i've made a big change to my friends list. since most of you local people don't post very much anymore i've decided to make this a journal for non-local people. in some ways i wish i hadn't met some of you other people (those that don't live in my area) in real life. i suppose this might be considered an odd thing to do but i'm doing it to
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i'm moving this weekend to a bachelor around the joyce skytrain station. it's small but has a washer/dryer/dishwasher, a storage space and a gym membership included. i've rented the moving truck, confirmed one person to help me move (more would be nice) and arranged to take the appropriate days off of work (with coverage). i just hate moving...
i just got home from a 16 hour work day. i was having a smoke before i went inside and i heard this big commotion from the side of the house, someone knocking over boards, who knows what the fuck
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it's funny how someone calling you out of the blue, someone you haven't talked to in what seems like a million years but no time at all, can make a day seem so much brighter than it already is. thank you.
no matter how mushy and squishy that sounds i think it just had to be said.