fic exchange one-shot: 13 steps to the end of the world

Jan 09, 2008 20:23

So the Christmas Fic Exchange posted its reveals, which means I have the liberty to shamelessly pimp what I wrote... lirl.

Title: Thirteen Steps to the End of the World
Rating: PG-13
Characters & Ships: James/Lily, Sirius, Remus, Peter
Prompt: "The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire." (for Satirise at
Summary: Thirteen steps to the end of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs.
Excerpt: “Oh, just the way the lot of you - you’re very - I don’t know - exclusive. You’re all four in your own little world and while most of the time I’m convinced it’s a world of utter chaos and madness and stupidity, at times it seems like a much better alternative to a world of war and doom and gloom.”

Huzzah! And kudos to christycorr for actually putting this gigantic migraine together.



hundred-and-ten year old virgin never-been-kissed my ass.


fic, remus lupin, twilight is so damn funny, peter pettigrew, one-shot, lily evans, sirius black, james potter

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