legally blonde fic: take a girl like you [emmett/elle, pg-13]

Nov 08, 2007 23:56

Lauren came down to see me a few weekends back and we saw Legally Blonde: The Musical(!) We were sort of surprised by how ridiculously fun and genuinely good it was... Anyway - fic!

take a girl like you
legally blonde; emmett/elle; pg-13; 2,650 words
growing up. she nods and he says, "i like different." musical 'verse, strictly speaking, but i borrowed elements from the movie and that's definitely enough background to read.

Take A Girl Like You


Elle’s cross-legged on her desk chair and Emmett’s sprawled out on her bed, incongruous against her pink pillows, reading off terms while she types their definitions.

“Events of Cohen v. California?” he asks, and she cries “Fuck the draft, stop the war!” He likes the way her eyes widen when she knows the right answer, and how she hasn’t asked to take a break for the last two hours.

(He might like a lot of other things about her too, but he tries not to focus on them.)

Finally he shuts the textbook he’s reading from. “I’ve got to go,” he says. “Work in the morning.”

Elle snaps her computer shut and smiles up at him. “What’ve you got tomorrow?”

“I’m shadowing an associate who’s just been put on a civil case, so probably just a bunch of research.” Emmett shrugs and straightens his jeans before getting up off her bed.

“You’re such a grown-up,” she says, and when he asks what she means she tells him about the first time she bought groceries for herself freshman year of college. “I thought buying orange juice was grown up,” Elle says, twisting her fingers together, “and you go work on court cases.”

He laughs a little bit, breathes out hard, and hands her book back to her. “You’ll be doing it soon,” he says. “If you pass your midterms.”


“You probably will,” he says, in a voice he’s pretty sure is reassuring except for the fact that he has a ridiculous desire to wink at her. He suppresses it and nods. “Good work today.”

When he’s half out the door he turns around. Elle’s still looking at him. “When you said orange juice, you meant Red Bull, right?” he asks.

“Well yeah, but I was trying to make the story sound more charmingly naïve. God, Emmett.” She rolls her eyes and he laughs for real this time and closes the door behind him.


He buys her ice cream in January after her first semester grades come out. And really, it’s a sweet idea but he can’t take the credit for it because he knocked on her door and she pushed him outside, sweatshirt in hand, and said “I didn’t fail anything. You’re taking me out for ice cream.”

And Emmett found himself following. He doesn’t know if he likes that in himself or not, but they end up at Pinkberry and Elle doesn’t make fun of him for getting Cap’n Crunch mixed in, so really, what’s not to like.

“I’m glad Warner didn’t want to go to Yale Law,” she says, teeth chattering as they walk by the frozen Charles.

Emmett smiles. “Is that some veiled way of saying you’re glad you met me?”

“No,” she responds simply, and he might be blushing but it’s cold. (The tips of her ears are pink.) “I’m just glad I didn’t end up stuck in New Haven for three years.” She waves her hand out at the river and the city. “It’s gorgeous here. I’m happy.”

“I like it when you’re happy.” He says it kind of automatically, and bites his chapped lower lip into his mouth with his next bite of ice cream.

“Really? I thought you liked it when I was bitter and had a chip on my shoulder.”

Then they’re both laughing. “Come on, that was funny when I threw out your hair stuff.”


“A little? Your hair still looks nice.”

“That’s because I fished my diffuser out of the trash. Thanks for that.”

He changes the topic quickly. “Well, if you’re just going based on location, Warner could’ve gone to Columbia Law, and you could have followed him to New York.”

“Hmm, when you put it that way, I change my mind. He definitely should have gone to Columbia.”

Elle finishes her ice cream and pulls her cuffs down over her wrists. The ridges on the cuffs are a bit stiff, like she’s just washed the sweatshirt, and he gets this picture of Elle Woods washing her clothes and going grocery shopping and briefing cases on her computer and growing up. And he feels proud of her. Although it’s not the same way he felt proud of the first-years on his hall the year he was an RA.

A few minutes later Emmett’s ice cream is gone too, and Elle says “I am glad I met you.” He smiles and lets her link her arm through his as he steers her back to campus.


There’s something about the way Elle needs to touch everything that’s damn near intoxicating. She holds her books with two hands and rubs fabric between her fingers and puts both her hands on Emmett’s chest when she’s trying to make a point.

“I hate Justice Blackmun’s opinions, they go on for forever,” she’ll say, tugging on the lapels of his jacket. Or “I can’t just forget about Warner. I’ve been in love with him for three years,” almost trying to push him over with the force of her statement, although he doesn’t know which one of them she’s trying to convince.” And then, “I got the internship!” throwing one arm around him with a smile that’s bigger than the list of reason’s he’s got for being fascinated by her. He manages to get one arm around her waist and whisper something along the lines of “congratulations” in her ear before she pulls away. He feels air against his side where she was a second ago and it’s cold.


They grab sandwiches in the food court, a black garment bag under his arm and the same smile she gets from a right answer on her face. He pays, hands her a diet coke and she thanks him.

“You look great, you know,” she says. “Empirically. It’ll really help your career.”

He nods, taking a bit of his cheeseburger and looking at her in a way that hopefully says that that was fun and he’s grateful and he’s glad she’s here and maybe he’s trying to pack too much into one look because she’s looking at him confusedly over her own lunch.

“What’s up?” He asks, straw between his teeth.

“Did I ever tell you about the last time I took Warner shopping?”

“Do you have to?”

“I’m sorry,” she responds quickly, and he squeezes his eyes tight. “I don’t mean to talk about him all the time.”

“I know -”

“It’s just, I’m used to him being the person I know the best here. It’s easy to talk about him.”

“I understand.”

“But now I think I could just tell stories about you.” Elle smiles.

“I knew it - you were watching me change.”

She bites her lip and laughs at the same time, contorting her face in a way he’s about ready to say out loud is beautiful, except then his cell phone rings. “Callahan wants us back,” he says, grabbing her tray and stacking it on top of his.

When he comes back her face is neutral again. “It’s a really great suit,” she assures, pressing one hand against his chest.

He leans just a bit into her touch. “It is really great,” he responds.


If Elle leaves, goes back to California (Emmett assumes that’swhere she’ll go - he’s never been to the west coast, just like he’s never met someone like Elle before) he’ll probably never see her again.

It’s the truth, and he’s big on the truth.

He’ll get a job at a Boston firm, probably, and meet a girl and marry her and live in some suburb that begins with ‘N’ and Elle will never even be opposing counsel because if she goes back to California she won’t finish law school, will she? There’ll be no reason for him to run into her.

But what if he did? What if, twenty years from now, he were to run into Elle Woods? It’s when Emmett realizes that he would introduce her as “a girl I fell in love with” that he knows he can’t let her go.


This time, she shows up at his door. “Does ‘I’m gonna see you later’ translate into ‘I’m gonna be hidden in my apartment with my phone off?’” she asks, pushing past him as he closes the door behind her.

“Sorry,” he says. “I wanted to give you a minute. And then I wanted to get out of that suit.” He gestures at his jeans and shrugs. “Hope you’re not too disappointed.”

Elle laughs, and he does too. Standing in his tiny entryway the laughter fills the space like a welcome mat.

“Warner asked me to marry him,” Elle says, evenly, like she’s reporting something that happened to someone else. Emmett just raises his eyebrows, so she continues. “I guess Vivienne dumped him.”

“Good on her,” Emmett mutters.

“Yeah. Anyway, I guess I said no too. I didn’t even say no - I think I just sort of laughed at him. And then I thanked him. That was weird. Anyway,”

“Anyway?” Emmett’s confused. “We’re at ‘anyway’ already?”

“Yeah. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner.”

“Dinner,” he repeats.

“You eat it after lunch.”

“That clever, I’m not surprised you’re wining court cases already,” he says, the corner of his lips turning up as he grabs a jacket off the closet doorknob. “Come on, I’ll take you out.”

“Look at that,” she says, “I got Emmett Forrest to go out on a weeknight.”

“Shut up,” he laughs, and that’s when she reaches up and kisses him.

Elle’s slid one hand from Emmett’s shoulder to the back of his neck before he reacts, pulling her into him with two hands around her waist and a smile that opens his lips. When Elle pull away a second later, a question all over her face, Emmett’s eyes are still closed and his hands are very, very gently on her waist. “Is this when you tell me you’ve never kissed a girl before?” she says, sticking her tongue out as his eyes open. And then his face looks different than she’s ever seen it before, he’s smirking, and he kisses her again, two times, three, four, until she’s too breathless to respond.


“I’m not your sorority sister. We’re not playing true confessions.” They’re lying on Emmett’s couch, facing a blank TV screen, and Elle has somehow gone from sitting straight up to leaning against Emmett to being fully supported by him. He extracts a hand from behind her back and shakes it in front of her. “No.”

“I just want to know what you thought of me when you first met me. And by the way, the fact that you’re not answering, that speaks volumes in and of itself.” She shifts until she’s lying in his lap, looking up at him, and points a finger in his face. He grabs it.

“Well, I don’t see why it matter what I thought when I first met you. I mean, you know how I feel now.”

“I guess,” Elle says, drawing her syllables out like she’s twisting the word around her finger.

And Emmett sighs. “I thought you were beautiful,” he says. “That much is obvious.”


“I liked your hair.” Emmett lifts some in his hand and leans down, kissing Elle behind the ear.

She sits up a bit, leaning into him. “Are you trying to distract me?” she asks

“Probably,” he smiles, almost kissing her again.

“I didn’t know you were that smooth,” she laughs. Her voice is high and young - a voice he hasn’t heard in a while. It makes him think of pink sequins and how easy it is to fall in love. He kisses her again.

“Neither did I,” he says. “You bring out the best in me, Woods”

She laughs, bringing her hands up to both sides of his face and it’s tremendously uncomfortable, bent at the waist until he’s three inches above Elle just so she can touch his hair but it works, for some reason. “Forrest and Woods,” she says suddenly, “did you ever realize?”

Emmett shifts his legs out from under her, lying down alongside Elle. “We could start a detective agency,” he says, mock-serious, knitting his eyebrows together.

“Think of the uniforms!” Elle starts to sit up, but Emmett’s got his fingers in her hair. “Now you’re really trying to distract me,” she says.

“True. If you start talking about coordinating colors the mood will be lost, Woods.”

“Wouldn’t want to ruin your investigation, Forrest.”


Some time later, in the exact same position and with Elle almost asleep, Emmett says “When we first met I thought you were different.” She nods and he says “I like different.”


The summer before Elle’s third year Emmett starts as an associate. And suddenly he’s got work that isn’t in Cambridge and colleagues who aren’t her professors and money. It’s the money thing that throws her, really. Emmett smiles and talks about the good life and making it for himself and how he’s been working for this his entire life.

It’s how he doesn’t talk about enjoying any part of his life up until this part that throws her, really. Now he takes her out to dinner at fancy restaurants and talks about the future. He buys her a bracelet, the kind that shows he’s never bought a bracelet for someone before, and she wears it in the gallery while she watches the first case he’s on the team for.

That night she takes him out for dinner, for pizza at a place around the corner from her apartment and in between bites of extra cheese somehow manages to tell him that she loves him, that he shouldn’t think he has to make money to keep her or anyone else happy, and that while he should undoubtedly be trying to impress the partners, he really needs to get that jacket tailored because his shirt cuffs should be peeking out at his wrists more.

Then she takes him to campus and they stand in the middle of the quad, surrounded by high schoolers on summer programs drinking beer and talking about the Iliad and pretending to be in college and he laughs and pulls her alongside him, pointing out where he lived as a freshman.

And Elle’s splitting the summer between two firms so the next week she leaves for LA. He takes her to the airport and says “Come back” at the same time she says “I don’t want to leave.”


Same pizza place a year later, and Elle says “But I already asked you,” crinkling her eyebrows at Emmett. “A few hours ago. At graduation. It was kind of big deal.” He’s smiling at her. “You said yes, remember?” Now she’s teasing. She picks up her water glass, takes a sip and gestures, “you kissed me in front of everyone.”

“Yeah, I remember,” he says, taking her other hand and sliding his own ring onto her finger. “I just always thought it’d be nice to ask a girl to marry me.”

“A girl?”

“Take a girl like you, for instance.” He’s holding her left hand with his left hand and their unmatched rings click.

“So you’re saying I stole your thunder?” Elle’s got this look like she’s trying to be clever and nonchalant but her smile’s like Christmas lights shining through.

“Well, I was planning on asking you tonight,” Emmett says. “I don’t just carry diamond rings around with me for kicks, you know.”

“Really? Because that struck me as part of your personality.”

“You know me so well,” Emmett says, almost smirking. “Although,” he continues, “it does take a lot of the edge off. After all, you’ve already said yes.”

“Actually, you’ve already said yes.”

She looks up at him and he’s fixing her straight in the eye as he says “Yes, I have.”

emmett/elle, legally blonde, fic

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