fic exchange one-shot: 13 steps to the end of the world

Jan 09, 2008 20:23

So the Christmas Fic Exchange posted its reveals, which means I have the liberty to shamelessly pimp what I wrote... lirl.

Title: Thirteen Steps to the End of the World
Rating: PG-13
Characters & Ships: James/Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter
Prompt: "The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire." (for SatiriseRead more... )

fic, remus lupin, twilight is so damn funny, peter pettigrew, one-shot, lily evans, sirius black, james potter

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Comments 11

emerald_caprice January 10 2008, 02:34:01 UTC
he'll always be cedric.

and for some reason, he'll always look like he just did a shit ton of heroin.


_thirty2flavors January 10 2008, 02:36:28 UTC

which is what makes it awesome. twilight fandom's like "GASPARD ULLIEL PLZ" and summit entertainment's like "NO we got the crack addict from harry potter."

honestly, I have nothing against Robert Pattinson, and I kind of hate Eddie anyway, but it's still hilarious as hell.

also, Scrubs is the best show ever.


emerald_caprice January 10 2008, 03:25:23 UTC
ok, I had no idea who Gaspard Ulliel was so I looked him up, and, uh, he's kind of funny lookin'.

I much prefer Harry's man-crush (because you know he totally had one), Cedric.

honestly, the twilight fandom is a scary, scary, screaming-fan-girl place. I tried to look for a decent Bella-as-a-vampire fic one time and TOTALLY despaired.

and yes, Scrubs is made of awesome. sometimes i spend vast amounts of time on youtube just watching clips of Turk and J.D. dancing.


_thirty2flavors January 10 2008, 03:38:04 UTC
I think Gaspard is pretty cute, but still, get over it kidssss. he was clearly never going to play Edward anyway. Plus Pattinson is cute on screen, or when he doesn't look like he's done lots of drugs.

it is. I don't know what it is about Edward's cheesy lines but they reduce almost every girl into a giggling mass, or something. some of the fics are okay, but the thing I find is that they're all the same. if they aren't edward/bella fluff then they're jacob/bella angst. the end.

Scrubs is one of my more recent amazing television discoveries and I have since watched every damn episode online because it is fantastic. it's basically how I spent the last like, three weeks. lirl. I adore... basically every character, though Elliot is probably at the bottom of that list. Turk and Dr Cox are basically my heroes.


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_thirty2flavors January 10 2008, 18:18:32 UTC
Aw, thank you! I was quite happy with how it turned out. =) Plus it was fun to write them from start to finish.

I am pretty indifferent towards him too, though I think I lean towards casual affection just because the kid is cute in a completely drugged way. Plus I love that he made the Twilight fandom explode. Major cool points for that.


anotherdreamer5 January 10 2008, 06:52:06 UTC

So I think that you already know that I am a huge fangirl of your work, so I am especially stoked to find out that you wrote Thirteen Steps to the End of the World. I would feel weird reposting my review from the ficexchange to the one that you posted, so I hope that you checked it on your own. Because that fic was practically perfect. So wonderful.



_thirty2flavors January 10 2008, 18:34:56 UTC
Your review was amazing! I was sad that I couldn't reply to it because it was on the ficexchange account, lol. But anyway, yes, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and your review was awesome. It was practically the length of the fic itself, lol.


anotherdreamer5 January 10 2008, 23:21:07 UTC
yeah, that's a problem I have. I write ridiculously long reviews. But whatever. it's all just to let the person know there work mattered to me. and that can't be that bad to hear, can it?


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_thirty2flavors January 10 2008, 18:20:27 UTC
Heee, thanks!

Haha, I figure basically the same thing. Edward is an irritating, arrogant and way-too-cheesy bastard, but the fact that it's Pattinson is funny enough to make me want to see the movie. (Who am I kidding? I was going to see it anyway... the hilarity, it calls to me.)

Did you read the Edward casting post at ontd? It is made of WIN and that's where I stole the above image from, lol.


satirise January 12 2008, 02:28:12 UTC
I just wanted to randomly stop by and place roses at your feet for the fic you wrote. It was brilliant, I loved it. :)

Thanks again!


_thirty2flavors January 12 2008, 19:18:02 UTC
No problem! I loved the prompt, it gave me a nice chance to write a story that follows them from begining to end, and a chance to analyse Peter more than I've ever really done before. Glad you liked it. =)


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