so im sitting on my couch with Quinn (my pupper) and she is slowly sliding off and of course i figure she will catch herself... but no she just slides right off! it was very cute and when she got to the floor she just looked at me like why did you let that happen?! I just smiled and thought I would share that with everyone because it made me REALLY
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so... its been a while, but i've updated my life a little bit 1. I got a tattoo... its in memory of my father, and if you don't get it, i'm not explaining it.
It feels like yesterday I saw you and we talked about life. It feels like you should still be just a phone call away. I can't believe how much I this hurts and how much I miss you. I love you.
Just for one day... ... I would not have the yelling ... I would eat what ever I wanted ... I would see the people that I miss ... I would have a little more self-esteem ... I would be happier