Most of us here are sellers desperate clear out the items laying around that we don't use and looking to make a little money in the process. Today, let's make a different kind of list. Let's make a list beneficial to everyone.
Know some useful sites that buy your items and pay you? Know a good place to donate items directly to a good cause? Know a good site for putting certain kinds of items on sale? Know any other good resources the members here might find useful for making money? Let's trade links and information!
A few rules to keep this orderly:
Post Rules
✂ Put each new link in a new comment, and post only one link per comment.
✂ No posting links to your sales journals/communities anywhere in this post
✂ Post in this format:
Title of link/service in bold
link URL under the title Short description after a line under the link
✂ If you want to make a comment about a specific link or thank the user for posting the link, reply to the comment containing the link.
✂ You may NOT post paid survey/email reading/ad clicking/reward sites in a new comment. If you have a legitimate one to post, put it in a reply to the "Reward Sites" subtopic comment.
✂ You may NOT post LiveJournal communities in a new comment. If you have a useful one to post, put it in a reply to the "LiveJournals Communities" subtopic comment.
✂ No images, large fonts, colored fonts, blinking fonts, or sparkly fonts in this post
✂ Please only post links to sites that can either: help someone make extra money, help someone sell their items, help someone be a more effective seller, or help someone get rid of/donate their items.
Encouraged but not obligatory behavior:
✂ Thank the user if they post a link you find useful!
✂ Promote this post to your friends list! Get everyone you can to join in! More people = more useful links!
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