(no subject)

Jun 05, 2005 23:19

Rating- R
Pairing- Mige and Linde...just kidding.  Vam of course :)
Summary- Bam finds his true feelings when he learns Ville's secret..
Disclaimer- DO DK NH

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3&4
I don’t know if I fell asleep or how long I slept, but I do know that someone was watching me. I could feel it. I could feel their eyes on me. And I would be stupid if I said I didn’t know who it was. I knew exactly who it was. But the scary part is...I liked it. I liked that fluttering feeling I got in my stomach when I realized I wasn’t alone in my room. I liked that my heart started racing at the thought of him watching me sleep...Ville watching me. Am I falling for him?

Why did this have to be so confusing?

I jolted up in my bed when I heard the soft click of my bedroom door, "Ville?" I whispered into the dark room. Nothing. I looked at the clock on the floor. 1:07 AM. I sighed and lay back on my bed. Tossing and turning, while I tried to fall back asleep. What’s the point? I asked myself, finally lifting my tired body off the bed. I need to talk to him and find out what’s going on.

I slowly opened my door and stepped into the dark hallway. I don’t think the guys had come back. And Ape and Phil were probably already asleep. I crossed the hall to the closed door of Ville’s room. What am I gonna say? I lifted my hand to the wooden door to knock, but hesitated, my hand just above his door. What the hell am I doing? I don’t even know what to say! I sighed and dropped my hand, turning slowly to walk back to my room.

"Why am I so scared? This is my God damn house. And I’m not afraid of shit!" I argued. In the middle of the hallway I turned back to Ville’s room. I finally worked up the courage to go back to his door, raising my hand and again, stopping short of knocking. But what if it was all a misunderstanding? What if it was some kind of joke or something. What if I make an ass of myself when I go in there? I hated having a conscious sometimes.

I shook my head and sighed again, quite loudly actually, and turned on my heel to go back to my room. "God dammit Bam this is fucking ridiculous!" I whispered loudly to myself. I was just about to reach for my doorknob when I heard a soft noise coming from Ville’s room. And you know how they say curiosity killed the cat...

I slowly walked up to the dark wooden door and softly placed an ear against it. A muffled sound floated through. It sounds like...crying? I slowly put a shaky hand on the brass doorknob and gently turned it, letting the door open slightly. I peeked in, my eyes adjusting to the dark shadows in the pitch black room. I saw Ville’s shaking form on his bed, his back to me. He is crying.

I opened the door and quickly walked up to the side of his bed, gently sitting down. What are you doing Bam? Why are you here? I argued with myself.

I reached out a hand and gently placed it on Ville’s shoulder. His shaking stopped immediately, and his sobs were quieted...although he didn’t turn around. Instinct took over as I pulled him to me, turning his thin body so he was facing me. "Ville? What’s wrong?" I whispered, staring at his glistening cheeks. He sniffled, but didn’t answer. "Please tell me." I pleaded softly, wrapping him in my arms and pulling him close to my body. He hesitated for a while before wrapping his arms tightly around my torso.

My heart broke as he started softly crying again. I tried to calm his nerves by running my hands gently through his short locks. "Shh, don’t cry." I whispered in his ear. I began rocking him back and forth, tormenting my mind as to why he was in such pain. "You can tell me anything." I whispered, hugging him tighter.

"I’m sorry," he finally whispered back. "I’m such a wuss."

"No you aren’t. Don’t say that shit. It’s ok Vil," I whispered, as I continued to rock us back and forth.

"I am. I was watching you..and I had to come here and cry like a fucking girl because I knew I couldn’t have you, and I know you read my journal and you know how I feel. But you didn’t say anything. God I’m pathetic. I’m a sick freak who’s in love with his guy best friend!" Ville blurted, still clinging on to me. As soon as reality struck at what he had just said, he pushed away from me quickly, his eyes wide and his mouth wide open.

"Ville, I" and before I could say anything he was out of bed and sprinting to the bathroom down the hallway. Nice going Bam.

I stood up and quickly followed. I stood outside the doorway, smirking to myself. The lock on the door isn’t working. "Ville," I softly knocked on the bathroom door. "I’m coming in." Before he could protest I opened the door, surveying the brightly lit room.

Ville was sitting in the tub, a bright white towel covering his head like a veil, and his knees gathered against his chest and his arms protectively around them. I smiled, walking to the edge of the tub and sitting down. "Ville," I stated, taking the towel off his head. He stared back up at me, his eyes wide and teary and his bottom lip quivering.

I couldn’t take this anymore. I wanted him to be happy. Not in pain.

I bent down, and snaked a hand behind his head pulling him closer to my face. I smiled as his eyes widened and his lips parted. Then, catching us both by surprise, I closed the distance, pressing my lips against his passionately.

**love me :)**
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