people who leave nasty comments in peoples livejournal are seriously pathetic. yours suppose to be older than me. hah. when i act twice the age you do. get over it. someone talked about you behind your back. theres a lot more people to come.
two bottles of crystal palace= $8.25. getting over to nates house=$11.00. getting home from nates house another=$11.00. getting drunk with 3 girls and puking all over=pricless.
theres somethings money cant buy, but for everything else theres nates house.
I seriously love Kevin Kosinski. I really want to get with him. He makes me soooo hot. and just to let you know he is not typing this.:) I love him though. I want to marry him. I probably actually will. and i know all of you want to get with him but you cant because hes all mine.:-* thanks. peace nukkaaaaaaaaaaaaa.