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Comments 17

stars_inthe_sky November 9 2007, 05:59:35 UTC
Many thanks and bunnies (which, at 1 am, seemed like a good way to express my gratitude)!


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 06:01:42 UTC

I might fail at time management. Or I might just really need sleep. Bunnies are nice.


misswritten November 9 2007, 06:04:55 UTC
Oh my gosh that was so awesome. I loveloveloved it!! =) I think the little conversation in Part 4 was my favorite.


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 06:10:47 UTC
Yay I'm glad you liked it! For some reason now I reallyreally like Martha? (Also, I used to have out loud conversations with myself in my bathroom at home and I can't do that here, because, y'know, other people walk into the bathroom. Problematic.)


misswritten November 9 2007, 13:21:43 UTC
Oh same. At first I was like 'that's not Rose! I want her back!' but as the season progressed, she made Rose look like an idiot.

Heh communal bathrooms. I mean, I could never stand to commute (and I couldn't being 2 1/2 hrs from home) but I do miss my own bathroom. My shower gets bigger every time I go home. haha


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:36:06 UTC
By the time I go home for the summer I'm pretty sure my shower will have grown to the size of a small planet. (Perhaps it's like the TARDIS and bigger on the inside? Perhaps I'm romanticizing home from my 100 sq ft room? Both of these seem equally likely.)


takemeto_utopia November 9 2007, 07:42:29 UTC
I'm really into this factured short stories at the moment (I dunno... is there a fannon term for them?) so I'm really glad I clicked on this link. I love 1-3, because I'm always interested to read about how Martha deals with living like a normal person again. Thanks for a great read!


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:36:34 UTC
You got me - I never know fannon terms for anything. But I'm glad you enjoyed! ♥


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_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:36:47 UTC


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_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:40:39 UTC
Oh, I'm so, so glad you liked, then! I'm still a little uncomfortable about the HP one - the shift seems a little bit too sudden to me - but I'm kindasorta loving writing Martha write now, so I'm glad you liked that one! I think she's perfectly capable of being sucessful and happy in her own world and never seeing the Doctor again, but if she's got the option, y'know? Plus, don't you love how odd memories just stike you at random times and then suddenly they're all you can think about? (Is that just me?)


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_starrystarry November 10 2007, 05:44:58 UTC
That feeling you're describing - that *facepalm* feeling - so just how I spent the last hour. Talking to one of my friends and apparently only capable of discussing last year, last everything. I have no idea where it came from and honestly it's pretty disquieting.

See, that's why I loved the Martha finale - it's not just the whole "I can't deal with being in love with you and you not noticing me" because I was not a huge fan of that plot line, but the "I'm a doctor and I've got a job to do" that really got to me. I think the Doctor needs people to need him, and Martha doesn't, and that's what's so different about their relationship as opposed to his with Rose.

(Apparently I feel like sharing my Doctor Who philosophy around 1 in the morning? Sorry about that...)

Also, icon love. Still not sure how I feel about blonde!Cameron, but that icon's gorgeous.


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