a fic rec, some fanart and some babbling

Aug 03, 2011 13:54

I. A Doctor/River rec? In MY lj? It's more likely than you think! To Make Us Children over at sail_your_sea is a nice look at the complications of a backwards relationship through the lens of the five stages of grief. PG, ~1000 words.

II. Through a coincidental Google today I found the greatest piece of Community fanart that ever has existed or ever will Read more... )

i have impeccable taste, life the universe and everything, harry potter, the office, doctor who, community, do i need to make actor tags?, hrh catherine tate

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Comments 26

sherrilina August 3 2011, 20:03:22 UTC
Heh, I am with you on the dress thing, though I'm trying to branch out more wardrobe-wise...

With Pottermore I feel like any information revealed will be all over Tumblr and LJ soon enough...


_thirty2flavors August 3 2011, 21:16:48 UTC
I'm sure it will, but I wanna see for myself!


(The comment has been removed)

_thirty2flavors August 3 2011, 21:18:01 UTC
Well registration opens like quasi-randomly lol, so it may have not opened yet when you checked this morning.

Yeah I am not a big fan. I've read a lot of Ten/Donna fic by virtue of wanting Ten-and-Donna fic and there not being much of it that isn't shippy, but it never rings true to me and skeeves me out just a little. I wish more friendship fic existed for them.


fauxkaren August 3 2011, 21:02:34 UTC
I'll probably have an extra account soon. lol. I don't really like the assigned named that I ended up with (RookGalleon6), so I've been reregistering with my secondary email in hopes of trying to get a better username. SO if I'm successful in that, I will give you old name and keep the new one.

Spader's character was really funny, so I'm glad he'll be on the show. But I really would love it if Catherine got to come back on the show too. FINGERS CROSSED.

I wish more post-Midnight fic existed that didn't involve Ten and Donna having sex.

... )


_thirty2flavors August 3 2011, 21:27:06 UTC
LOL THE NAMES ARE HYSTERICAL. Well let me know if you do bb!

I had a hard time imagining Spader full-time on the show, I felt like they didn't really give any of the interviewees a shot although I do think Nellie was the most Michael-like. I can see Spader in a regular-but-not-lead position, which they've given him, but I liked Kathy Bates so I'm sort of sad Jo is gone.

LOL OMFG SO MANY EXIST. I guess because it's like the ultimate potential for hurt/comfort fic? But bahhhh Ten/Donna sex. OMG LOL there's this one post-Midnight fic that I've been tricked into, like, twice now, and I say "tricked into" because innevitably I start reading and it's well-written and they feel in character and I am like YES OMG BFFOTP MIDNIGHT FIC AMAZING and then SUDDENLY Ten is all 'hey you know what would make me feel better' and Donna is all like LOL WELL WHAT ARE FRIENDS FOR and I am like

... )


fauxkaren August 4 2011, 00:19:34 UTC
Yeah I wouldn't love Spader every week, but I love the idea of him as a recurring character. His interactions with Dwight in the finale were really funny. I think he'll add a fun new dynamic to the show.



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