hooray tv

Oct 19, 2012 13:07

Well I thoroughly enjoyed all my shows this week (and by "this week" I mean "yesterday" because that's when everything airs, ugh), it's nice when that happens.

Parks & Rec. )

community, the office, elementary, parks & rec

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Comments 11

captaintish October 19 2012, 18:58:41 UTC
LOL, Creed.

I was sort of hoping that Erin would go tell Andy off for being the way he's being (which I'm still mind-boggling over, because it is SO OUT OF THE BLUE), but the way it worked out was actually better for his character, because it showed he still has some goodness in him, I guess.

Yeah, I didn't like this ep as much as the last one, but it was better than the first two of the season, so that's good?

All the gifs of Elementary make me want to try it again (I watched about 5 minutes of the premiere before losing interest), but UGH, CRIME PROCEDURALS. Tell me truly, is it less boring than most crime dramas?


_thirty2flavors October 19 2012, 19:42:22 UTC
Yeah I was hoping for Erin to tell him off too, especially because he's been a prick to her recently as well -- but I get why they did it the way they did. I'm curious to see if the Nellie/Andy animosity continues or if this was kind of their way of putting it to rest a bit? I can see it going either way ( ... )


captaintish October 20 2012, 00:43:03 UTC
Oh my, that post on Tumblr where you're talking about him- it's like YOU BORROWED MY BRAIN, TOOK OUT ALL MY THOUGHTS ABOUT ANDY AND PUT THEM IN ARTICULATE FORM. THANK YOU. (Hee, I just discovered how to do caps lock on my iPad). "Irritating but harmless" is the best description for Andy that I've heard. For me he even graduated to "kinda loveable" - enough that I was totally shipping him and Erin. And now in this episode I was actually rooting for her to break up with him.


shinyopals October 19 2012, 18:59:10 UTC

and in the ACD stories he's sort of both... he has to be right about things b/c that's what he does, but you get a sense he actually cares about the people involved and wants to help them. So yeah, HE WORKS.

Looking forward to next week for Joan being awesome.


_thirty2flavors October 19 2012, 20:02:12 UTC
HMMM good to know. I don't particularly concern myself with whether or not Elementary is "canon" but I did wonder a bit since people didn't seem to agree.


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_thirty2flavors October 19 2012, 19:53:34 UTC
It's not quite up there for me yet, and I didn't like the premiere all that much, but the other three episodes, particularly last week's, I've enjoyed a fair amount. It reminds me about of s7 which is what I was hoping for -- I thought s7 had been their strongest in a long time, because with writing out Michael they had something to aim for. Now they have to wrap up everyone's stories, and I think that kind of direction really helps them ( ... )


zombie_boogie October 20 2012, 04:10:30 UTC
I've been up and down on Tom, but I thoroughly enjoyed him this week. I think what made his storyline really click was the loving details - the references were so specific that it was clear that someone internet-obsessed wrote them.

I've thought all the cases on Elementary have been fine. Nothing like ~oooh spectacular, but enough to keep me interested. This week's was particularly good for what it brought out in Sherlock - I really, really liked seeing him being so openly vulnerable and frustrated with regards to this kid. It brought out an interesting side to him. I really like the humanity they bring to this Holmes - he obviously enjoys being clever and unravelling mysteries for the sake of the mental challenge, but you can also clearly tell that he has a lot of empathy too. He got mad at that guy in the pilot for exploiting someone mentally ill, he warned the woman last week about defending her evil twin, and this week he seemed very rattled by this kid. He's not just a mystery solving robot. The way they play his assholery is ( ... )


_thirty2flavors October 20 2012, 05:31:13 UTC
Yeah, the danger with jokes like that is sometimes you can tell they haven't been written by someone who's really in the know -- just surface-level jokes. P&R is generally pretty good about going past that, which I've appreciated before when they reference stuff I know (like Harry Potter, Twilight, Game of Thrones) and appreciated again here. And LOL god his real-life "pinterest" board just killed me.

Yeah, I really liked Sherlock this week. He had his moments of being a dick, but he apologized and seemed to learn from them which is the important thing with me. And more specifically, like you said, I appreciated how invested in the case he got -- especially when he was trying to convince Gregson to let him talk to Adam and was like "you know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize a little girl's life". Having him be so concerned about the vicitms is a really good, humanizing touch. It makes him seem like a real person, or at any rate at least a hero I'm more inclined to root for.


lorelaisquared October 20 2012, 08:03:47 UTC
Parks and Rec was AWESOME last night! I often find Tom to be a bit too annoying and OTT but last night he was hilarious. His paper iPhone and fake pintrest board were hilarious. And Ron trying to help him get rid of his addiction by taking him into the woods was hysterical. It's not often we get these two alone together and it was comedy gold ( ... )


_thirty2flavors October 20 2012, 20:10:55 UTC
Yeah I'd be interested to see this Leslie story develop. Leslie's generally her best when she has something to overcome and it sounds like this would be a good thing to create that. I hope it isn't just totally forgotten about by the next episode because it was only a plotpoint for this one.

April and Ben ARE hilarious. I'm a bit sad they're away from the rest of the group, but at the same time getting Ben away from Leslie for a bit is doing wonders for me lol. I don't mind Ben/Leslie in theory but I find both of them more interesting as characters independently of each other, and putting them in a long-distance relationship is allowing for a lot of Leslie/other people Ben/other people scenes, which I'm really enjoying. HOWEVER I miss Ben and Tom interacting because that was some of my favourite interaction.

I MISS COMMUNITY SO MUCH. I have gone from being wary of s4 to just being really impatient for the show to come back. Even that little clip made me so excited to see everyone again. COME BAAAACK.


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