Journal Entry - August 28, 2001 - Evening

Aug 28, 2007 05:51

I must confess I'm a bit at a loss.

It was an impulse, what I wrote yesterday. A mad impulse, I thought. I still don't entirely understand what prompted me to speak out so publicly - there was just a feeling that it needed to be done. Perhaps Ginny and Bill have infected me with their sympathies, I can't say. Still, it was most unlike me. Never one to stick my neck out for the axe, thank you.

Which is precisely what I thought I was doing. I expected scorn at best, censure at worst. I confess I half expected to be unemployed by day's end. I meant to speak in support of the Ministry, but I know that among my superiors, not everyone approves of a tolerant stance toward lycanthropes. I know this. It was a foolhardy thing to do, putting those words where anyone might read them.

And yet to my surprise, the response has been universally positive. People have... thanked me. Sincerely. It's quite astonishing. All my life I've done everything with the intent of pleasing people - my parents, my professors, my superiors - and yet the one time I do something with no such intention, I receive... approval. And from some quite unexpected sources.

What am I to make of this?
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