Sep 04, 2009 15:09


i had this story whack me around the head the other day and so i wrote some of it down.
But i dont see myself writing it, and i would actually really like to read it lol.

Anyone who adopts it can do what they want to it, though i guess i would like it if the fractions i've written to remain, but meh, you adopt it, its yours. Just drop me a comment and let me know!

Summary: Bam and Ville are teenagers and meet by chance when Ville is on a family holiday to Westchester.... gasp at the originality i know.

Start and a couple of other bits under the cut for anyone whos interested.

A rock jammed itself in the front wheel of his skateboard and Bam found himself flying headfirst through the air, the early morning shoppers paused to watch him tumble. No sooner had he landed on the hard unforgiving concrete then he was up again, clenching his teeth around a stream of curses as he attempted to walk away from the accident.
The knee of his jeans was ripped and he could glimpse torn flesh through the hole, sitting down on a low flower edge he breathed through the feeling of tears clogging his throat, he could just imagine what Dunn and Novak would say when they finally caught up with him, he’d skated ahead when they got distracted by Mary Heapton, a girl who was a year ahead of them in high school, and the prettiest girl in school.
“Are you alright? That fall looked bad.” A strange accent pulled him out of his meditation, glancing up he met the concerned green eyes of a teenager a little older then himself. The other boy was pale in the summer sun; his hair was long and waved around his face, reaching to his shoulders. With a start he realised he was wearing make up around his eyes, which were staring at him steadily. Bam hadn’t seen many men who could wear makeup and still manage to look masculine, and he’d never seen one in real life before.
“Oh, yeah, dude I’m fine.” He sounded like an idiot and wanted to slap himself, at sixteen he’d built a reputation as fearless and arrogant, but standing in the shadow of this strange foreign teen he felt his words knot on his tongue and hands fidget inexplicably.   
“Are you sure? I think your bleeding.” He spoke slowly, as though unsure about the words, his accent was thick and Bam was surprised at how deep his voice was, it seemed unfitting from the thin, feminine person. Bam glanced down and noted that indeed blood was seeping through the rough material of his jeans.
“Shit, oh damn.” Pulling vainly at the material as though he could pull it away from the blood already staining it he saw pale slender hands reach out and touch his knee.
“My hotel is just down the street, I can clean it for you?” Bam found himself nodding without thinking about it, and within minutes they were walking down the street, Bam leaning on the thin teen who dipped his head, letting his hair fall in his face as he held Bam's waist.

The hotel room was small and warm, the bed was unmade and black clothes were strewn across the room. The teen led him through the room and into the small bathroom attached. A few heavily accented instructions and Bam found himself sliding his pants off and sitting on the toilet seat. The tall boy blushed a rosy red as he slowly sank to his knees in front of him. Bam found himself swallowing heavily and fighting a blush of his own at the sight of the attractive teen in his position, he hadn’t felt the sharp jolt of heat when Sarah Klein had let him touch her breasts when they made out last summer, or even when Jessica Parker had rubbed hi through his jeans at some house party a few months earlier.
“So where are you from uh...” Bam's mouth felt dry as the boy looked up from the first aid kit beside him.
“Ville, my name’s Ville, and I'm from Finland, I’m on holiday here with my family.” Bam tried his name, and felt a silly smile spread across his face when it tasted nice in his mouth. He nodded to cover up his awkwardness.
“I’m Bam, I live just outta town...” Ville murmuring Bam to himself as he selected a bottle and a cotton bud, he looked apologetically at the other boy before wetting the cotton and pressing it swiftly to the raw looking knee. Bam hissed but otherwise paid no attention to his treatment. Ville watched his work carefully, touching Bam gently and slowly blowing cool breath on the exposed wound. Bam felt his stomach tighten into knots and his palms sweated. He crossed his hands in his lap as though to cover himself though Ville didn’t notice how avidly Bam watched his pretty face.
When Ville began to wrap his knee neatly in a bandage, tying it neatly at the end he stayed kneeling and smiled up at the American.
Bam was sure he was blushing, his eyes wide and glassy and probably drooling, but Ville didn’t say anything just blushed redder and bit his lip, inspecting his handy work, running gentle, delicate fingers over the edge of the bandage. And Bam felt the skin he touched so gently burn.


The knock on Ville's door came at nine in the morning, Ville was lounging on his bed in a ratty old Sabbath t-shirt and boxes eating a cheap vending machine sandwich and watching some terrible soap opera. Thinking it was his parents he stumbled towards the door, opening it as his eyes stayed trained on the TV, the blond woman was going to tell the pool boy she was pregnant, even though Ville already knew it wasn’t his child, or her husband’s.
“Uh... Hey Ville.” Ville's eyes flashed to the door, eyes wide he took in the grinning boy before him, he tried to speak but the large bite of his sandwich he’d taken before opening the door seemed too large and he tried desperately to swallow it. Finally succeeding, he felt himself blushing as he stumbled around for the right English words.
“Bam, hi, I was just.... got up.” Bam grinned, eyes sparkling and let his eyes flicker across Ville and into the room behind him.
“Can see that.”


“Man I’m so sorry about those guys, they’re idiots.” Ville shrugged, smiling as he bumped shoulders with Bam as they made their way down the street.
“Its fine, I’ve been called worst.” Ville said nonchalantly, in truth so had Bam, jocks at school called him and his friends fags a lot, and it never bothered him before. He wasn’t sure why he’d reacted that way now, especially to Dico.
“I’ll beat them to a bloody pulp for it!” the idea of Ville, kind, pretty, sensitive Ville  being bullied in any way made bas blood burn and produced a protective streak he’d rarely experienced before.
“Going to fly all the way to Finland to beat up a couple of idiots? Why, aren’t you a gentleman?” Ville teased again in his half sarcastic, half flirting way he had. None of Bam's other friends would dream of talking to Bam like this, and flirting between guys was just... it didn’t happen in Bam's world, Ville was so casual about it, it blew Bam's mind.

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