(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 21:17

meh. *bashes HIM haters*

anyways. GUESS WHAT!

It didn't take me a month to write the next chapter this time!

You can have it Right Now!

Although this pales in comparison to Mel's BRILLIANT last chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Please remember I do not know them, I do not own them, and this never, ever happened.


It poured into Ville’s mouth, and Oh, it was good. His eyes fluttered closed as the fount gushed against his greedy lips.


Sweet taste of metal, taste of iron… deep red, brilliant crimson; pure, unadulterated, beautiful gorgeous luscious blood. Ville moaned against the white neck of the human. He could feel the warm blood pulsing through his own cold, dead veins; feel the warmth spread to the very tips of his toes. This was good. This was nice. This was …


He was watching Bam’s life go by in flashes of color in front of his eyes. He could actually feel Bam’s love, see it, a brilliant shade of throbbing, beating red. As the heart that was pumping blood into him slowed, the shade of red that was Bam’s love for him grew stronger, overpowering all images of his life. This color, this shade, it had a life of its own. It was stronger than ever before, and it was all Ville could feel, and all he could see. Cradled in his arms, Bam let out a small sigh. This was ecstasy, Ville was sure of it, this was the most amazing thing ever. But that heart was weakening. Bam… Bam was …

Dying. I’m dying for you Ville. Live now because I love you…

Ville gasped, flinging Bam’s weak body from himself. Blood leaked out of the punctures in Bam’s neck; he was fading fast. Ville was frantic.

“No. No no, Bam, this can’t happen. You can’t die. You won’t die. I won’t let you. There has to be a way… you have to live…” Bam shook his head deliriously, his hand on his bloody neck, desperately trying to crawl back into Ville’s arms.

“Ville… I’m dying for you. Let me die for you… You have to live.”

“Darling, darling, this isn’t supposed to happen to us! I won’t let you die… I won’t let you die…” The last part came as a whisper from Ville’s lips - Bam’s body gave out; he collapsed on the floor.

“Ville… I’m going now… I love you…” He could barely move his lips. Without thinking, Ville bit into his own wrist, and grabbed Bam back into his lap.

“NO! Bam, drink. You have to. Come on Bam. It’s good… drink!” He pressed his bleeding wrist to Bam’s lips. Bam shook his head slowly. He was meant to die now. To die for love. He was giving Ville his life - why wouldn’t he take it. The world was fading around him; all he could see was Ville’s face, his desperate, tear stained face. So beautiful - those eyes… he didn’t remember them that green. That hazardous shade of emerald… it was driving him crazy. They were beautiful. It seemed ever color of the rainbow was caught in Ville’s twinkling, tear-filled eyes. Bam gasped for breath as everything started swirling around him. This would be his last sight… Ville leaning over him crying… those vampiric eyes that were everything and anything…

“No. Bam no. Don’t do this. Drink, Bam, drink! You have to drink!” Ville was frantic, rocking back and forth with Bam’s feather light body in his lap. A sob wracked his thin frame. “Why won’t you drink?! I love you, I need you… please, please… Bam… please…” He seized his wrist with his other hand, pushing it again into Bam’s face, as white as death itself. But Bam still refused it, and Ville began to cry. His tears fell onto Bam’s face, one single one falling onto the pale, pale lips. A red tear. A single tear of blood, glittering on the ashen skin.

Before he could stop himself, Bam’s tongue and gone out to catch the drop of blood. He moaned a little; it was so good. More tears fell, and he greedily caught them up. Ville didn’t notice, he was still rocking back and forth:
“Why won’t you drink? Bam… I don’t want to lose you, why won’t you just drink?!” Bam wanted more. These blood tears weren’t enough. He looked around hastily…

Where do I get more?!

And then he saw it. The crimson flowing out of a cut in Ville’s preternatural skin of marble. It was captivating, enticing, tantalizing, divine. He needed it.

Ville gasped when he felt Bam’s mouth catch onto his wrist. He gasped as he felt the pulling in his whole body, from the tips of his toes to the ends of his fingers, he could feel the blood being pulled away. It hurt. It hurt a lot. But it felt so good. Bam was sucking his blood out of his body, his lips hurriedly kissing his wrist, sucking more blood with each kiss. Ville’s eyes rolled back in his head - this was more arousing than anything he’d ever experienced. Bam was moaning against his wrist, pulling more and more fiery blood from Ville’s veins. It filled him, coursed through his own veins… he could see into Ville’s mind, see into his heart… he felt Ville all around him… Ville was inside of him…

Ville couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t have much left to give, and the pleasure was just too much. His heart was bursting with love and happiness… He pulled his wrist away from Bam’s desperate lips.
“Darling… darling…” Tears were still falling from Ville’s eyes - Bam sat up to lick them off his face. Ville grabbed his head and showered little kisses all over his face. “I’ll never let you go… I couldn’t do it… I couldn’t kill you… I just couldn’t… I need you…” Bam wrapped his arms around Ville, trying to ignore the sharp, dying pains in his stomach.
“I would have died for you Ville… I would have died right there in your arms.”

“I know precious. I know. But I would have died with you… I can’t live without you.” Bam kissed him softly, licking away the tears that were still flowing.

“I’ll never leave you now, Ville.”

“I love you very much, Bam.” They cuddled a little more; Bam had to rub Ville’s arms to give him some warmth, having sucked most of his own blood back out of him.

“You’re pale sweetheart,” observed Bam. Ville nodded.

“I gave you almost everything.” Bam looked at him enquiringly. “Shh. It’s okay. We’ll be fine now. We’ll be okay now.” Two sets of vampiric eyes sparkled in the darkness, before they closed as Ville leaned in to kiss Bam’s soft, dying lips.

“If this is dying, then it really hurts,” Bam mumbled into the kiss. Ville ran his hands over Bam’s body, trying to soothe him.

“I know. But it’ll be over soon, I promise.” Ville kissed Bam’s forehead, covered in a thin sheen of blood sweat, gripping Bam’s hand to help him with the pain.

Ville sat with Bam while he twisted and turned with the pains, until they were finished, and Bam lay back exhausted in Ville’s arms.

“Am I… dead now?” He looked up at Ville with big, scared eyes. Ville’s own eyes filled with tears as he nodded.

“As dead as you’ll ever get, I guess.”

“Oh.” Bam sighed a little. “But I am glad - I died in your arms after all.” He smiled a little, and Ville caught sight of the tiny pointed incisors in his mouth. A chill ran up his backbone as his tongue sought out his own razor-sharp teeth. They were there, just as Bam’s were.

This is real… it’s actually happened…

Bam sat up a little to place a little kiss on Ville’s lips, but a sound in the castle - magnified a hundred times by their preternatural hearing - distracted them. They looked at each other.

“Shit. Ville, what do we do?” Ville put his hand over Bam’s mouth.

“Don’t talk. He’ll hear you. Pretend… pretend you’re dead…” He kissed Bam quickly, before leaning over and, using his teeth to open the tiniest of slits in Bam’s neck. “I’ll be careful, I promise. Don’t think anything, don’t say anything, don’t move. You’re dead, okay?” Ville whispered it to him urgently. Bam nodded, closing his eyes and letting himself go limp. Ville had just pulled the limp body up to his mouth and begun to suck slowly at the wound when the heavy door flew from its hinges of its own accord.

Light flooded into the small room, and Trent stood in the doorway, laughing at the scene in front of him.
“You took him then, Ville? I knew you couldn’t resist.” Ville turned to look at him, tears flowing from his eyes.

“I hate you,” he spat. Trent laughed, veritably flying down the short stairs and into the room.

“Ah, it wounds me to hear it. But at least he’s gone now. You have noone left, Ville. Except for me… I love you still, though I hate to say it.” Ville’s eyes filled with fire.

“I’ll never love you, Trent. I never did, and I never will. Bam… Bam had my heart, he always has. He always will.”

“Bam is dead! He died at your own hands! You’re such a great lover that you kill those who have the misfortune to be loved by you! Oh, I pity you Ville, I really do. To kill the one you loved - and you did love him didn’t you? You did love that sniveling little American pig - Ah, I could never imagine such cruelness.”

“You as good as killed me, and you say you love me! You turned me into this! This monster… I never asked for this! I never wanted this! You did kill me Trent!” Trent shook his head.

“But you’re still alive.” He chuckled. “Yes, you’re alive, and you took the life of the one you loved most to keep it so. Did you never think of dying and letting him live? Did that never cross your selfish mind?” Ville turned his back to Trent, cradling Bam’s body, before turning back around to face him.

“You are nothing,” he spat. “You are nobody. I despise you. I always have.” Trent sighed, sitting down in the chair he’d chained Ville to.

“I think, as the centuries go by, you’ll change your mind. Eventually you’ll forget.” Ville made more tears fall down his face.

“I’ll never forget what you did to me. I’ll never forgive you for this.” He motioned to Bam’s body. Trent just laughed, before getting up and swooping down to where Ville was sitting with Bam on the floor.

“Ah, you are beautiful. You and your lover here.” A cold finger ran down Ville’s cheek, wiping away the tears. Trent put his finger to his mouth, licking the blood off it. “But you’re cold. Did the human not have enough blood?” Ville nodded. “Oh, precious, you can’t go hungry. Here.” Trent tore open his own wrist and offered it to Ville, who clamped his lips to it without thinking.

This blood was different than Bam’s. It was colder, more metallic. But it was blood, and it was good.
“Ahhh,” moaned Trent, as Ville sucked on his wrist. Ville was strong, and he was pulling quickly. Trent’s head swam. Ville still sucked at the fount hungrily - he felt like this burning thirst would never end. It tasted so good, oh so good. He whimpered against Trent’s hard, cold wrist, and sucked even harder. Drain him, he thought, drain him. It tastes so good. Trent groaned again, pushing at Ville’s head.

“Not too much, not too much…” He pulled his wrist away. Ville lapped at the blood that was spilling messily from his mouth, but not before some of it fell on Bam’s face.

Bam twitched.

It was the tiniest of movements, but Ville felt it like an earthquake. Trent’s eyes widened, as he pulled away from Ville and stared down at Bam.

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