Panel Talking About Obama's Appeal

Mar 08, 2008 01:01

If any of you watch Real Time with Bill Maher you might have already seen this.

It's an international panel talking about Obama's appeal to the gay community, the Republican community, and the International community. They very nicely, and sometimes with a bit of humor, cleverly articulate why so many of us are ardent Obama supporters.


Also, I'm not the only woman supporting Obama that is incensed Clinton is playing the gender card to the point of trying to make us feel as if we should turn in our genitals by not supporting her! I hope we can organize some kind of overwhelming support for Obama that would get national attention before Pennsylvania. This bull crap has got to stop!

ETA: This playing of the gender card has become so upsetting to me that I actually emailed CNN! "Why hasn't any of the MSM brought to light Clinton shamelessly playing the gender card? If Obama did the same concerning his race it would be not only considered bad form, as it would be, but covered nonstop. As a woman supporting Obama I'm incensed that Clinton has been able to get away with this."
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