Panel Talking About Obama's Appeal

Mar 08, 2008 01:01

If any of you watch Real Time with Bill Maher you might have already seen thisIt's an international panel talking about Obama's appeal to the gay community, the Republican community, and the International community. They very nicely, and sometimes with a bit of humor, cleverly articulate why so many of us are ardent Obama supporters ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

executed_blonde March 8 2008, 18:44:07 UTC
If you find a way to raise support for Obama, let me know. I'll help!


_sharvie_ March 9 2008, 01:00:47 UTC
Phone banking seems to be the best way to get involved.
Tips -

There are groups you can join so you can get emails and chat with other phone bankers for support. I got skittish after getting hung up in RI. Everyone seemed to love calling WI though. *lol* I guess it's hit and miss, but at least this way you can do something. Some people love it!

One group is here:


executed_blonde March 9 2008, 04:53:59 UTC
Is it a lot like telemarketing? Because I did that for a few months and I can't stand it....


_sharvie_ March 10 2008, 01:06:07 UTC
*lol* Yes, very similar. I was a telemarketer too so that's probably why I didn't take to it like so many others. If you live in a state that hasn't voted yet there are a ton more things you can do. Just going into neighborhoods and making sure people are getting registered or helping to staff offices. Putting up signs, things like that. I'm sure they'd love to have you be more hands on. Phone banking is more for people who can't get involved hands on.
Your profile says you're in Indiana so I grabbed a link to the Obama Indiana home page. You have to be registered to vote by April 7th, so I'm betting the ground troupes are going all over to get new voters registered in time. Or you could just head out to the nearest Obama office to you and see what kind of help they need. Could be anything from answering phones to sending out mailers to making coffee. :D


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