Bradley & Eoin - "Whither Would You Go?" Masterpost (16 March 2017) {Updated}

Mar 18, 2017 14:31

Photo credit: @WhitherWould                                                           Photo credit: BradleyJames   [My edit. Full version under cut].
Earlier photos and information can be found here and here.[Click for photos and more]
Bradley and Eoin posted some pics prior to their performance in the charity gala Whither Would You Go? in Los Angeles on 16 March
Via Bradley's Twitter and Instagram [16 March 2017].

Via Eoin's Twitter and Instagram [16 March 2017].

Tweets from Bradley and Eoin
@BradleyJames: Humbled by the company & humbled by the cause. If you think it one worthy of your attention please visit
@BradleyJames: What I lack in tweeting correct links I make up 4 with later tweeting the actual link. Whither would you go to...
@BradleyJames: Ella "Bradley would you like to do some Shakespeare?" Bradley "YES!!!!" Ella "Here's who you'll…

@EoinCMacken: A truly humbling experience. A wonderful, powerful, emotive and incredibly important night put…
@EoinCMacken: Hey @bradleyjames shall we do some Shakespeare on stage in Los Angeles mate.... in aid of…

darwynstheory:  We are all refugees until none of us are. Last night
the brilliant @ellabellsmith posed one of Shakespeare's most important
questions: Whither would you go? [My edit].

ewachsberg Such a wonderful evening last night at #WhitherWouldYouGo [My edit].

evitavos: Spent last night watching some amazing British actors on stage in a performance called "Whither Would You Go?" The actors read passages from Shakespeare and connected those stories to the plight of refugees in our world today. So moving, so beautifully done-- kudos to all involved [My edit].

BTS shot of Bradley at Whither Would You Go in LA on 16 March 2017. Original photo credit to iaindepotsticker (my edit).  new

BTS during rehearsals. Credit: Whither Would You Go? site (my edit).

Credit: Whither Would You Go? site new

Screencaps from a video taken by artestry after the Whither Would You Go? performance. Accompanying report can be read below the cut. This can also be read in a separate post with the accompanying report, here.  new

phantessmagoria: Nobility is defined by what you do, and not by who you are." -Gwaine, BBC Merlin
after tonight, @eoincmacken and @bradleyjames are certainly a couple of the noblest men I've had the pleasure of meeting. thank you both again for that video (I know @jessiiecake appreciated it) and for greeting me so warmly. it was an absolute delight meeting you and watching you act together! I look forward to your future projects!
phantessmagoria:  @bradleystrength we had a lovely conversation. they are both so kind, I'm so grateful they took the time to meet me at all!
phantessmagoria:  it's my privilege to share it! they were so nice to me and more importantly the performance held such a powerful message, so how could I not.

@phantessmagoria: I just watched @eoincmacken & @BradleyJames perform a scene from "As You Like It" for @WhitherWould. I truly hope I never forget it!

artesstry (Instagram) Can also be read with accompanying photos, here.  new
[Click for report][Part 1 of 4]
I've noticed this photo of me, Eoin Macken and Bradley James got a lot of attention when I first posted it on my main account, [phantessmagoria] and because the circumstances under which we met were for such a good cause, I feel the need to share the story behind it and hopefully spread the powerful message of #WhitherWouldYouGo.
Whither Would You Go? was a stage production that told the stories of individual refugees alongside Shakespearean scenes. As far as I'm aware, 100% of the proceeds went to the UN Refugee Agency, so the cast was not paid for their performances. They chose to be there and made the time to perform, and I think that makes this event all the more beautiful.
The program was arranged so that we'd watch a video showing the story of a refugee, and then the actors would enter the stage and perform a scene by Shakespeare. Some were grave while others were comical, but overall it was very engaging and very true to life. Ultimately, this was a night for refugees, and it was a reminder that *nobody chooses* to be a refugee. It is not a choice to be displaced, to be forced from your own home and leave everything you know behind, so we need to face this crisis with love first and foremost. Shakespeare knew that and provided a sense of compassion and empathy through his storytelling. The time to act is now, so please consider donating to the UN Refugee Agency if you can (link above). I know there are fans who wish they had been there but couldn't make it, but you can still be involved. We can all make a difference.
[Part 2 of 4]
SO. This brings me to how I managed to be there.
I would like to give a shout-out to @colinmorgan_and_bradleyjames because I probably never would have gone to this event had I not seen their post of the cast. I got home from school and was all settled in my bed at noon when I saw it; I hadn't realized the event was that very same day and not the 26th(when I would be out of town)! So I'd thought it would have been impossible for me to go. I probably couldn't have spared the money, but when I then read that 100% of proceeds would be going to the UN Refugee Agency, I decided: fuck it.
I bought my ticket and arrived at the venue at around 5pm, but doors weren't open yet so I killed time at a secondhand bookstore. Being a Tolkien nerd I went to look for anything Middle-Earth, but what did I find instead? A copy of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" and "Arthurian Romances."
Of course.
Anyway, I kept these books in my bag and went back to the venue. I found a seat one spot away from the aisle in the fourth row. If you read Part 1 then you know how I felt about the show overall, so I'm going to skip to Eoin and Bradley's performance for Part 3.
[Part 3 of 4]
Eoin and Bradley performed Act 2 Scene 7 from "As You Like It" alongside Jim Piddock as Jacques, Orlando and Duke Senior, respectively. It was probably one of the most engaging performances of the night, they took chances to interact with the audience and Bradley specifically poked fun at Stephen Fry (who wasn't even in the scene but gave the first performance of the night), so it was very hilarious to watch. I know Eoin and Bradley only from Merlin (but I am definitely changing that after all this), so seeing them perform live onstage was just something else. From a former theatre kid's perspective, they made such brilliant acting choices, I think I spent most of their performance with my hand over my mouth. (and keep in mind that ALL the actors in every scene had their scripts with them on stage, but if you didn't see them physically look down and refer to their lines as needed then you would not have been able to tell they weren't memorized).

To give you an idea as a Merlin fan, I found Bradley's portrayal of Orlando to be something of a combination of Merlin and Arthur, which made his act so much funnier. And Eoin, oh, when he delivered the "All the world's a stage" monologue I swear I saw a bit of Gwaine. I just appreciated their performance so much, agh, it was really really wonderful, and I'm going to stop myself now before I start gushing.
[Part 4 of 4]
After the cast went to the green room, I decided to wait in the auditorium for Eoin and Bradley. I told myself I was here in support of refugees, so if I have the chance to meet Gwaine and Arthur as well then I might as well freaking take it. When I finally saw Bradley walk by and Eoin followed, I approached Eoin first.
Okay. I will admit I was nervous and kept apologizing for whatever, but Eoin was just so understanding and assured me that I was fine. I gathered the courage to ask him if he had a minute to shoot a quick video for my little sister (@winjessters !!) and halfway through I noticed Bradley again so I asked him if he wouldn't mind saying hi as well. So, these photos are screenshots from that video. Please understand why I'd rather not post the video itself, as I'd like to keep it as a private memory for me and my sister. But I'm more than happy to share these great moments during the video! (Eoin's ✌️killed me hahaha)
Bradley had to run off afterwards but to my complete surprise and delight, Eoin continued to have a conversation with me! He was so kind, so genuine, I told him how brilliant he is and how much I enjoyed his performance, and I confessed that I had actually **just** finished Merlin a week ago pretty much six years late 😭 He laughed at that, and when it was time for us to part ways he told me to get home safe and I told him to take care. I passed by Bradley as I left the building and I thanked him again.
I actually saw them briefly again while I waited for my ride outside, but yeah, that was that.
The thing of which I am most proud though is the reason we were all brought together last night; it restored my faith in humanity and strengthened my belief that people can come together to make a difference. I want people to also know about the message of #WhitherWouldYouGo: we are not helpless, and there are always ways to enact change. Also, Whither Would You Go wants to go on tour to major cities, so please support the UN Refugee Agency by donating and going to see the production if they make it to a city near you!

bradleyjizzames (Tumblr) onetwo
[Click for report]Highlights:  For full report, click on link to open.
  • so the scene they did was scene 7 in ‘as you like it’, starting where orlando enters “running” (bradley panting, yes pls), bradley is orlando, eoin is jaques, and jim piddock is duke senior and the whole scene ended after jaques’ ‘all the world’s a stage’ monologue. the whole thing was about 5 minutes long. i’m not sure if the scene is meant to be comedic, but it was played out that way. they did tweak a bit from the lines to do so
  • it was SO GOOD, like SO SO GOOD
  • bradley’s comedy was delivered well and received laughs when necessary. esp when he’s pointing at a man in the crowd and screaming shrilly ‘HE DIES!’ a few times if they didn’t give him their oranges.
  • bradley does those slow/fake/ribbing punches at jim
  • bradley motions to eoin when he says the atmosphere is ‘savage’ and eoin looks all offended
  • jim gives bradley their oranges and invites him to sit on the bench (which can only fit three people), but eoin, not wanting to share, is blocking him from sitting. so instead of sitting on the other end like a normal person, bradley hip checks eoin/pushes eoin with his hip all the way to the other end so he’s sitting in the middle, right. up. against. each. other. all cozy like, and bradley’s all 😄😄😄 at him and eoin’s 😒😒😒 back. jim then sits on his other side and bradley continues to be just 😄😄😄 in the middle at everyone. it was cute and hilarious.
  • eoin’s ending monologue was good, but it probably could have been better if he had more than a day to prepare. his body language throughout the scene though was great.
  • at the end of the whole event, the whole cast goes up to do the standing ovation, but after doing so, and while a guy from UNHCR was talking, all the actors were still standing on stage with some space between them. guess who wasn’t???? yes you guessed it, bradley. in true bradley fashion, he’s got his arms propped up on eoin and lucy davis’ (the sidekick girl in wonder woman/david’s gf in shaun of the dead) shoulders. everyone else can keep their limbs to themselves except bradley 😂
    (did i forget to say that bradley was great bc he was. thought that would be implied lmao)
[Click for full report]

bradley's instagram, beautiful, hot, theatre, year: 2017, isn't he lovely, twitter, whither would you go, bradley's twitter, charity event, gorgeous, bts, friends, beard, looking fit, play, fan sighting, happy, absolutely adorable, instagram, laughing, eoin macken, look at that face, los angeles, candids, cheekbones

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