as you can see my life is riveting

Jul 26, 2012 20:44

I. So the perks of being unemployed, I guess, is that yesterday my friend Tania called and was like "if you can get here in half an hour you can go to Calypso with my company for free", to which naturally I was like "SURE!" I guess they'd paid for 20 people or whatever but some dropped out last minute so they were trying to fill the spaces. Score one for unemployment! It was quite fun. I've been several times before but never for FREE! lol, and also this was the first time I've been there that wasn't a Saturday and 40C outside, so it was a bit cooler and less crowded which was nice.

However the last thing we did was this ride:

We went on twice because there was literally no line. The first time was fun and unventful. The second time, at the bottom, I SOMEHOW FLEW OFF MY MAGIC CARPET THING and skidded a few feet on my own. While my boobs came out of my bathing suit. SO that was nice.

II. The other thing my unemployment has brought me is way too much knowledge of THE CHEATING SAGA: BREAKING ROB '12, as ONTD would call it. I don't care about Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart and yet I am drawn to these posts. Such is my life. The delusional stans on Tumblr coming up with conspiracy theories are hilarious though!

III. On Saturday I'm heading over to Montreal to see Joel McHale's mysterious show and hang with sweetcherrytree, which should be fun. Hurrah!

IV. Lastly, I guess Entertainment Weekly is doing a Doctor Who issue. Or more specifically a "cult classics" issue or something with DW on the front and a big article about it, w/e I don't care much except for this:


life the universe and everything, twilight is so damn funny, doctor who

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