(no subject)

Sep 16, 2009 00:16

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: I would begin a count down, since I know the story is coming towards an ending... but I don't know how soon it will be. xD

Both of them had been on a plane many times since they were small children, but there was an added rush since this was the first time they were going without Bam or Ville in tow.

Normally exhausted, they found themselves more then ready to set off into their first day in Finland alone.

“Alright, we have exactly enough time to get to uncle Jesse's place...” Cyrus was saying, checking his watch, having reset it to the new time zone.

“Or do we?” Alexsi said, grabbing his bag.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Alexsi shrugged as they left the airport. “Maybe... just maybe... someone called uncle Jesse and told him there was a delay?”

Cyrus narrowed his eyes at his brother. “Who would do that?”

“Dad... papa.... who knows really. It doesn't matter that's for sure. What matters is... we can spend some time together...” Alexsi was saying, in his best convincing tone, putting an arm around Cyrus. “We can see the sites... take in a museum...”

“You hate museums...” Cyrus pointed out.

“You're missing the point Cy!”

“And that point would be?”

Alexsi shrugged, rubbing the back of his head, before he quickly mumbled, “We have an additional hour or so...”

Cyrus' jaw dropped, “An hour! You don't think papa and dad will notice an hour difference?”

“Hear me out... I told uncle Jesse we were delayed so we could surprise him.”

Cyrus crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at his brother. “A surprise for uncle Jesse?”

“Why is it so hard for you to believe, that I want to surprise uncle Jesse?” Alexsi asked. “After all, look at everything he is doing for us... letting us stay at his place and everything.”

“I don't want to lie to them.” Cyrus protested. “This is our first chance to prove ourselves and you want to throw it away to have an hour to waste in Helsinki?”

Alexsi raised his hand. “Not just to waste my dear brother.”

“Then what do you suggest... Dearest brother of mine.” Cyrus said, with a slight harshness to the word dearest, because he knew Alexsi... and a surprise for Jesse wasn't the only reason he had lied about their arrival time.

Alexsi grinned and wrapped his arm around Cyrus' neck. “I was just getting to that...”


Cyrus was broken from his sulking, when he heard his brother's name called. Looking up, he watched a young girl come running over to them...or more specifically to Alexsi.

Alexsi bent down and returned her embrace, lifting her from the ground momentarily. “Isabel... I've missed you so much.”

To Cyrus' surprise, his brother locked lips with her, in the same manner he used to tease their parents for doing. Feeling awkward, Cyrus looked down. The fact that he felt so uneasy made him feel worse, and he knew his cheeks were turning red.

Alexsi chuckled, and for a moment, was blind to what Cyrus was feeling. He pressed his nose against Isabel's, happy to see her again. While she was the girl he had been necking with in Sweden, as Cyrus would later learn, she was not from Sweden... but France.

She was slightly taller than Cyrus was, and had long, straight, hair that was pale blond in color. When she wasn't riding around on the backs of motorcycles, she left it loose, as it was now. She was as slender as Alexsi was and looked and walked like a model, but talked like a guy; which seemed to contradict her sweet voice with it's French accent.

“Okay... so this Isabel...” Alexsi said, when he finally pried his lips from hers. “And this is my brother Cy.”

“Hi Cyrus... nice to meet you.” She said sweetly, giggling when Cyrus waved at her shyly.


Alexsi grinned, planning on picking on Cyrus for that later. He turned to the others that were around them, since Isabel was not alone. Alexsi pointed to each of the four remaining boys and introduced them to Cyrus.

They were all in the same age range as Alexsi and Cy, but came from different continents, having met Alexsi through the completions he had partaken in; since they were all fans of motocross. There was Marcus from France, the older brother of Isabel. Like his sister, like his twin, he was tall and fair with short blond hair and a model's smile. Marco from Italy, who was the eldest at 18, with dark hair and eyes, but a friendly smile. Viggo, from Iceland, had a serious expression that made him look older than he was. He waved to Cyrus when they were introduced, but didn't say anything.

“Don't mind him,” Alexsi said, leaning closer to his brother for a moment, “He's like that with everyone. Viggo is like... an old cat.” He paused and met his friend's gaze, grinning at the narrowed eyes of the other teen. “You have to give him some time to get used to you. And that...” Alexsi trailed off, scrunching his face up in confusion. “Is he with us?”

Isabel laughed, “Sort of... she is with us. She's Pat's sister.”

“Sorry...I had to bring her.” Pat put in, rolling his eyes. Patrick, and the sister their attention was turned to momentarily, were from England.

From behind them, the girl rolled her eyes and turned the page of her book.

“Oh...alright...” Alexsi said, now standing behind Isabel, with his arms around her, leaning against her.

Cyrus looked between the six friends, who were talking excitedly among themselves about going to X Games. Everyone but Viggo that was, who seemed out of place with his low key demeanor. But then again, Cyrus thought, maybe he was the type of guy who really came alive when he was on the course?

In any case, Cyrus really felt like like an outsider, and found himself wandering about the girl he had barely be introduced to. Looking to his brother once more, he left the main group and went to sit in the shade with Pat's sister with no name.

Upon closer inspection, she looked more like a girl....which even with his limited knowledge of girls, Cyrus knew that was not something he should point out to her. She was a petite girl, with short, dark brown hair...or at least Cyrus assumed it was short, since there were two small braids poking out from underneath her hat, matched with a few strands that served as a sort of bangs, that came down to her chin, which she gently brushed away now and then.

She was wearing a tank top, of some dark color, and jeans with rips in the knees. Something about her gave Cyrus the impression that her pants didn't always have those in them.

Drawing in a breath of encouragement, he put on his best smile and opened his mouth to say hi, when she spoke up.


Cyrus was so taken by surprise, that he sort of froze where he was. “What?”

His response seemed to startle her, as much as hers had started him. “What?” She looked up at him with big, brown, eyes, and for a moment Cyrus couldn't think of words to answer with.

“You said no.” Cyrus pointed out, “Even though I was going to say hi.”

“You were?” She asked, uncertainty in her voice, and he could tell she was checking his eyes to see if he was telling the truth.

Her close examination made him downcast his eyes. “Yes.”

She was silent for a moment, before she relaxed again. “You can sit down.”

Cyrus looked to her again and then smiled. “Thank you....”

“Helena.” She filled in for him, drawing her legs close. “You're Cy?”

“Cyrus... my brother is the only one who really calls me Cy.”

She nodded again, tucking hair behind her ear again. “Is Alexsi really your brother?”

“Yes...” Cyrus, hoping he didn't sound as defensive as he just thought he did. He watched as she nodded and pulled her legs close. Clearing he throat, he struggled to think of something interesting to say. “So...” He started, peeking at her now and then as he played with his fingers. “Who is your favorite motocross star?”

Her eyes were half closed, as she pulled the threads from the holes in her jeans. With a shrug, Helena finally answered, “I don't have one.”

“Not one?” Cyrus asked, struggling to be humorous, but feeling awkward and strained. “Not even the great Alexsi Valo, who will some day dominate his sport?”

She narrowed her eyes at him, then immediately regretted it, since Cyrus slumped into his spot like a melted chunk of ice, misery written on his face. Confusion filled her, as she looked to her own hands then, not used to someone... let alone a boy... who didn't poke and shove and pull on her hair. “I... don't like motocross.” She mumbled softly, blushing herself now.

Cyrus looked up at her, and realized that the embarrassment he was feeling, seemed to be written on her face. “You don't?”

“No.” Helena said bluntly, then sighed since she didn't mean to be so harsh. Waving her hand at him, she quickly added, “Go ahead and laugh... make your jokes about how great motocross is...” She sighed again, but sadly this time, pulling her knee close. “I've heard it all before.”

“I don't like it either.” Cyrus let the sentence fly from his mouth in a great burst of excitement. “You could have said Ronald McDonald was your favorite athlete and I would have believed you....”

Helena gazed at him for a moment and then smiled, laughing a little at the idea of a clown riding around on a dirt bike. “Really? Then why are you here?”

“Visiting my uncle Jesse....”

“You don't sound Finnish.” Helena pointed out.

“Neither do you.” Cyrus joked and this time, it seemed to succeed.

“I...” She laughed again, and seemed to find amusement in her reason for being here. “I was just following Patrick... he owes me money and is refusing to pay me back. I told him I wasn't going to leave him alone until he did.” She looked at him for a moment, then added, “Your brother really likes motocross.”

Cyrus nodded, “It's not the sport for me.”

“What is?”

“I like skateboarding...” Cryus said, with real enthusiasm this time.

“Really?” Helena asked, lighting up herself. “Prove it.”

Cyrus grinned, “I would be more than happy too.” He got up and ran back over to where Alexsi was. His brother was standing near their luggage, texting someone with an amused smile on his face. Bending down, Cyrus grabbed his skateboard and held it above his head, after he turned to look at her.

Pat sighed and rolled his eyes, “Not another skater.”

“Another?” Cyrus asked, looking to him for a moment.

Patrick narrowed his eyes and looked at his sister.

Looking to Helena as well, Cyrus watched with a growing smile, as she pulled her own board out from next to her. How he had missed it, he would never know. He jogged back over to her and sat down, getting lost in conversation about their favorite skaters and the sport they mutually loved.

What seemed like hours to Cyrus, for he had forgotten all about his uncle and time, was actually no more than a few minutes. Their time was cut even shorter when Patrick appeared next to them.

“Here.” He tossed a few crumpled bills at Helena. “Now leave me alone.”

She picked the bills up and straightened them out. Normally she would have been pleased, but suddenly, she wished she wasn't being excused so easily or quickly. She peeked at Cyrus who also seemed to be suddenly disheartened.

“Come on Cy...” Alexsi suddenly said, breaking into Cyrus' own brooding thoughts. He rode over to them, riding a bike one of his friends had brought with them, for him to use. Isabel was standing on the back pegs, holding onto his shoulders.

“See you later Helena.” She chimed in.

Helena frowned more, “See you around.”

Cyrus looked between his brother and his friends, who had gathered around, and then at Helena again. “I'm actually not that hungry.”

Alexsi regarded his brother for a moment. He knew better than anyone there, that Cyrus had not had anything to eat since before they left and was more than likely very hungry. “Are you sure?” Alexsi asked.

“Positive...” Cyrus answered, though the word was broken when he heard his stomach growl in protest.

“Okay... suit yourself.” Alexsi said, trying to appear casual when he was really highly amused and anxious to hear more. “You know how to get to Jesse's place right?”

Cyrus nodded, “I'll be alright.”

“Okay.” Alexsi looked to Helena and smiled, “Keep an eye on him for me?”

She smiled and nodded, “I'll try.”

Cyrus watched Alexsi and his friends ride off, before turning his attention to Helena, realizing now that they were alone. He blushed and then stammered as he stood up. “Do you want to meet my uncle?”

She watched him for a moment and then nodded. Standing up, she adjusted her bag and placed her foot on her board, before she drew in a breath. “Thank you.”

“For what?” Cyrus asked, thankful that his bag could be carried on his back, as well as, in hand.

She looked into his eyes for a moment and realized he had been nice now, not for anything other than his own sincere nature. “For not leaving me behind.” She paused for a moment, blushing lightly again.” “It was really sweet of you.” She reached out and touched his hand gently.

Cyrus blinked rapidly and turned the darkest shade of red yet, “It was nothing... Let's go.”

They skated along silently for a while, before they were able to pick up the casual conversation that had been interrupted. They were soon laughing and joking around, as if they had been friends for much longer than they were. Cyrus was impressed to learn that Helena was actually a very talented skateboarder, better then himself he was not to proud to admit. Helena in her own right, was impressed to meet someone who wasn't shocked the girl could be as tough as a boy.

They were still laughing when they reached Jesse's gym. Having competed for as long as he could, winning many awards and fame of his own, Jesse's strength now lay here, where he taught others the skills he had learned. He was overjoyed to see Cyrus come through the door, but confused by the person who came along with him...

“Cyrus... you are looking well. Have you grown? You seem bigger than the last time I saw you.” Jesse was saying, turning to look at Helena. “But Alexsi! You have changed the most! Have you shrunk? You are certainly cuter...”

Cyrus and Helena chuckled a little, their cheeks warmer though both found Jesse funny.

“I'm Helena.” She replied, with a smile.

“And a fine name it is.” He leaned closer to Cyrus and softly asked, “Does your father know, Alexsi became a girl on the flight over?”

Cyrus sighed dramatically, making Helena laugh more. “This isn't Alexsi.”

“Sooo... Alexsi isn't here?” Jesse asked, being a smart ass more than for clarification.

“He'll be here soon.” Cyrus answered.

“Oh good...” Jesse said, walking away from them, well aware of how the teens followed.

“What are you doing?” Cryus asked.

“Calling your parents of course.” Jesse said matter-a-factly.

Cyrus was as horrified as he looked,”You can't do that!”

“I was supposed to call as soon as you got here.” Jesse stated, dialing the number. “It'll only take a minute. I'm sure your parents are dying to hear from you.”

“But Alexsi isn't here.” Cyrus pointed out the obvious.

“That is his own problem.” Jesse said. “I suppose he thought he could get away with lying to me too?” He looked at his nephew carefully and then sighed, when he got the sheepish expression he expected. “I am not a fool Cyrus Raine Margera.”

Cryus winced when he heard his whole name pulled out, peeking at Helena who was pretending to examine a trophy. “He wanted to surprise you.” Cyrus offered weakly.

“Surprise me with what? A heart attack from worrying about where you two were... and what I would tell your parents if...” He broke off then, looking down at the speaker phone. “Hello Ville... how is the honeymoon?”

“Great.” Ville said, in an obviously pleased tone. “Did my sons show up in tact?”

“Your sons?” Bam asked, moving back onto the bed.

Ville smiled, “Our sons...” He corrected, watching in growing excitement as Bam crept up the bed and towards him.

“As a matter a fact they have.” Jesse said, grinning as Cyrus shook his head back and forth. “Say hi to your parents boys.”

“Hi?” Cyrus offered in defeat.

“Cyrus?” Ville asked, flinching since Bam was kissing along his leg. “Is something wrong?”

“Of course not!” Cyrus blurted out, rushing over to the phone.

“Are you sure? You don't sound well...” Ville murmured, torn between parental concern and parental horniness, especially when Bam started kissing along his navel.

“I'm fine... really.... just tired from the flight over is all.” Cyrus said.

“Get some sleep love... we'll talk soon alright?”

Cyrus breathed a sigh of relief. “I will... and we will...” His hand moved to hang up, convinced he had managed to sneak through trouble. “Give dad lots of love for me.”

“He will.” Bam whispered, having over heard what Cyrus said. He was kissing along Ville's neck. “I love you Cyrus.” He said a little louder, so his son would hear that.

“Put Alexsi on first.” Ville said, grinning at Bam, who pouted. “I want to tell him what a wonderful job he did.”

“But Willa...” Bam pouted, body and hands rubbing against Ville, as his mouth worked over his neck and collar bone.

Ville drew in a sharp breath, having pulled the phone away from them for a moment. Thankfully, the teens and Jesse only heard rustling on their end of the phone. “Just a second Bam... then I will go back to ravishing you senseless.” Ville said, meeting Bam's lips for quick kisses, before sharing a deeper one.

Meanwhile, Cyrus was in panic mode, since he had no Alexsi to provide Ville. He looked to Helena who gave him a worried expression.

“Hello?” Ville's voice came back on. “Is Alexsi there?”

“Umm... umm... he's.... he's.... he's in the bathroom. Can he call you back in a few minutes?” Cyrus finally managed to ask. It pained him, since he hated lying to his parents. But he didn't want to see Alexsi get into trouble, even if he might deserve it.

“I can wait.” Ville stated, trying not to laugh when Bam flopped dramatically onto his own side of the bed.

“He'll be in there for a while...” Cyrus tried.

“Is something wrong?” Ville asked, sitting up a bit. “He isn't sick is he?”

“Who?” Bam asked, moving so he could sit behind Ville, pulling the older man back and into his embrace.

“No.. no... he... well... he just really had to go.” Cyrus winced, knowing how lame that must have sounded.

“Just call him back later Willa.” Bam mumbled, pouted as he trailed his fingers lightly over Ville's sides, unaware of how he had made Cyrus nod enthusiastically and prayed for Ville to agree.

“I suppose I could...” Ville said softly, finding it hard to ignore all of his lover's touches.

Just then, the door opened and the sound of laughter brought hope back to Cyrus' heart. He ran to greet his brother, who had arrived with his friends and bags of food. “Dad and papa are on the phone.” Cyrus informed Alexsi, who's eyes went wide with shock.


“No time to explain... you just came from the bathroom.” Cyrus informed his brother, as he drug him over to the phone.

For a second, Alexsi stared at it, unsure of what to say. But he quickly put it together and drew in a breath. In a confident tone, he said: “Boy do I feel better. Hi dad... papa... sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Not at all... are you feeling alright?” Ville asked, pushing away Bam's roaming hands. The skater had taken the chance, in the brief moment of silence, to steadily move his hands more and more southward. The groan of frustration, mixed with the whining and bouncing of his lover, made Ville chuckle.

“Feeling fine... thank you.”

“Alright...” Ville said, though unconvinced. “Be good and we'll see you soon.”

“Take your time.” Alexsi said with confidence. “I love you and dad.”

“We love you too...”

“Love you too dad and papa.” Cyrus put in.

“Love you too... and Jesse... thank you.”

“You're welcome.” Jesse said, before they hung up, looking to his nephews with an amused smile.

“That was an asshole thing to do.” Alexsi announced. “You could have gotten me into a lot of trouble.”

“You would have gotten yourself into trouble.” Jesse stated. “You're lucky that your parents lose all sense of time when they are alone.”

“I don't know if you deserve a surprise.” Alexsi said, bringing him over a bag of food anyways.

“Thank you...it was nice of you... but next time it might be nicer to just arrive on time.” Jesse said.

Alexsi narrowed his eyes at his brother. “I suppose you told on me?”

“No!” Cyrus protested. “He figured it out by himself.”

“Well... here's some food anyways.” Alexsi said, handing Cyrus another bag.

“And we brought you some too.” Pat said, handing Helena some food.

“I suppose you want your money back?” She asked, reaching for her bag.

Patrick happened to look over her shoulder and saw Cyrus shaking his head. He watched his friends bother reach into his own pocket and pull out bills, waving them to him. Meeting his sister's eyes as she stood up, he shook his head. “No... it will be alright.”

Helena observed him in an obviously suspicious manner. “Are you sure?”

Patrick nodded, “Of course I am... I did it to be nice... what would any brother do for his little sister?”

More real Vam next time! Promise!






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