We're the kings and queens of the dancehall craze

Nov 09, 2007 00:30

stars_inthe_sky  - something about the (now not so recently released...) news about HP&co. PG, Harry, Hermione. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows, obvi.

There’s A Boy Somewhere Holding Hands With Himself

This is what it feels like to be alone, Hermione thinks.

Harry is three feet away, trying to sleep with the horcrux around his neck, and his face so tense she thinks if she punched him his features might shatter. Then his scar would lie broken across the floor and this, this unorganized search for something neither of them understands, would be over.

(And Ron would come back.)

“What do you think Dumbledore would tell you to do?” Hermione asks Harry. He opens his eyes and they’re cold.

“I don’t know, do I?” he shoots back, sitting upright with a sharp squeak of the bedsprings. “He never told me damn much of anything.”

They stare at each other and Hermione thinks to ask What would Ron tell you to do but she doesn’t say the name. Also, she thinks she knows what Ron would say, and it wouldn’t be particularly helpful to anyone.

(But it would make them laugh.)

“I wonder,” Harry starts. Then he stops until Hermione looks at him, locks her eyes with his. “I wonder if Dumbledore ever felt like I do now.”

“I think he must have,” she says. And Harry gives silent thanks for the Hermione’s ability to be understanding and reassuring and so many other things that he never seems to be. “Think of when defeated Grindelwald. If they really were friends -”

“If you trust that Skeeter woman -”

“I said if, Harry. If they really were friends he had to go against the person he was closest to, and he had to do it on his own.”

She pulls her hair away from her neck. There’s no doubt that Ron and Harry have some sort of closeness that she’ll never break into, they’ve been roommates for six years, after all. And Harry misses Ron the way she missed her family when she was away at school. The way she misses them now, that they can’t remember her.

(She misses Ron in a completely different way.)

“Dumbledore was away from his family, fighting on his own, against his friend, Harry. I think he knew exactly how you feel.”

He comes to sit next to her at the table and briefly clasps her hand. That’s Thank you and You’re welcome and then they’re quiet again.

Hermione wonders what kind of missing Dumbledore was feeling, all those years ago. Whether it was her kind, or Harry’s. And she doesn’t know which one is worse.

misswritten  - "Doctor Who!!" PG, Ten/Martha. Spoilers for Last of the Time Lords

Crash Sites

It’s on her second date with Tom that Martha thinks of saying something along the lines of “You travelled with me for a year saving the world and the reason I haven’t kissed you yet is because I’m a bit hung up on a bloke with no name.”

The he kisses her, so she doesn’t say anything.

And then it’s when she’s at a neuroscience conference in New York that she goes out for lunch with a colleague and thinks of saying “I was at the top of the Empire State Building when it was still being built fighting the last of a dangerous kind of alien that resembles a pepper pot.”

But then her friend says “Stage is the best deli in New York,” so she smiles and follows her down 57th Street.

She just wants to call the other intern Doug to ask him to switch shifts with her because she has an out of town emergency (“out of town” means Cardiff, and “emergency” means Jack) but before “Doug” in her new phone’s contacts list comes “Doctor” and she thinks what she would say if she were to call him.

She doesn’t know, so she calls Doug because she knows exactly what to say to him and crosses another thing off her to-do list.

Washing her face in front of the mirror Martha talks to herself.

Funny how talking to herself involves a one-way conversation with the Doctor.

“I’m seeing someone,” she would say. Good for you. Good for him. “And I went to New York last week.” How did you get there? “Airplane.” Silly Martha Jones. Don’t you know the TARDIS is the only way to travel? “I hear it travels in time, too.” It does, that. “Jack told me you used it to save his life” Oh, do you see Jack now? “I work with him, sometimes.” As long as you don’t tell stories about me. “Don’t flatter yourself.” I try not to, but it’s difficult when you’re me. “Oh would you shut it?” Gladly, Miss Jones.

Her face is very clean at least, when she leaves the bathroom.

She dials the right number, and it rings a good twenty times, making her imagine deep pockets and scrambling, dextrous fingers before the warm, curious voice at the other end says “Hello.”

And Martha feels just a little bit better as she says “Hello” back.

And apologies for updating so many times today. I know I haven't done that in a few years...

requests, ten/martha, doctor who, fic, hp

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