Journal Entry - August 27, 2001 - Morning

Aug 27, 2007 11:32

Mr Aidan Rhys seems to have no shortage of opinions, but I fail to see anything resembling hard truth or even conclusions among his ramblings. Instead, he appears to merely be spouting the same endless questions which have been bandied about in these journals and in various other public forums for years. Yes, these questions must ultimately be confronted, and answers found for the benefit of all. But Mr Rhys speaks as though he says something significant, and yet I see nothing of substance in his words. Tell me, Mr Rhys: What are you proposing the Ministry do? One moment you seem to advocate harsher restrictions on lycanthropes, the next you claim that the restrictions that have already been put in place constitute a 'circus' and that they 'do nothing'.

What shall we do, Mr Rhys? Shall we simply cut to the chase, destroy their wands, and confine them for the duration of their lives? Not a simple proposition. I imagine Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts School would be displeased to lose her prized Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Considering some of the others who have held that notorious position in recent years, I daresay many people would be displeased.

(To emphasize: Defense Against the Dark Arts. Having had the benefit of Professor Lupin's teaching in that class myself, I can say with confidence that Hogwarts will find no more capable individual to fill that post.)

I also put it to you that, of the crimes attributed to werewolves, none have been committed with a wand. Therefore of what use would removing their wands be? Surely it would be more effective to encourage them to become more closely involved in normal wizarding society, rather than leaving them no choice but to live outcaste? Setting aside for the moment the fruitless question of human rights and a lycanthrope's claim thereto, remember the adage about the cornered predator.

On an issue which stirs such extraordinarily powerful opinions in both directions, I am afraid that it is impossible to fully satisfy anyone. Accommodations, compromises, must be made in both directions. But the Ministry strives, as ever, to ensure both liberty and protection for all of its constituents - including those with the unfortunate condition of lycanthropy.

Percy Ignatius Weasley
Undersecretary to the Minister

[Private to Myself]

What am I doing?

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