lol giant television post

Sep 23, 2009 20:47

My mom is watching "Mercy", and when Lead Doctor Chick promptly started gettin' it on with Random Doctor Guy while they were walking down the hallway, I posed the question "so... what makes this different from Grey's Anatomy?" and got no real response. I take this to mean there is none. Oh, hospital shows. Can there ever be too many of you? I ( Read more... )

ask the audience, big bang theory, doctor who

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Comments 45

christycorr September 24 2009, 01:19:09 UTC
I am so torn. Both episodes are pretty horrible. I like Rose's dress in The Idiot's Lantern, though, and the Olympics scene always makes me grin. Aah.


_thirty2flavors September 24 2009, 01:25:31 UTC
LIRL That is pretty much how I feel. It's basically one for one. I mean, the crayon people suck. But the Wire sucks just as much.


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_thirty2flavors September 24 2009, 01:29:07 UTC
I liked that they humanized Sheldon a little by showing that he really could be hurt, and justly so. Unfortunately, the ending devalued that significantly with its quick fix. :(

Exactly! I think it was just the easy fix/quick ending that bothered me. If they'd actually let it play out for a while, I probably would've liked it more. But fixing it so easily sort of assumes it was just played for laughs which makes me kind of scratch my head. And I mean, I don't watch for character arcs either, but that's what's going to make me really love a show, and so far they have failed to deliver that.

whereas the shippy parts of "Fear Her" are the only reason I tolerate that episode at all. :-|

lol, I feel that way about both of them, which brings it to sort of a tie.


la_petite_singe September 24 2009, 01:26:50 UTC
They do the quick-fix too often, IMO. As much as I love the show, it's annoying how all the plotlines are kinda contained within one episode, like when Sheldon got canned in S1 and they had to call his mother. Then again, I love his mother. So, y'know, conflict. Definitely needs moar Leslie, though. I love the way she calls Sheldon "dumbass." :D


_thirty2flavors September 24 2009, 01:36:37 UTC
The sitcom reset button is kind of irritating, and this show does tend to use it a lot.

it's annoying how all the plotlines are kinda contained within one episode

Yeah, this. I dunno, I don't feel like there's much character development or anything because everything stays so contained.

I love Leslie.


papilio_luna September 24 2009, 01:32:34 UTC
The Doctor running with the Olympic torch and "feel the love" <<<<<< everything I actually don't mind Fear Her up until that point, but those moments are SO bad that it totally sullies the rest of the episode.


_thirty2flavors September 24 2009, 01:41:25 UTC
I don't know, every time I try to come to a decision in this debate something surfaces to make me reconsider.

I mean... the TV eats faces. While saying "feed me".


lacunaz September 24 2009, 01:35:12 UTC

I have started to watch BBT (halfway through s2), and I like it insofar that it's harmless sitcom fun, and I would probably stop watching if Sheldon weren't hilarious. Leonard/Penny bores me, but it's nice as background stuff while I'm doing non-challenging school related things.


_thirty2flavors September 24 2009, 01:47:55 UTC
That's pretty much how I feel about Big Bang Theory. I don't expect great things, it's just... yeah, I dunno.


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