Friday Cap Game!

Jan 25, 2013 16:14

It's been a while. Let's see if I still remember how to do this...


. )

games, games: movies

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Comments 53

meko00 January 25 2013, 15:31:15 UTC
Wow, I'm not good at this. But 13 is The Cutting Edge.


_jems_ January 25 2013, 15:33:05 UTC
Well, if you're going to get one movie, that's the best one to get!


spectralbovine January 25 2013, 15:31:37 UTC
Sometimes when I am watching a movie I notice certain images and think they would be good in this game.

08. The Princess Bride!
21. Little Miss Sunshine.

Dammit. Some of them seem vaguely familiar, but they're not coming to me.


_jems_ January 25 2013, 15:35:21 UTC
Both correct!

I think you've probably seen most of these, but I do make some extra hard because I know if I don't, all of them will have been guessed in the first few comments.


cindergal January 25 2013, 15:33:46 UTC
The cap game! I've missed it, even though I suck at it. I have the same two as the person before me:

8 - The Princess Bride
21 - Little Miss Sunshine


_jems_ January 25 2013, 15:39:11 UTC
I figured the Princess Bride one wasn't going to go unguessed for long. But almost all the caps from that movie are iconic so it's impossible to find one that people won't latch onto immediately. =)

Both correct!


avrelia January 25 2013, 15:39:35 UTC
oh, I only recognized #15 - Love Potion # 9


_jems_ January 25 2013, 15:42:06 UTC
Yes! Excellent! Last time I used it in a cap game I don't think anyone got it (though that time I didn't use a cap of Sandra Bullock).


(The comment has been removed)

_jems_ January 25 2013, 16:01:20 UTC
Yes, that's Harry Potter! And you even got the name right! (I really don't like that they changed the name for the US market).

5, 8, 11, 14, 21 are absolutely correct. 15 and 19 are not.


spectralbovine January 25 2013, 16:16:42 UTC
Dammit, I was totally going to guess Iron Man!!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 16:18:08 UTC
And that's why no guess is a stupid guess!


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