Friday Cap Game!

Jan 25, 2013 16:14

It's been a while. Let's see if I still remember how to do this...


. )

games, games: movies

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Comments 53

smelltheflowers January 25 2013, 16:02:00 UTC
I'm never very good at this sort of thing, but I'll give it a try :)

05. The Proposal
06. Clueless
12. Disney's Enchanted? (I've never actually seen it but it seemed like a good guess)
13. The Cutting Edge
19. Lost?

Drawing a blank on the rest, although I'll be interested to see what #01, #16 and #23 are from. They look familiar but I can't seem to place them!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 16:17:11 UTC
Good guess on number 12 if you've never even seen it, because you're exactly right. This cap game is movies only, so no Lost, but all the rest are correct!


evergleam83 January 25 2013, 16:17:47 UTC

6. Clueless
7. Hunger Games?
8. Princess Bride
11. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
14. Iron Man
16. Star Trek
18. Beetlejuice

Now off to see the guesses for the ones I know and can't quite figure out. :)


_jems_ January 25 2013, 16:33:16 UTC
You got all of them except for 18. But I can see why you'd think that was Beetlejuice - same star, different movie.


evergleam83 January 25 2013, 16:36:18 UTC
Ha! It looked so much like the house in the last musical number to me, I didn't even give it a second thought.

Also, UGH HARRY POTTER, I knew that!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 17:15:01 UTC
Harry Potter is one of those caps that you facepalm when you hear it, but when looking at it, it looks kind of like a generic horror cap. I understand why you didn't get it.


moyawyvern January 25 2013, 16:18:24 UTC
2- Weird Science
16- Star Trek (11)
I have no idea if I am right.


_jems_ January 25 2013, 16:34:00 UTC
Both correct! =)


molly_may January 25 2013, 17:12:10 UTC
5. The Proposal
11. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
13. The Cutting Edge
18. Heathers
20. Some Kind of Wonderful
22. Serenity

Hee, these are like, all my favorite movies (or at least, movies I've seen a bunch of times)! And, there are several others that look VERY familiar, but I can't place them. This was fun after such a long hiatus!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 17:20:05 UTC
All correct! And I can't believe you're the first to get the last two. I mean, is there a hotter kiss in a John Hughes movie than that one? And I thought everyone was going to spot River straight away, so I almost didn't use that cap, but figured it could be an easy one. Oh how mistaken I was! But good job, you!

I lost a hard drive with all my caps that I'd gathered for cap games and then I got a new hard drive and didn't set up a folder to easily save caps as I find them, so that's why I haven't done any in cap games in AGES. Now I've got it all set up, though, so hopefully the next one won't be months in the making.


deathisyourart January 25 2013, 17:20:07 UTC
Most of the ones i know have already been guessed, but...

03. Becoming Jane
18. Heathers
19. Donnie Darko
20. Some Kind of Wonderful
22. Serenity


deathisyourart January 25 2013, 17:27:07 UTC
Oh whoops, i was suppose to avoid looking at what already was guessed. My bad!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 18:00:48 UTC
You don't have to, I just know that for cap games I prefer to not look at what others have said so that I can guess everything. Which is why I link to the reply page. Except that LJ's "improvements" mean that the game itself is collapsed when you do that and...ugh! Anyway, to each their own!


_jems_ January 25 2013, 17:58:15 UTC
Yes, all correct!


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