legally blonde fic: take a girl like you [emmett/elle, pg-13]

Nov 08, 2007 23:56

Lauren came down to see me a few weekends back and we saw Legally Blonde: The Musical(!) We were sort of surprised by how ridiculously fun and genuinely good it was... Anyway - fic!

take a girl like you
legally blonde; emmett/elle; pg-13; 2,650 words
growing up. she nods and he says, "i like different." musical 'verse, strictly speaking, but i ( Read more... )

emmett/elle, legally blonde, fic

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Comments 40

stars_inthe_sky November 9 2007, 05:35:03 UTC
That was...incredibly cute. And unexpected, because I don't think I've ever encountered a not-supurbly-cheesey Legally Blonde fanfic.

“Forrest and Woods,” she says suddenly, “did you ever realize?”

Favorite line. Was that his last name in the movie, too? Terribly sweet.


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 05:52:45 UTC
Y'know, I wikipedia-ed it, and it's not his last name in the movie - it's Richmond. No idea why they changed it. Although this does make it just a little bit cuter.

(The whole show is a ridiculous bucket of cuteness, you have to realize, so I'm not sure how much it adds to the whole.)

Thanks muchly for reading, my dear! PS - for youuu. Sorry it's been a bit. College wants to eat me?


stars_inthe_sky November 9 2007, 06:03:35 UTC
Bad Ivy League! Back, back! ::whip::


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 06:08:18 UTC
Yeah, let's try that. See how it works. I'll tell my advisor I want to major it kicking ass and taking names. Or - to resurrect a joke from about two months ago - "Mr. Bollinger, you show all signs of being a cruel and petty university administrator."

I might be asleep right now.

Also - how are you? We must catch up in a lengthy email fashion. When I have time to write a lengthy email, instead of disjointed eljay comments.


live_brave November 9 2007, 05:48:45 UTC
Awww...just perfect. :D Wonderfully written and so sweet. Absolutely loved it! Thanks for sharing this. *g*


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 06:08:51 UTC
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much for reading. ;)


cuthimup_girl November 9 2007, 06:20:59 UTC
Oh my god, I think this is perfection. It's... exactly what I've been hoping for in a Legally Blonde fic. I love the little, everyday, but significant moments in their relationship here, and I especially love the ending... the whole thing is adorable, really.

Ugh, I'm so bad at reviewing, but I really did love it, and I'm favoriting it, and will probably read it a million times.

And thank you, for writing the LB fic I've been wanting to read. :)


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:27:46 UTC
Aw, thanks so much! That's ridiculously nice to hear (and I'd kind of been annoyed with fic in this fandom so I just went the "screw it I'll write my own" route - so good to hear others are appreciating it!) ♥


mellowdee November 9 2007, 06:25:20 UTC
PERFECT! God, today has been such a good LB fic day. This was such a brilliant piece. You have their characters down so well and the time progression to their relationship was perfect! I loved the glimpses of the time in between their getting to know each other to their engagement. I'm putting this in my memories! I love love love this to bits.

God I want to wrap the two in my arms and just squeeze them up.

The Woods/Forrest thing was PERFECT BTW. Perfect!


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:30:45 UTC
I mean, did someone just think "let's make them more adorable and have both their last names mean some grouping of trees!!"? Because really, I'm all for it, but weird coincidence.

I am so glad you liked - Elle's a ridiculously hard character to pin down (or maybe just for me because I'm about as far away from her personality at the beginning of the show as it's possible to get...)

Thanks for reading!


dishyfishy November 9 2007, 07:26:44 UTC
Oh, so adorable! I don't even have words. One great big SQUEE.

I love how you managed to make it serious, yet still keep the lightness of the show :)

My favorite part was the conversation about her hair on the couch.

...Turns out I did have words.


_starrystarry November 9 2007, 16:31:17 UTC
Words are always kind of pointless when there are SQUEEs. Glad you enjoyed. ;)


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