Odd number says we walk away now

Apr 22, 2009 20:17

I meant to post this icon meme over a week ago. Um, oops? ( MEME! )

tv: farscape, tv: project runway canada, meme, tv: amazing race

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Comments 16

sdwolfpup April 22 2009, 18:29:16 UTC
My thoughts are EXACTLY THE SAME as yours on TAR. Including Kisha & Jen as my reluctant current choice, and the thing this week with Luke just pushing me over the edge.


_jems_ April 22 2009, 19:27:16 UTC
I don't get why this season's teams are sucking so much. Compared to some of the other seasons, these teams are pretty tame (OMG, I don't think anything can ever be worse than Jonathan and Victoria!), but I find them all so incredibly boring! And Kisha and Jen, while being my default team, aren't good enough racers to actually get me to root for them.


typicrobots April 22 2009, 18:48:31 UTC
Oh man, I've been doing that meme for like a week as well. Might as well add to the list. Do me?


_jems_ April 22 2009, 19:33:58 UTC
I've posted twice since Tracy picked icons for me, but it was always really late or I was in a rush, so I never got around to it. But it was a good excuse to post today, so I guess it all worked out.

My picks:

... )


spectralbovine April 22 2009, 19:05:20 UTC
Ha, I had not seen that Sue White icon! Awesome.


_jems_ April 22 2009, 19:35:29 UTC
There should be more Sue White icons. Why isn't everyone making them? (I need to rewatch Green Wing.)


devilpiglet April 22 2009, 19:24:39 UTC
Seriously, Luke needs to grow up and Margie needs to call him on his toolish behavior. Lady, your son is throwing a hissy fit because he elbowed a female contestant. You're doing him no favors by chalking all this up to deaf-discrimination. From what I've witnessed so far, I don't think Margie's raised Luke to be an independent, accountable member of adult society. And that's kind of a parent's job, whether their kid is deaf or not.


_jems_ April 22 2009, 19:40:01 UTC
Okay, I'm not sure how old Luke is, but he acted like a baby, and I can't help but think that a large part of that is because Margie coddles him. And the whole "don't laugh at my son" thing was so surreal, but I thought it was pretty obvious that they were laughing at the situation. They're the ones who keep making everything about the deaf thing, not anyone else.


harper47 April 22 2009, 20:03:43 UTC
Yes, it was always Sunny from almost the first episode. Jason was a clueless twit but I ended up liking some of Jessica's stuff.

And I'm so with you on TAR. It's so sad Mel and Mike are no longer in this because all the remaining teams are full of problems. I'm just kind of going with the flow I guess as I definitely don't want Margie and Luke to win. They annoyed me severely this week. I get that killer fatigue is probably setting in but he has always impressed me as kind of a spoiled mama's boy.

And Victor is sooooooooooooooooo annoying. I guess he's less annoying than Luke. As for Jaimie and Cara - what you said.

But it doesn't really look well for Keisha and Jen next week so I'm not going to get my hopes up about them.


_jems_ April 22 2009, 21:04:30 UTC
I feel that Jason had no business being there - Adejoké should have had the third spot. The only reason she didn't get it was because Kim Sucked. Just. That. Much. While Sunny deserved the win, it would have been nice if there had been just a tad more suspense.

I didn't see the preview for next week, but I hope that they don't give it all away and that Kisha and Jen make it to the final three, because if they don't, I think I'll be forced to to root for Tammy/Victor, much as the thought repulses me. Well, I guess I can just not watch, but come on, what are the chances of that happening? ;-)


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