Why Five Years?

Nov 09, 2006 00:11

Since information is rather dead again RELEASE THE TRAILER, YOU DAMN STINGY SQUEENIX BASTARDS, I thought I'd give this community a bit of a nudge awake, since I've got this thought stuck in my head and I've been thinking on it for a while. It concerns Zax, and will probably make it into Crisis Core, so it's relevant! :D

Why exactly did it take five years for Zax to break himself and Cloud out of the lab?

There are probably a lot of theories out there, but here's mine, and I'd love for people to respond with their own thoughts after I'm done.

Think about the fight in the reactor, between Zax and Sephiroth. In both the original flashback in the game and in Last Order Zax is practically sent flying out of Jenova's chamber and crashes into a makou tank. The impact would probably be enough to severely wound or kill any ordinary human, and even though Zax is a super-SOLDIER, he landed on his back, and the spinal cord is quite fragile.

So, my theory is that Zax actually broke his back, or at the very least, damaged his spinal cord bad enough so that he wasn't able to walk. Given how much time he spent afterwards in makou, and since he was already a 1st Classer, the damage healed but it took ages, years in fact, because usually that kind of damage doesn't even heal in the first place.

Any escape prior to his healing would've been useless without him able to use his legs. And knowing he was a SOLDIER, the dudes in the lab probably kept him heavily drugged up most of the time, anyway.

Heavy drugs and a broken back is enough to keep someone tied up for five years, I'd say. Otherwise, I'm positive Zax would've managed to escape earlier than that. Come on. this is a man we've seen dodge bullets like he was taking a walk in a park.

... Yes, I am a nerd. With not free time, actually, but I do this kind of stuff anyway :3

SO! Anyone else got any other theories? :) Or just wants to tell me how good/crap mine is?
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