VM Trivia Game

Nov 15, 2005 23:30

Happy birthday, Tissa!

  1. We've seen Veronica take a shower in three different episodes so far. Which ones?
    Like a Virgin, Drinking the Kool-Aid, A Trip to the Dentist.
  2. How many rubber duckies does Keith release "into the wild" in Lord of the Bling?
  3. What are the names of the mascots in Betty and Veronica?
    Polly the parrot and Billy the goat.
  4. What is the name of Troy's other girlfriend?
  5. Veronica's upstairs neighbor has a very creepy painting above his bed. What does it depict?
    A face/part of a face.
  6. What does a "le trancheur" do?
  7. What did Carrie Bishop claim "S.K." stood for? What did it really stand for?
    "Sweet Knees". "Susan Knight".

  8. What kind of car did Lynn Echolls drive?
    Dodge Viper.

  9. What kind of car did Celeste Kane drive?
  10. What date was Lilly Kane murdered?
    October 3rd, 2003.
  11. How far away is the surfing competition in CWCD?
    30 miles. (Lots of people answered thirty minutes here, but Veronica only says that she has to be in Gold Coast in thirty minutes, not that it'll take that long to get there.)
  12. What subject is Veronica studying during her very first on-screen stakeout?
  13. Whose tux does Logan wear to Homecoming in TWoC?
    His father's.
  14. How many weeks does it take before Lilly's murder scene video is leaked?
  15. What is the name of Wallace's younger brother?
    Darrell Fennel.
  16. What is Weevil's grandmother's name?
    Leticia Navarro.
  17. What character does Paris Hilton play (first and last name)?
    Caitlin Ford.
  18. What is the code for the alarm on the dorm room in TWoC?
  19. What was the exact time that Lilly got a ticket for running a red light on the day that she died?
    6:02 p.m.
  20. What movie does Justin have to special order for his father in MJS?
    Body Heat.
  21. What song does Veronica sing at the karaoke bar in CotT?
    One Way or Another.
  22. What was the name of Duncan's dog that was shipped off from the Kane household for peeing in the flower beds?
  23. Which one of the PCHers did Wanda Varner date?
  24. What score did Veronica supposedly get on her purity test?
  25. What does John Enbom's father do?
    Owns an airline.
  26. What type of epilepsy does Duncan have?
    Type 4.
  27. How old was Leo in SotL?
  28. What is the the name of the character who "dupes" high school students in TWoC?
  29. What song does the orchestra play at the dedication of the Lilly Kane memorial fountain?
    Wind Beneath My Wings.
  30. On the trip to Mexico in YTYKS, which people in the car know about the steroids in the piñata as they cross the border?
    All of them: Luke, Logan, Troy.
  31. What is Lianne's DOB according to her "death certificate"?

  32. How much is Aaron forced to donate to the homeless shelter in RotK?
    Half a million dollars.
  33. What is the phone number for Mars Investigations (according to the pilot)?
  34. How many votes did Duncan supposedly get in the first election for president?
  35. What is the name of Veronica's first journalism teacher?
    Mallory Dent.
  36. Second?
    Ms. Stafford. (First name Geena, according to IMDb.)
  37. Third?
    Ms. Dumass.
  38. What website breaks the story of Aaron Echolls' son organizing bum fights?
    The Smoking Gun web site.
  39. What is Weevil's winning hand at the first card game in AEFC?
    A pair of twos.
  40. Who was Mac switched at birth with?
    Madison Sinclair.
  41. What is Logan's sister's name?
    Trina Echolls.
  42. What slip at the Albacore Club is the Echolls yacht moored at?
  43. What is Lianne's maiden name?
  44. What have been the names of the Neptune High dances that we've seen so far?
    Love is Thicker Than Water. Total Eclipse of the Heart. Get Marooned.

  45. When is Book Week?
    First week of February.

  46. Who wrote "Abel it should have been her" on Veronica's car?
    Madison Sinclair.
  47. What cult did Casey join?
    The Moon Calf Collective.
  48. How many tapes does Veronica find in Lilly's vent?
  49. What is Mr. Rooks' daughter called?
  50. What did Weevil get a trophy for?
    A rim job.
  51. What book is Aaron reading in HD?
    Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse.

  52. How many women at the Casablancas Halloween party did Aaron admit to having had affairs with?
  53. Name two of Veronica's e-mail addresses.
    vmars@aol.com. vmars1987@gmail.com. veronicamars@neptunehigh.org
  54. What's the name on Tad's tattoo?
  55. What is the name of the apartment complex where Veronica and Keith live?
    Sunset Cliffs Apartments.
  56. How much was Veronica's waterbed?
    10 dollars.
  57. At what time is Alicia's troublesome tenant evicted?
    6 a.m.
  58. How many times (and what episodes) have we seen Logan playing video games?
    Four (AEFC, LotB, DE and BFtP).

Sources: IMDb, vm-caps.com and picklepocket's transcripts.

So, did I miss anything? Mess up?

Just one thing I realized about Rat Saw God: I really liked Aaron trying to pin the murder on Duncan, but it didn't hit why until a few days after I saw the episode. He didn't try to pin it on Logan. Man, I just love the fucked-upedness of that family. Even if he beats the shit out of his son and is a monster, Aaron still loves his kids and that's just... Gah, I love this show!

I know this is completely un-PC and all, but can Aaron not be convicted of Lilly's murder so that he can come back? Pleeeease?

Also, VM 2x06 meta.

In other news, it's my mother's birthday tomorrow and I have no clue what to get her. I'm leaning towards a book, but I can't for the life of me think of one she'd like. Plus, boring. Bah! It's much easier to shop for my dad.

games: tv, games: trivia, games: answers, tv: veronica mars

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