a fic rec, some fanart and some babbling

Aug 03, 2011 13:54

I. A Doctor/River rec? In MY lj? It's more likely than you think! To Make Us Children over at sail_your_sea is a nice look at the complications of a backwards relationship through the lens of the five stages of grief. PG, ~1000 words.

II. Through a coincidental Google today I found the greatest piece of Community fanart that ever has existed or ever will exist.

III. Am I the only one in the universe who has not registered for Pottermore? I feel as though I am. I generally gave up when it seemed like registration was opening at 4AM EST, but apparently today it was around 11! AND NO ONE TOLD ME UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE. BOOOOOURNS. If someone were up to the task of registering for me I'd appreciate it, but I've probably missed that boat. I'm not DYING to get in, but ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING IT and I WANNA GO TO HOGWARTS :(

IV. You know what is a fantastic episode of Doctor Who? Midnight. Just throwing that out there. I wish more post-Midnight fic existed that didn't involve Ten and Donna having sex. And yeah that means if you have recs I will read them.

V. The Office continues to be a filthy tease:

With Robert set as CEO - although executive producer Paul Lieberstein says they'd love to have Robert's former competition, Nellie Bertram, return once Catherine Tate finishes a run in a play - there will still be a vacancy for the managerial slot at Dunder Mifflin. (Source)

The Office is a sinking ship but MOAR CATHERINE TATE ON MY TV ALWAYS! Also I choose to believe that quote indicates "we totally wanted to hire her but she was busy".

VI. In an incredibly uncharacteristic decision the other day, I stopped to buy shoes, and then discovered a 3-for-1 sale was on, and came away with 3 dresses, 2 pairs of shoes and a scarf (because at that point I was tired of trying stuff on) for about $120. I don't remember the last time I voluntarily purchased a dress for a non-specific occasion, let alone the last time I purchased three, but there you have it. This fits with the fact that I actually went out of my way to buy makeup the other day, eyeshadow and eyeliner and everything. I don't know, I guess I am nurturing a futile dream that one day I will break out of my cocoon and transform into a beautiful butterfly.

VII. For a very long post, this feels pretty uninformative. I would do a meme but there don't seem to be any going around besides the ship quote one which I already did. Hmmm.

i have impeccable taste, life the universe and everything, harry potter, the office, doctor who, community, do i need to make actor tags?, hrh catherine tate

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