First part of Chapter Five!

Jul 03, 2005 23:30

Title: Dreams of Torment
Pairing: Vam
Rating: Don't know...yet
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't know...blah, blah blah...*though I wish*
Summary: It was supposed to be a 'normal' stay at Castle Bam for Ville Valo, but things change and worse comes to worse. Will Ville be able to handle the events occuring right in front of his eyes or will it all end up being just a bad dream?
a/n: This is only Part 1 to Chapter Five, so don't worry...more to come VERY soon!

Ryan looked to Ville with a soft gaze. He understood how much stress the singer was under and how much he had been worrying about Bam. He rested his hand on Ville's shoulder in an encouraging way, meriting a slight smile from him. Ville laid his head back into the seat and slowly closed his eyes. His thoughts rambled on and he started to let the stress melt itself out of his mind. It had indeed been an awful morning and afternoon, but now they were heading back home. 'Castle Bam' was only a few miles away and still had it's king, thanks to a certain Finnish rock star who was literally dead on his feet.

Around a half hour later, the taxi pulled up into the driveway Ville had so many hours ago. The singer had drifted off to sleep, so it was Ryan's job to shake his shoulder slightly to wake him up. His jade eyes opened groggily and he squinted as the bright sunlight invaded his vision. He turned to Dunn and then took notice the vehicle was at a stop. Rolling his eyes, he sat up and opened his door. Dunn followed in suit and both of them slammed their doors simultaneously.

"Alright, I'm up, now how much do we owe?" Ville questioned as he stretched and covered his mouth, yawning.

"Already paid man," Ryan stated, looking towards Ville.

The cab driver poked his head out of the window, "I remember where I've seen you before, you're both on that TV show aren't you?" he asked.

Dunn grumbled under his breath, "Yeah, sure, whatever buddy." "Now leave and forget the way to this house, got me?" he asked in a semi-pissed off tone.

Ville grinned and headed up to the door, leaving Ryan to take care of the prying cab-driver. There was always a risk when taking a taxi to Bam's house. There was always an off-chance that the person driving into the skater's driveway would recognize it and refuse to leave. However, this wasn't the case in this situation. As the taxi drove off quickly, Ryan jogged up to Ville, huge grin spread across his face.

"Don't ever mess with me when I'm tired," he stated. "That guy made the mistake of not taking me serious when I told him to wipe his memory clean of how he got here, though I don't think he was actually paying any attention, just listening to me when I told him to turn here and there."

Ville grinned and surpressed a laugh, "That reminds me, I'll get the tab next time eh Ry?" he questioned.

Dunn nodded, "Damn right you will, that's the biggest amount I've paid for a cab in a long time." "Now get inside and find a place to crash, you've fallen asleep everywhere you've sat so far," he added pushing Ville's back, causing the singer to take a few steps forward.

Opening the door, Ville shook his head at Dunn's antics. Coming in through the bar, they were greeted by April and Jenn. The two were sitting at the stools of the bar, drinking coffee.

"How is he?" April asked, looking directly at Ville.

"Stubborn as ever, but fine otherwise." He looked down and then cleared his throat, glancing back to April. "Anywhere I'm able to crash?" he asked.

Jenn answered the question in April's stead, "All of the rooms are taken besides Bam's room upstairs."

"Figured as much," Ville muttered, looking to her. "You want it then, I can take the couch, or the floor, whatever, all I need is a place I can sleep." "Give me a pillow and a blanket and I'm a happy man," he added tiredly.

Jenn shook her head, "No, go ahead and take it Ville." "April and I are just going to hang around and talk, maybe head to the hospital a little later."

"If you're sure," Ville stated, shrugging.

"Get upstairs right this minute Ville, or I'm going to chase you up there myself," April said suddenly, smiling.

Ville's eyes opened slightly as April gave him this 'proposition'. Not saying another word, Ville headed upstairs. He got to Bam's bedroom door and opened it, slowly walking in. The room was dimly lit and the singer's deep eyes adjusted slowly. The bed was still un-made, but Ville supposed that was on account Jenn had recently laid down in it. He let out a deep sigh and moved to the right side of the bed, Bam's side. After a few moments of doing nothing but survey the area around him, the singer pulled off his shirt. Letting it drop to the floor next to his feet, he loosened his belt, letting it drop near his shirt. On a whim, he jumped onto the bed and slid his arms underneath one of the pillows, hugging it closly to his chest. He took in a deep breath and Bam's scent flooded his nose. It was a mix between the smell of Axe and alchohol. Ville frowned. Bam needed to cut back on his drinking, they all needed to really. The jet-lag and lack of sleep there-afterwards had kicked in and Ville's eyelids grew heavy. He fell asleep in record time, thinking of Bam and how he was beyond glad that he still 'graced' this world with his presence.


Bam had watched Ville leave, throat tight and stomach turning. He had wanted desperately to tell Ville why he had tried to kill himself. He had had every intention of telling him when he had first seen him in his hospital room. However, when the words formed themselves on his tongue he had bit them back and swallowed chokingly. His fear was rejection. Rejection from the only person that meant anything to him at the moment. The fearless and reckless Bam, the Bam that had always done 'whatever the fuck he wanted' was afraid of something for the first time in his life. He glanced to the clock on the wall. It was only 3:17 in the afternoon. He figured that he'd be getting a visit from his mom and Jenn soon. He didn't want to see them, Jenn least of all. Seeing her made him feel sick to his stomach. For reasons he couldn't explain, the skater was tired. He soon fell into a deep sleep, messing with the hem of Ville's worn beanie.

Castle Bam

Ville awoke with a start in a cold sweat. He sat up and rubbed his eyes out of their sleep with his right hand. The dream had been so incredibly real. Leaning forward, he ran his fingers through his hair as it dangled in front of him. He had dreamt that Bam was walking in front of him, leading him somewhere. Laughing, they had both been laughing, but at what? He wondered. Then, everything had gotten dark and cold, he had felt cold. Bam turned had turned to face him, taking out a gun. Everything had seemingly gone into slow-motion and that's when Ville had woken up. To the sound of a gun-shot.

"Why'd you do it Bam-Bam?" Ville questioned mutely, using one of Bam's pet-names.

Ville sat back in the bed and looked around, sighing. What had gone wrong? Hadn't they just been in London, having a hell of a time, all to themselves? Four days alone and they had gotten completely wasted every night. Or, at least that's what Ville remembered, maybe it hadn't been every night. He smiled to himself as he remembered carrying Bam on his back. They never did find his other shoe.

"Religious matter, right Bam?" he muttered to no one.

He got out of the bed and reached down, grabbing his shirt. He stood back up and looked to the clock, cursing as he saw what it read. 9:28. "Damn it all," he muttered as he left the room. "Why the fuck didn't anyone wake me up?" he demanded to the silent house.
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