Odd number says we walk away now

Apr 22, 2009 20:17

I meant to post this icon meme over a week ago. Um, oops?

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Keywords: αΩ | ℜ | royally fucked
...by everybody. and I do mean *everybody*

That would be my lone Rome icon, featuring Octavia. The keywords refer to how she becomes a pawn in pretty much everyone's game. And the comment of course refers to how she slept with her own brother.

Keywords: αΩ | ¶ | § | no way out

Josh/Donna, The West Wing. From one of my favorite episodes - King Corn. Visually, definitely my favorite TWW episode. I just like the idea of them just having passed the exit, of there being no way but forward for them. They can't go back to what they were, but just maybe they can move towards something different, something better. (And they do! Yay for shippiness!)

Keywords: αΩ | ✉ | § | sinners are much more fun

Chuck/Blair, Gossip Girl. I was never that into this show, and I gave up on it after last season (I tried a few episodes this season, but saw nothing that drew me back in), but this kissing scene still rates as one of my top ten favorites, and Chuck/Blair still tickles my fancy, even if I like the idea of them more than the reality of them.

Keywords: αΩ | ✆ | cowboy

Omar, The Wire. My favorite character on the show. So well-written (but then again, it's The Wire, so that was redundant), so well-acted, so intriguing, in a way most of the other characters aren't. I really need to do a rewatch because I'm afraid I'm not remembering him as even half as awesome as he really is.

Keywords: αΩ | Φ | plant gone wild

Zhaan, Farscape. Not really my favorite character, but I love this cap from the bloopers. And, you know, she's a plant.

Keywords: αΩ | ✠ |

Kahlan, Legend of the Seeker. Oh man, that opening sequence is pure, undiluted awesome. I've been falling behind on this show, I really should get caught up.

Keywords: αΩ | ∫ | better than you

Sue White, Green Wing. One of the most amazing characters EVER. So bizarre and insane and out there. She truly can do no wrong. I even like Steve on Coupling more just because the actor is married to her in real life. Now THAT'S a good character, who can make me like Steve. ;-)

And I made the icon into a faux!magazine cover because I happened upon the font and it looked a lot like the font for The New Yorker. So, that's how that happened...

The Amazing Race
I'm feeling extremely apathetic towards all the teams who are left. I guess if I had to pick one at gunpoint, I'd go with Kisha and Jen.

Luke and Margie have bugged me pretty much from the start with all that "proving that a deaf person can do it". You know what? Until you said something, it never even occurred to me that a deaf person couldn't do it. And this last episode, with the tantrum, just pushed them over the edge for me. I really hope they don't win.

Tammy and Victor aren't much better. Probably worse, in fact, because Victor sucks so much, and Tammy is too much of a doormat most of the time. Pretty much the only thing they have going for them is that they seem less nasty than most teams.

Cara and Jaime are the very worst example of the stereotypical American tourist, yelling at people, expecting them all to speak English. SHUT UP AND LEARN THEIR LANGUAGE, YOU UNCULTURED FUCKWITS!

So, that's pretty much my feelings on the remaining teams. I'm kinda wishing no one wins the million. Heh!

Project Runway Canada
Well, that was completely and utterly expected. It wasn't exactly a thrilling season, but at least the right person won, right?

Last Friday, when I was on the way to the subway, A & B Song came on my mp3 player, and I was seized by this unstoppable wave of nostalgia, and I knew I had to start up my Farscape rewatch again (I had just finished season 2 when I took a break...um, six months ago or so). But first I had to rewatch the vid that made me have the Farscape flashback and I'd forgotten something: I think it's all wrong. I mean, the vid is fantastic, superbly edited, great clips, but I don't agree with how the roles are assigned. On the surface, sure, B could be T!John, but from the very first line (A says he's glad to be here), I can't imagine any other division than A being T!John and B being M!John. And these two lines just clinch it for me:
As growing tired of conversation, he's ready for his final scene
Bs whistling Hotel California, still living out the dream.

For some reason I keep falling asleep about ten minutes into Relativity, but I think I'll have polished off the season by next weekend. And then maybe I can finally finish up my Aeryn picspam! Maybe watching The Choice will inspire me. Or break me. It's a toss-up.

tv: farscape, tv: project runway canada, meme, tv: amazing race

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