fic: fresh start

Nov 09, 2009 21:34

Title: Fresh Start
Rating: G
Length: ~1,300
Spoilers?: Set within Journey's End
Characters/Pairings: Ten2/Rose, with hints of Donna, Martha, Mickey, Jack and Ten
Summary: On board the TARDIS, the part-human Doctor gets his first chance to talk to Rose Tyler.
Excerpt: The Doctor watched Jack and Rose hug, suddenly acutely aware that he hadn’t hugged ( Read more... )

mickey smith, martha jones, fic, the doctor, doctor who, doctordonna friends, ten/rose, donna noble, jack harkness, rose tyler

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Comments 45

quean_of_swords November 10 2009, 03:34:56 UTC
Oh, poor Ten II, all squiggly stomached and nervous about a girl. Love Donna's reaction (Are you 13?). Hehe. ^_^


_thirty2flavors November 10 2009, 03:45:52 UTC
Thank you! lol, I think Dona would get a huge kick out of watching the Doctor try and woo someone.


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_thirty2flavors November 10 2009, 03:48:18 UTC
I'm always sort of sad we didn't get to see more of Donna with this Doctor, because I do think the two of them would be hilarious, and I think the sort of brother/sister bond they have would only be emphasized by the metacrisis.

Thank you!


johnmayergirl23 November 10 2009, 03:53:48 UTC
Donna/Cloen interaction is always a delight.

And, as usual, Rose's characterization was spot on.



_thirty2flavors November 10 2009, 03:56:31 UTC
I wish Donna and Cloen had more time to interact in canon, they'd be so epically Fred-and-George-y. AltDonna is all well and good but it's not quite the same.



johnmayergirl23 November 10 2009, 04:01:09 UTC
You just don't get interaction like this from AltDonna.

... )


sapphire_child November 10 2009, 05:14:26 UTC
Just butting in to say that I could watch that gif all day XD EPIC scene of WIN. And I adore David's eyebrows *^_^*


goldy_dollar November 10 2009, 04:09:23 UTC
It was meant to be teasing, and he supposed he ought to at least act offended, but he was preoccupied with the fact that she was grinning at him. Her tongue was wedged between her teeth just the way he remembered, and judging from the empirical evidence, Rose Tyler’s grin had the unique ability to liquefy the brains of otherwise highly-intelligent human/Time Lord metacrises.

I think I said it in my commentary, but I really do have a special love for Spazz!Cloen. I wish we'd seen more of him. I'm glad that you picked up on what could have been.


_thirty2flavors November 10 2009, 12:12:45 UTC
I think he'd be kind of awkward around her with Ten still looming around, especially because I think Rose would be sort of awkward aroudn him and it would just...feed off each other.



morrighangw November 10 2009, 04:45:23 UTC


_thirty2flavors November 10 2009, 17:44:43 UTC


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