[John Egbert 069] Wind Waker ≈ Fourth Conduction ≈ [OPEN TEXT] ≈ [BACKDATED: WED. - NOON]

Jan 18, 2012 23:51

Greetings, everyone. I hope you are all currently well! I come to you with a matter of grave, grave importance. I hope you are all paying attention.

Come this Friday, thirty-six Non-Facility hours from now, we are going to start the systematic destruction of Facility 3.

We are doing this for one simple reason. We, -DECK, the Rebellion, and other such names- have always stated our goal is nothing less than escape from the Consortium's will. To that end, the leaders of the Rebellion have gathered our strongest members together and have told them on Friday, they are to exercise their full power in the destruction of everything around us. The mine, the desert itself - gone, vanished, demolished, brought to dust.

That isn't to say we plan to leave those who aren't affiliated with us - not to mention this week's guests -out in the cold. No, far from it. It is why I'm writing this to you all right now!

What we ask is that for those of you who have the power to cause mass destruction - if you seek escape, if you wish to avoid being put under the Consortium's thumb - join us! No one is turned away from an attack of this scale. The invisible ceiling and walls that contain us will be dismantled and destroyed as a show of coordination and force.

Of course, that's not saying the entire place is going to be a wasteland by the end of it all, either. For those without the means to cause mass destruction, this is your friendly warning, to find a place full of others to take shelter. The minute Friday hits, we will be striking, and I cannot honestly promise the entire town will remain untouched. There will be a few places that have already been outlined as shelters - the hotel and the mayor's house will remain untouched, and several other houses I expect will bring in people to shelter in the coming days. Can't honestly imagine the saloon will survive, though. Sorry in advance!

When I first brought everyone together, I had no idea that one day we would be staging something of this magnitude. I may have dreamed of it, but I had no idea when I would be bringing it together... or even if I'd still be a part of it.

That time has come, my friends.

Find shelter, those who want to avoid it, and we will make sure you will be safe. To those who wish to aid our destructive efforts - do not under any circumstances touch those shelters. That is my only stipulation in your aid. I don't want anyone who doesn't want to be involved being hurt.

We will do this. We will break down the Consortium. We will tear this place apart if we have to in order to ensure our freedom. That is what we stand for.

Have a marvelous Wednesday, Facility. This is Wind Waker, signing off.

rebellion, john egbert

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