(no subject)

Sep 05, 2009 23:44

Title: Closet
Author: myforgottenpain
Rating: R
Pairing: Vam
Summary: Ville and Bam let their chance to be together slip away before, but when the chance to be together arises again, can they make it work... despite keeping it a secret from their friends and family?
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera. Nor do I imply that in reality they are anything but friends. I, however, could not pass up a great idea for a fan fiction!
Warnings: My normal fic with lots of ups and downs.
Authors Notes: I would begin a count down, since I know the story is coming towards an ending... but I don't know how soon it will be. xD

If the scene before him, had been a different time, it would have been easy to say: “Oh look.. there is that Margera kid with his skater friends.”

The sound of a skateboard deck rang out through the bright, afternoon. Just to the side, with a camera planted right in front of his face, was the figure that could have easily passed for the once believed (or at least some would wish) one and only, Bam Margera. With his brown, curly hair, poking out from under his cap and worn out jeans and equally broken down skater shoes, this teen could have easily passed for the self proclaimed King of Rock-n-Roll.

A skater, attempted to grind across a double set of rails, failed and rolled into the grass.

“Come on!” Cyrus yelled, pulling the camera from his face. “My me-maw can grind that rail!”

“Why don't you do it then Cyrus?” His friend called.

“I am actually! Sometimes it takes a real man to get the job done.” Cyrus called back. He handed his very advanced, digital camera, to one of his friends. “Don't touch any button but this one.” He pointed out the button that would start the recording.

At 15, he looked remarkably like his father, though he was definitely a much calmer version. Cyrus grabbed his skateboard and made his way over to where the scene was supposed to start. In the time that had passed since his parents had fallen out of the closet, he had continued his love for skateboarding as well as the ATV that had gotten him into trouble as a child... though the one he had now was much larger.

“Are you ready?” He called down to his friends. His friend who had fallen down, was sitting on the grass next to two of their other friends, while the fourth was standing with camera in hand.


Cyrus nodded, drew in a breath and then set off; confident that he could pull off what his friend seemed unable to do. He made it over the first rail with no problem, and had just transferred to the next one, when he caught something from the corner of his eyes.

Just as he reached the bottom of the second rail, he heard it, a cat call that caused him to stumble and fall. This was not any cat call though, he had not heard this language or voice for a few months now. After loosing his skateboard, he flipped over himself, and landed on his back. Luckily, he wasn't far from the ground when he fell, so he was able to walk away with just a minor concrete burn.

However, he didn't care about that at all. He was to excited to see the other boy, and by the giggle of his two female buddies, any doubt of who it could be was erased. “Alexsi.”

The slightly older boy came over to him on his BMX bike, kicking up a little dust intentionally at his younger brother. He grinned down at Cyrus, leaning over his handle bars. “As graceful as ever Cy?” He teased.

“I did it intentionally... I knew you were there the whole time.” Cyrus insisted, slowly standing.

“I'll race you back to the house.” Alexsi challenged.

“In the mood to loose?” Cyrus asked.

“My bike is faster than your stupid skateboard.” Alexsi stated, looking to Cyrus' friend, giving them a quick wave. “Hey.”

“Hi Alexsi!” The girls laughed to each other, while the remaining boys, just rolled their eyes.

Cyrus grabbed his camera, stuffing it into his bag. “Maybe... but I know the way home better.”

“You think you do.” Alexsi responded.

“I know I do.” Cyrus said as he grabbed his skateboard, placing one foot on it, rocking it back and forth. “Want to make a bet?”

“Are you sure you want to loose all of your allowance at once?” Alexsi teased.

“I work for a living... unlike some people.” Cyrus teased back.

“Then let's go...I'll even give you a five minute head start.”

“You're the one who's...” Cyrus started, when Alexsi rode off. “You said I could go first!” He yelled at Alexsi as he followed him. He knew he was about to say he didn't need it, but at least Alexsi could do was wait!

Cyrus was not worried about Alexsi winning, since it really wasn't about winning anyways. They joked about beating each other, but the same thing happened every time they were allowed out here at the same time.

Taking some short cuts down familiar streets, he wasn't surprised to find Alexsi just a block or so in front of him, gliding along on his bike. His t-shirt flapping against his slender frame.

With ease, Cyrus caught up with him, since Alexsi wasn't even trying to get away from him. Reaching out, he grabbed the back of Alexsi's shirt, as soon as he was as close as he dared to go. As quickly as he could, he moved his feet, so they were both on the board, leaving him gliding behind his brother; concentrating only on staying balanced.

As soon as Alexsi felt Cyrus grab his shirt, he started pumping the peddles to pick up speed. Like this, they traveled for a while, until luck finally failed and prevented them from going right through an intersection. Cyrus let go of Alexsi, so they could stop without crashing into each other. Using the time this provided, Cyrus stuffed his skateboard between his back and bag. He then climbed onto the back of Alexsi's bike, standing on the pegs that came out of the back wheel.

By the time they got home, Alexsi was more than a little warm from peddling them both along.

“You stay here.. I'll go and get you something to drink.” Cyrus said, before jogging into the house.

“Thanks!” Alexsi called after him, running his hand through his short, dark auburn hair, before using the bottom of his shirt to wipe away the sweat. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed something coming towards him.

He was barely able to stumble off his bike, when Cyrus released the valve on the hose and doused him. “What the hell!”

“That's what you get for being a dick head!” Cyrus yelled back, giving a loud war cry as he continued to hose his brother down.

Alexsi wiggled around a little, before he managed to jump towards his brother. Wrapping his long arms around his him, he tackled Cyrus down to the ground, where a fight over the hose started.

April was in the kitchen, when she heard the splashing of water against the window. “What in the...” She came into the living room, noticing right away, how the window was streaked in water. She should have known better, but it had been a while since any serious mischief had happened, so she thought nothing of opening the door.

At just the right moment, Cyrus, who was just as soaked now; kicked Alexsi off of him, causing the hose to fly from his hands. It flopped on the ground twice, before hitting April, soaking me-maw and entrance in the process.

April gave a cry of surprise, which caused both of the boys to stop fighting. “Me-maw!” They yelled, racing to mend the situation. Alexsi went to control the hose, while Cyrus went and stopped the water.

“I'm so sorry me-maw!” Cyrus was saying, as April attempting to wipe off her face. She had started to yell, when she realized who else was standing next to her. “Alexsi?” She asked, a smile breaking over her face.

“I'm so sorry me-maw.. I didn't know you were standing there.” Alexsi said, even as April kissed his cheeks and hugged him.

“When did you get here?” April asked.

“About an hour or so ago. Dad dropped me off near the skate park.” Alexsi explained.

“Where are your fathers?” April asked.

Alexsi shrugged, “Probably doing something gross.”

“Weren't you caught necking with some girl in Sweden?” Cyrus asked with a grin, chuckling when Alexsi narrowed his eyes at him.

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” Alexsi insisted.

“My grandsons wouldn't do something like that.” April said, as she ushered them both into the house. She was amazed how much Alexsi had changed, since he had departed just a few months ago.

“Honey we're home!” Bam called, coming into the house. “Why is it wet in here?”

“Thank your sons for that one.” Phil said, hugging Bam, then Ville. “My God, Alexsi looks like you.”

Ville chuckled, “So I've been told.”

“Hey papa.” Alexsi said, running past him so he could hug Bam. “Dad!”

Bam was shocked, as he hugged his son, who was already as tall as him. “What happened to you?”

“You know... age... hormones...” Alexsi joked.

“Hi papa.” Cyrus said, hugging Ville.

“How's my little Cyrus doing?” Ville asked gently, since he still had to look down to look at the teen.

“Good... I've taken a lot of really good pictures to show you.” Cyrus replied. “How was the band?”

“Good...” Ville said as he walked with the rest of their family into the kitchen. Peeking through the corner of his eyes at Alexsi, he added, “They want you to come with us next time... Alexsi is a little ... wild for them to handle.”

“I apologized for playing those pranks on them.” Alexsi replied, sharing a mutually amused smile with Bam.

“Did you do what I suggested?” Bam asked eagerly.

“Yes... though their humor seems to have faded with their age.” Alexsi reported.

“I can't wait to go again. I had a great time when I went the year before.” Cyrus said.

“Why don't you take them both?” Phil asked.

“No... never again.” Ville said with some confidence. “I did that once... no... Cyrus is a saint when he is by himself. Alexsi is devilish enough by himself... put those two together and it seems I'm surrounded by a hundred Alexsi's at their worst.”

“I fail to see how that would be bad.” Alexsi said. “I thought you loved me.”

“I do love you... but I love you even more when you're by yourself.” Ville said.

“I still say... I was 13 when you took Cyrus and me to Finland. Things have changed... I'm... more mature.” Alexsi insisted.

“You took the tour bus.” Ville started, causing Alexsi to hide his smile behind his hand.

“I didn't do it by myself...Saint Cyrus over there was working the peddles.”

“Only because you wouldn't let me drive.” Cyrus mumbled, causing most of the adults to laugh, April was one of the few that didn't look amused.

“Why didn't I hear about this?” April asked.

“Oh yes... because the first thing I wanted to do... was call you and say, “Hey April... the kids crashed the tour bus... how was your day?” Ville teased.

April's eyes went wide, “They did what?”

“I only dented the bumper a little!” Alexsi insisted. “Considering the fact I had no control over the peddles...”

“I would have driven if you would have let me.” Cyrus pointed out.

“You couldn't see over the steering wheel.” Alexsi cut in. “Oh wait... you still can't see over the steering wheel.” His comment caused the pair of brothers to break out in a silly slapping match.

“In any case.” Ville broke in. “I won't be taking both of the boys overseas with me again... unless Mr. Margera over there comes with me.”

“And since dad can't take a week off...” Alexsi grumbled.

“I take time off!” Bam insisted.

“When I'm home.” Ville put in.

“So you don't want me to take time off and spent it with you?” Bam asked sarcastically, since he knew the answer already.

“No... I wish you would take time off, so we could take them together.” Ville said.

“Well maybe next year.” Bam said.

Ville rolled his eyes, “That's what you've been saying for the last three years.”

“So Alexsi, tell us what you did.” Phil interrupted.

“I was actually not around the band that much. I took the chance to do some competing over seas. Remember the competitions that dad used to go to over there in Germany?”

“Those competitions that allowed me to met you... my beautiful, sexy, Ville...” Bam said in a lovey, dovey voice, leaning in to kiss Ville on the cheek a few times. He wrapped his arms around Ville's upper arms, as he rested his head on the singer's shoulder.

Ville crossed his arms, raising one of his eyebrows at Bam. “As nice as that is... because I'm glad you came into my life, no matter how that happened...I'm still not sure how much I like the fact that our son is risking his neck and back...riding around on those bikes.”

Alexsi gave his father a you have to be kidding me look, that was also mildly playful, before ignoring Ville to look at Bam. “Would you like to know how I did?”

Bam actually already knew the answer to this question, thanks to his remaining connections in the extreme sports world, but he leaned forward and smiled anyways. “Yes, please...”

“They said I show real promise.” Alexsi started, now looking at Ville again, smiling at him in a way that showed he was taking pleasure in the results, as much as rubbing it Ville's face.

Bam smiled at Ville, kissing his cheek and rubbing his arms, comforting him silently. “They did?” He had actually heard more than this, but felt that Alexsi knew enough about what was happening.

Alexsi smiled more and nodded, always happy when he could share news like this with Bam. “They said in a few years, I'll be blowing away the other motocross participants.”

“I'm sure you'll do great.” Bam said, feeling the tension in Ville's body.

“I can't wait.”

“Did you get it dad?” Cyrus asked softly, pulling Alexsi behind him.

“Get what?” Alexsi asked, chewing on a carrot, that he had stolen from April's attempt at making dinner.

“Shh... you have to be quiet.” Bam answered, peeking around, before pulling something from his pocket. “The clerk lost my order...”

“So that's why you were late picking us up at the airport.” Alexsi commented, looking at his brothers hand. His eyes went wide, and he actually choked on his carrot. “Is that...?”

“It's perfect.” Cyrus said happily. He had gone with his dad a few weeks prior to help pick out an engagement ring, that wasn't complete until the day that Ville and Alexsi had come home from touring. They had debated about picking it up before or afterwards, but didn't want to take the chance that Ville accidentally pick up the call about a 'engagement ring being completed.'

“Are you really going to ask papa to marry you?” Alexsi asked, looking to Bam who nodded. “About time... you've been living in sin for too long.”

“And we won't be bastards any more.” Cyrus said with a goofy, exaggerated smile, that really made him look like Bam.

“Score!” Alexsi said, his eyes going wide, as he raised his hand to give his brother a high-five.

Bam rolled his eyes and took the ring back. “Neither one of you, are bastards. You know who your fathers are.” He sighed and looked at the ring box. “Now I just have to figure out when to give it to him.”

“Just throw it at him, after dinner, and say: “Let's do this!” Alexsi offered, chewing on his carrot again.

“I hate to be your future fiancée if that's your idea of romance.” Cyrus said.

“I don't plan on getting married... women are leeches.” Alexsi informed them.

“What about a family?” Bam asked him.

“I don't have to get married to have a family... I've learned that from you.” Alexsi replied with a confident smile. “And besides... I don't want to have kids.”

“Never?” Cyrus asked a little sadly.

“How the hell am I supposed to fly all over the world, making millions of dollars in extreme sports, if I have a family?” Alexsi asked.

“You say that now... but things change. When I was your age I would have said the same thing. But I never regret being a father... to both of you.” Bam replied.

“What's going on here?” Ville asked strolling over a second before Bam was able to shove the box into his pocket. “Having a pow-wow without me?”

“How are we supposed to talk behind your back if your here?” Alexsi asked, exchanging sarcastic smiles and laughter with his papa.

“You're so funny.” Ville said, before looking to Bam. “Seriously.. I'm taking Cyrus with me from now on.” He put his arm around Cyrus. “At least he'll be interested in what I do...instead of running off with his friends.”

Cyrus beamed at Alexsi, who rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Suck up.”

“That's alright.” Alexsi went on to say, leaning against Bam, by putting his elbow on Bam's shoulder. “That will just give me more time to hone my motocross skills with dad.” He laughed when Ville frowned at him.

Bam chuckled, “I feel the love... do you?”

Cyrus chuckled and grabbed Alexsi's shirt. “Let's go and help me-maw set the table.”

Alexsi slumped, whining intentionally as he followed Cyrus. “Do we have to? I have jet lag...I shouldn't have to do anything.”

Bam smiled as he watched the teens leave, before reaching out for Ville. “I love you.”

Ville, who had looked a little sour, smiled, leaning down to kiss Bam. “I love you too... even if you corrupted Alexsi.”

Bam chuckled, “I think he was born corrupted.”

“How that happened, I still haven't figured out.” Ville joked. “I've missed you.”

“I've missed you too... a lot even.” Bam replied.

“You say that every time... and yet you never come on tour with me.” Ville pointed out.

Bam groaned, “Do we have to have this argument again?”

Ville shrugged, “No.”

Bam sighed, playing with Ville's hand. “Can I talk to you about something else... later?”

Ville was silent for a moment, before nodding, “You can talk to me any time.”



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