as you can see my life is riveting

Jul 26, 2012 20:44

I. So the perks of being unemployed, I guess, is that yesterday my friend Tania called and was like "if you can get here in half an hour you can go to Calypso with my company for free", to which naturally I was like "SURE!" I guess they'd paid for 20 people or whatever but some dropped out last minute so they were trying to fill the spaces. Score ( Read more... )

life the universe and everything, twilight is so damn funny, doctor who

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Comments 54

rosaxx50 July 27 2012, 00:56:10 UTC
Poor Matt Smith, honestly. It's not his fault Eleven's scripts fall down flat in character development.

And emotional arcs.


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 01:05:11 UTC
I think Matt is a good person to play the Doctor, but I think Eleven is pretty terrible -- which, yeah, isn't Matt's fault, but... idk, what can you do? I saw some interview at Comic-Con where they asked Matt to talk about how his Doctor had developed and he gave some really vague circular answer, presumably because Eleven has no character development to speak of (unless that development was "became a raging asshole").

There was some quote floating around yesterday that suggested both Matt and Moffat plan to stay for s8 in 2014 and I'm like UGH GET OUT ALREADY.

It IS too bad thouhg because I think under another showrunner, Matt would've made an excellent Doctor. And I did really like him in s5. But I think s6 pretty permanently derailed Eleven, River and the Ponds, so I think we need some fresh starts. Now it's Clara's turn to have her character destroyed!


rosaxx50 July 27 2012, 03:11:10 UTC
Same here. I still love the Ponds and I like River, but Eleven...

Noooo, Clara, run away!

What's happening RE: Pattison and Kirsten Stewart? I have heard nothing about it.


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 03:18:52 UTC
It would take a LOT for Eleven to win me back. I don't really see it happening.

lmao. Rpattz and Kstew were dating and it just came out that she's been having an affair with the director from Snow White & The Huntsman -- who is 41, married and has two kids. There's like 50+ pap photos of them gettin' it on in a car together, and the news just broke a couple days ago. RPattz has moved out of their shared apartment, KStew issued a public apology, the director's wife threw some shade on instagram before she deleted her twitter account, etc. "Robsten" fans went from clinging to the idea that it's a lie and a photoshop and etc etc to clinging to the idea that it's a PR stunt, because I guess they'd rather believe KStew is a person who'd use adultery as a PR stunt rather than someone who would just have an affair.

As ONTD goes, it's basically the holy grail of drama.


(The comment has been removed)

_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 01:08:28 UTC
It's incredible! And LOL all the songs ONTD keeps posting in the comments -- I've had "Hit 'Em Up Style" stuck in my head for two or three days now. And apparently I still know all the words.


moonphased July 27 2012, 01:18:36 UTC
*waves* Hi there! Sorry to butt in but I figured I'd at least say hello since I kinda... sorta... saw you on the Doctor-Rose Fix comm at one point and was like, "Can I friend this person, I wonder??" Hello! ^_^

I feel a warm and fuzzy feeling, seeing that big ol' 59%... ;)

I try not to judge Eleven too much, but I knew early on when I started watching Doctor Who that David Tennant was already destined to be my Doctor (story for another time), but after watching S5 I kind of... yeah, I was at a point where I was wondering if it was just me, if I wasn't giving Matt Smith's era enough of a chance. While I still do enjoy what I've seen, his Doctor just doesn't spark the same kind of emotional attachment I got (almost instantly) with other Doctors.... even Tom Baker and Paul McGann's Doctors did a bit more for me.

I may get that issue of EW just cuz, now... *LOL*


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 01:38:50 UTC
Hey no problem! Most of my fandom posts are public so you are welcome to friend me.

Haha ikr? I love being validated by internet polls! It's like Rose's continuing popularity in them.

I think I was quite fair to Eleven and resent any implication that the only reason I don't like him is because I'm not ~over~ Ten, or whatever. I don't like Eleven because I don't like how Steven Moffat writes the Doctor, which has nothing to do with Matt Smith OR David Tennant. (And indeed I tend not to like how Steven Moffat writes Ten, either.) But it was really s6 that killed it for me -- after s5 I had a lot of warm fuzzy feelings about Eleven, but by now they've mostly evaporated.

And I think it's nice that Nine comes in at a pretty respectable 4th place, rather than just being lost in "the rest" like One/Two/Three/Five/Six/Seven/Eight.


sherrilina July 27 2012, 05:56:23 UTC
ITA, re: 11. I mean, it was a transition between Nine and Ten as well, but I managed to love Ten, and still love Nine almost as much, far more than I've ever loved Eleven. Really the only times I've actually loved him are in the Craig epps, since he seems to have a magical sympathetic/funny character effect on Eleven, lol.


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 06:19:30 UTC
Yeah. I mean, I'm not expecting Eleven to ~wow~ me as much as Ten. I fully expect to never like a Doctor as much as I like Ten, and that's fine. I can like them without them being my very favourite. I love Nine lots. My reasons for being unimpressed with Eleven have nothing to do with him not being played by David Tennant. I'm GLAD David Tennant left before s5. So, whatever, fandom, bite me.

lol and on the tumblr notes for that graphic I saw someone all THEY ONLY VOTED FOR TEN BECAUSE HE'S HOT. Yeppp. Silly women blinded by lust ofc.


mrv3000 July 27 2012, 01:22:36 UTC


IV. Yay Ten!


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 01:40:26 UTC
I'm not sure if anyone else noticed BUT I DID.

I've also been listening to:

I'm proud of Nine too! LOOK AT HIM, COMING IN 4TH. lololol


johnmayergirl23 July 27 2012, 01:32:16 UTC
omg ontd has been sustaining me. i love everything that's been happening. Kristmas in July '12 lololol

lol oh ten. I am always sorely tempted to vote for Eight because NO ONE LOVES HIM but i have this weird fondness for him.


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 01:42:30 UTC
IT'S SO RIDICULOUS. Total Eclipse of the Heart '12 lmao

LOL NO ONE LOVES EIGHT BECAUSE ALL HE HAS TO HIS NAME IS A SHITTY TV MOVIE AND SOME AUDIOS NO ONE HAS LISTENED TO. I don't dislike Eight but I do always get a kick out of his really butthurt fans. Like, it's pretty clear the reason Eight has so few fans is because HE HAD NO SEASONS lmao.

Of the Classic Doctors he might rank pretty highly with me though tbh. Higher than like... Six, whom I already pre-emptively hate just based on gifsets, anyway.


johnmayergirl23 July 27 2012, 01:59:28 UTC
that video from nuttymadam sent me over the edge. i didn't want to laugh so much but oh my goddd

lol i love Eight's shitty movie because he is so ... weird and floppy haired and proper. He just was so endearing.

Haha, I have no love for Six or Seven and am pretty indifferent to One, Two, and Three, for the most part. Four and Five are lulzy enough for me to like them


_thirty2flavors July 27 2012, 02:02:55 UTC
it doesn't help that ONTD keeps having me listen to Cry Me A River, Take a Bow, Hit 'Em Up Style, etc as a beautiful soundtrack to this whole thing

Eight's move is hilarious and I found it more entertaining than most of Classic Who tbf. The rest of the Classic Doctors kind of blend into one for me, I don't have a preference. I'm pressed that Two's stuff is all black and white though, because I ain't here for that, but I think I'd really like Two otherwise (I did see him in ~The Three Doctors~).

But I mean tbh whatever we all know my token interest in Classic Who is just that and I am really here for New Who.


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