w0w my mom and dad look at all my stuff!!! oh lame is that, really lame and u know what i bet they will be read this cuz i know them they're like that. they're mad at me for use "bad words" all time. yeah sure i don't talk like that anymore and probley found crap from a long time ago. jezzz they are making it seems like im the only one talking like
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xxlivewrOngxx: no its not you its me. you would be every guys dream to date your like the person everyone grows to love yeah there are times when you can mean but deep inside its the same old dana that i always known and i always will and no one that i know has that im lucky to have a friend to hug and love like you!!!! your the best dana and i
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I feel like i losted some of my closet friends to my other friends that i never talk to Ever since that night where something got broke nothing has been the same They have been there through everything kind of I don't know anymore i forgot who they are we don't anymore i dont see them anymore im sad about that :( and top that off i want to be
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ooooh my, i have been getting in sooooo much trouble its kind of funny, other than the getting punish part! I talkin bad to everyone that is giving me shit!! and TRINITY SUCKS!!!! But I love My Friends!!!!!!
omg boyz suck soooo much i cant help of think of one boy even tho he treated me like shit, getting closer with another guyfriend, shying away from the real guy i like, guys flirting im flirting but not with the one i want to be
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Hey whats up all ya!!?? well soccer is over!!! And we won our game 2 or 3 - 0 sweetness got a winning season oh yes!!!! The me and Ashley meet scoot and dana at his rock and rocked out to bands then me and ashley went home a passed out!!! the next was all the fun! first we watch this weird movie about a mummy on disnay channel " but those are my
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hmmm sadly soccer season is coming to a end ;_; today was our last prac. it was fun we got to play indoors and listen to music all that good stuff!! Then tomorrow is our last game its home at 415 man this suck i want soccer season to last longer!! i might do indoor soccer with ashley thro!! yeah tomorrow is fri dress down day last day of soccer
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hey my computer just out fixed yay!!! lol if u havent found out yet i got a dog Named Chance its anthonys dog!! nothin really is going on but the thingy with me and robert going to the dance thingy well we are friends im not going out with him!!! jezzz so all those bitches that are makin a big deal about it shut up and plus i like someone else!!!
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wow have not updated in a long time well mostly drama i guess friend school boys girls all that great wonderful stuff like that but soccer is really good right now a lot of people are saying that im going to be in the big time which rocks!!! i got off grounding or whatever so i got to see ashley play in her b ball game on mon!!! i miss her n
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