even more hugs*


a_bees_buzz January 13 2012, 19:27:26 UTC
Thanks. I'll take all I can get.


julesndairyland January 13 2012, 22:55:50 UTC
While I am sure your illness is upsetting to everyone (including yourself) you are not the cause of your children's behavior. There are lot's of pressures and things that impact/influence our young people. Your illness just being a part. You are doing what responsible parents do and make sure she is getting help.



a_bees_buzz January 14 2012, 01:38:37 UTC
Thanks for that. I know you're right, and it does help to hear it, but when my little girl is hurting, any suggestion that I might be part of the problem hits hard.


julesndairyland January 14 2012, 03:17:58 UTC
TOTALLY hear you.



a_bees_buzz January 14 2012, 13:34:37 UTC

There's really nothing worse than knowing your kid isn't happy and not being able to fix it right away.


just dropping by to say psyfic February 27 2012, 01:57:08 UTC

... )


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