he stabbed me with a needle though.through my skirt and belt and everything. and i pretty much killed his face with my lip gloss that burns. i freaking <3 him..i cant wait till summer so we can like hang out alot more. hopefully we hang out tomorrow too.
im so freaking tired..i was up all night freezing at relay for life..devin and i slept for like 30 minutes.. i had so much fun though.that boy is just great.
my mom picked me and kel up at like 7 and i went home..showered and slept till 4. have no idea what im doing tonight..
well i woke up to get ready for school..and my mom comes in and says that my dog is having puppies..so i stayed home and watched.she was suppost to have like four or five..but she had seven.she eats all the afterbirth..like the placenta and all that..ew.. theyre so cute though anyways.. i had taco bell and i slept too.. ill post pics later
megan slept over last night.im glad she did..cuz we had fun..even though so much crap started about her and marc.im really surprised that those ppl did that to her..i guess you could say we were venting..cuz we ate ALOT..and we went to wal mart..and then came home and painted our cellulars..i had a blast being her sympathist ha<3