Do You Remember?

Apr 05, 2005 15:14

Title: Do You Remember? Part I
Rating: PG-13 for language right now...will be smutty later on...
Pairing: Duh
Description: Eh, I can't tell you or it'll spoil it! :)

Please read... :3

[Ville's POV]

I feel...odd. I'm floating in an endless dark that I can't seem to shake off. I feel heavy, as if every cell in my body weighs 10 pounds.

And then I hear it--a voice that breaks the suffocating silence pressing in around me. It's muffled at first, but then becomes clearer as the darkness begins to lift.


I try to lift my head to see where the voice is coming from when I notice the heavy bandage on my head, just above my right eye.

I focus on the voice, and I seem to be getting lighter.

"He's waking up! Ville!"

"Sir, please stand back."

"Ville! Damn it, let me go! He needs me! Ville, I'm here!"

My eyes feel like they're lined with sandpaper as I struggle to open them.

"Sir, back off or I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Fuck that, I need to be here when he wakes up!"

A sigh, then, "Fine, looks like there's no arguing with you. I'll be back momentarily to check on him."

A door slams shut.

Somebody grips my hand. "Ville? Can you hear me?"

With effort, I open my eyes and focus on the speaker. He is a young man, probably in his early twenties. He has longer-than-averarge burnette hair that has a slight curl to it and the most amazing blue eyes, like two sapphires. Right now, those eyes are filled with concern. For me? Yes, I think so.

For the first time, I am aware of a dull throbbing pain searing through my body. I attempt to sit up to see my surroundings, but my body screams in protest and I collapse back onto the surface on which I was laying.

"Don't try to move."

"Where am I?" I croak. My voice is scratchy and dry.

"Hospital. You were in a bad accident," comes the choked reply. He sounds like he's been crying for a long period of time.

Finally, I ask, "Who are you?"

He stares at me wide-eyed, shocked, apparently.

"Y-you don't remember me, Ville?" he asks, hurt ringing clear in his voice.

"No...And why do you keep calling me 'Ville'? Is that my name or something?"

Another shocked look, this one far surpassing the other in magnitude.

"You mean you don't remember who you are?"


"Anything at all?"

I shake my head as if to clear it. Why can't I remember anything? I try. Okay, let's start off easy: What did I do yesterday? I strain my memory, trying to recall any detail from the previous day. Anything.

My effort is for naught.

"Nothing," I answer.

He curses under his breath.

A door opens and a physician walks in, a clipboard in hand. She looks at me, the young man who is with me, and then at the papers attached to her clipboard. She returns her gaze to the young man. "Are you Mige Amour?"

"Um, no," he replies.

"Then you are...?"

"Bam Margera."

"What is your relationship to the patient?"

He hesitates. "I'm his...boyfriend."

She raises an eyebrow at him before studying the various beeping, whirring, buzzing machines I am currently hooked to. She scribbles a few thing onto the clipboard.

"How are you feeling?" she asks me.

"Well, my head is throbbing, my entire body aches, and I seem to have lost my memory. Pretty shitty, I'd say," I reply bluntly.

"Memory loss? How severe?"

"I don't remember a goddamn thing."

She takes a few notes and looks over the pages. "Hmm, not too surprising; You did sustain a good-sized head injury, afterall."

The young man, 'Bam' I think he called himself, speaks up, "How long do you think it'll last?"

The phyician shrugs. "Amnesia can last anywhere from a few hours to a few years. Or it could be permanent."

Bam's jaw falls slack. "You mean...he could be like this forever?"

She nods. "Though the latter rarely happens, it is a possibility."

He slumps in his chair, looking horrified. I, on the other hand, remain strangly calm.

She watches us both for a moment before speaking again. "Visiting hours will be over soon, so I suggest you start saying your good-byes now."

He glares at her. "And leave Ville here all alone in this creepy hospital all night? Fuck no."

"My, you are a stubborn one."

"Damn right."

She lets out an annoyed sigh. "Fine," she says reluctantly, "I'll let the staff know that you're staying. Well, I'm needed in the next wing, so if you have any questions, please ask them now."

"When can I take him home?"

She glance at her clipboard. "The soonest would be tomorrow, but I wouldn't advise it. He would be much better off spending the next few days here, recovering."

Bam seems to think it over for a moment before responding. "He can recover at home," he decides.

"Very well then."

The physician leaves, shooting one last disapproving look in Bam's direction.

Bam's attention is immedeately returned to me.

"Are you feeling any better? What hurts?"

I ignore the questions and ask one of my own. "Why do you want to stay? It's almost guerenteed you won't get any sleep."

He takes one of my hands in both of his. "I know that, but I don't don't give a flying fuck. I'm not leaving you alone. Not again."

I can't help but smile a little. The poor boy is genuinely worried about me. My smile fades when I realize that there are tears in his eyes.

"This is all my fault," I hear his whisper. "I'm sorry."

"Bammie, whatever you've done, I'm sure it can--"

He inturrupts me, "Wait, what did you call me?"

I blink. "Um...'Bammie', though I'm not sure why. It just...came out."

"No, that great! You remembered my nickname!"

"Did I?"

"Yeah," he says excitedly. "See? You're already making progress."

"Yeah, I guess..."

He's so sweet...Is what he said earlier true? Is he really my boyfriend?

As if can read my mind, he says, "Baby, whatever you're thinking, we can talk about it in the morning. Right now, you need your sleep." He places a gentle kiss on my temple and settles dow in his chair for the night. "We'll get through this, Ville. Together."

He switches the light off and we fall silent. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, but after what feels like eternity, I finally drift off to a troubled sleep....


Yep, that's part one. Already kinda working on part two...

Leave feedback, if you will....

Much Love \m/
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