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Comments 13

marishna November 15 2005, 22:44:07 UTC
You could get your mom a gift certificate to the place where she gets her hair done. That one is a favourite in my family because we're all notoriously hard to shop for.


_jems_ November 15 2005, 22:53:27 UTC
Well, that would probably be a good idea if it wasn't for the fact that she hasn't been to a hairdresser since the early 80s. She hates them because they never know what to do with her incredibly fine hair.


zimshan November 15 2005, 22:46:53 UTC
I know this is completely un-PC and all, but can Aaron not be convicted of Lilly's murder so that he can come back? Pleeeease?

Right there with you. I think HH needs to be a guest star in a jail cell every week...


_jems_ November 15 2005, 22:55:30 UTC
A year ago (and change) I never would have guessed that I'd be ecstatic to have HH starring on one of my favorite shows, and yet...I so am. The possibilities for more Aaron almost makes me wish Logan would get arrested more often. *g*


herowlness November 15 2005, 23:02:11 UTC
First, I thought that the teacher that went off the cliff was "Dumas" - but I could be wrong. I know that Dick called her Dumbass, but I figured that there was only one "S" at the end of her name.

Second - I don't know if Aaron not pinning the murder on Logan means much. I mean, he was talking *to* Logan, and I think Logan would know if he killed Lilly. So trying to blame him right then and there is probably not the smartest plan. That might be me though.

And I also miss Aaron, and am excited about a different VM casting spoiler I heard for Februrary. (not HH, for the record, but I won't divulge here, in case you don't read casting spoilers - it was in the EOnline chat this week)

But, yes, Aaron is teh awesome.


_jems_ November 16 2005, 00:34:07 UTC
Apparently her name is supposed to be spelled Dumass. Which just makes it funnier (if somewhat stupid).

As for Aaron, of course he's not going to tell Logan that he's planning on pinning the murder on him, but he had the Duncan tale all rearing to go. A lot of people are saying it sounded rehearsed, and I agree. Plus, the very fact that he wants Logan to believe him means that not even Aaron is scumbag enough to pin a murder on his own son, even though it would probably be easier than pinning it on Duncan. Well, except for the fact that Duncan's parents even believed him capable of it.


bellanut November 16 2005, 00:03:39 UTC
This answer sheet is awesome! You should totally do that again one day. Except, you know, not right away as it looks like it took a long time to put together.


_jems_ November 16 2005, 00:37:58 UTC
The worst part of it was that the frikkin' answer sheet took longer to put together than the questions. Because I'm anal and needed to provide physical proof for each and every answer. Except for the vmars@aol.com thing, because the transcript isn't up yet. =)

I was thinking it'd be great to do this for other fandoms (Buffy would work very well, lots of obsessive types. TWW might work, and Arrested Development. Not to mention the X-Files).

Actually, it would be great if other did them for other fandoms, and VM too. That way I can play as well. I loooove trivia.


bellanut November 16 2005, 05:07:14 UTC
Dude, I love that icon! I LOVE IT! It feels retro to me for some reason. I was gawking at the new caps today but then I got waylaid by TWW.

Oh man, and AD one would be a lot of fun! I'm actually surprised this isn't something we do on a regular basis. This is the first time I've ever seen someone play fandom trivia. And yes, it shouldn't just be you, it should be all of us!


_jems_ November 16 2005, 13:38:59 UTC
Thanks! And it's totally understandable why one would be waylaid by TWW. Though in cap terms, I must say that VM is a thousand times prettier, just based on how it's shot. Though they're doing some fun stuff with the cinematography in season 7, so that's something to look forward to.

There's a whole host of shows that would work well for Trivia. I remember that when it went off the air there was even a special Cheers Trivial Pursuit game. Oh, Friends would probably work well too! Lots of canon to choose from.


dtissagirl November 16 2005, 02:20:26 UTC
Eee! Thanks again, Jems! :)


_jems_ November 16 2005, 13:39:30 UTC
I hope you had a fabulous day. =)


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