Just a Whore Chp. 12a

Aug 13, 2009 22:59

Title: Just a Whore
Summary: my personal spin on the movie "Pretty Woman". Ville is a young whore, trapped and searching for his saviour
Pairing: various, but mostly focused on Vam. there will be some surprise guests though
Disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. please don't sue!
A/N: didn't mean for this one to end up so lengthy, but i just couldn't stop lol. hopefully, you'll enjoy.... grr... due to the post being large though, i had to cut some of the links and split it up. sorry for the inconvinence

Chatper 11 pt. 2

Translation (got them online, sorry if they're wrong):
Ole hiljaa- Shut up

Chapter 12

Third Person (POV)

The night had gone far better than Bam could have ever dreamed. Ville had forgiven him… somewhat. He hadn’t completely forgiven him, but at least he was giving the skater a chance to make things right. Bam couldn’t fuck it up this time, he wasn’t going to let himself screw things up this time. The skater knew that this second chance was going to be his last with the Finn, so from here on out, he was going to have to be honest and open with him… about most things anyway. There were still some things that the Finn just couldn’t know about.

Thinking about the virtue of honesty though got Bam to thinking about another problem. How the hell was he going to explain Ville to his friends? As far as his friends knew, hell as far as the world knew, Bam was as straight as an arrow, so for him to suddenly be involved with a male prostitute, it might raise some questions. He was going to have to tell them eventually, but for now he wanted to put off the inevitable, at least until he could ease them into it. Hopefully, Ville won’t take offence at being referred to as his friend. At the same time, it kind of made their little forbidden romance dangerous and, dare he say, sexy. It was a secret romance that only he and Ville knew about…. And Novak.

Groaning inwardly, Bam remembered his moocher friend that was lounging on his sofa, sipping away at his expensive bottle of absinthe. Shit…. Novak had witnessed the whole event and was pretty much the biggest gossip of all his friends. Chances are that he’s probably texted the event to about five different people by now. Perhaps if he could bargain with the addict, he might be able to get him to keep his mouth shut…. This was going to cost him. Maybe if he offers him the Lambo for a week…?

“Oh Bam-Bam,” his friend’s sing-song voice calls. “Come and sit with me.”

Bam lowers his head as he turns to walk towards the sofa. He flops down onto the couch and takes the bottle of red liquor from his friend’s hand, taking a large swallow. Novak is just sitting there, staring at him with an evil smirk playing on his lips. Bam’s cheeks are reddening in embarrassment which causes Novak to simper even more. The skater wants nothing more than to smack that look off of his face. But he knew that he was going to have to play nice for a while if he wants Novak to keep his mouth shut.

“So,” the addict starts. “Are you gonna tell me about it?”

“Do I have to?”

“Aw… come on,” he whines. “You can’t leave me hanging on this! I’ve got to know! Who were those guys? Why did he hit you? And why did they look like girls?”

“Shut up,” Bam demands, holding his hand up to silence his friend. “Let me start by saying that if you ever, ever, mention what happened here tonight I will fucking cut off your dick and throw it into the Hudson River!”

“Jesus! Alright, calm down,” he says. “Just tell me what the hell all this was about.”

“Alright,” Bam sighs. He gives himself a few moments to take in a couple of deep breaths before he began his explanation. “His name is Ville and he’s… an escort,” he says, choosing to use the polite word for hooker.

“Shit Bam-Bam,” Novak laughs. “You and Jen have only been apart a couple of days. You’re so desperate that you’re already hooking up with a hooker?”

“Shut up!” He growls, fighting the urge to smack his friend in the face. “We… we met before Jen and I broke up. And its not important how we did so don’t even ask.”

“Alright,” he nods. “Go on.”

“We… hooked up and…. I don’t know, I fucked up really bad and pissed him off,” Bam continues. He wasn’t ready yet to give Novak all of the details, so he was determined to keep this as brief as possible. “I’ve been trying to track him down all week, but the only way I could get him to talk to me was to trick him into coming here. We talked and he’s agreed to give me a second chance.”

“So…,” Novak says. “You’re gay now?”

“No!” Bam barks back. “I mean… I don’t know. I’m not gay… but I’m pretty sure that I’m bi…. At least for him I am,” Bam shrugs, keeping his eyes down so that he doesn’t have to see the amusement in his friend’s eyes.

“Aw…,” he coos. “That’s sweet Bam-Bam. Kind of like a fairytale.”

A fairytale? Bam almost laughed at the idea. He didn’t think that this was the kind of situation that the Grimm brothers had in mind when they wrote their classic tales. Bam was no prince charming…. Although Ville could possibly pass as a damsel in distress. Bam laughed at the thought of his Finn being a trapped princess.

“Not quite,” he laughed in reply.

“It is sweet though. This guy special to you then?” He asks, leaning closer to his friend as he awaited his answer.

“Yeah…,” the skater answers, a small smile playing on his lips. “Wait a minute…. You’re ok with all of this?” He asks, this time turning towards Novak. His friend shrugs in reply.

“Sure. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well I just kind of came out of the closet there. You’re not shocked, disgusted, or freaked out?”

“Bam-Bam,” he sighs, shaking his head slightly. “Gay, straight, bi, they’re just words. Its all the same as long as you’re having a good time. Who the fuck cares who you’re hooking up with? Though I am a bit concerned that you’re getting your rocks off with a pro.”

“Don’t talk about him like that!” Bam defends, feeling his cheeks becoming flushed with slight anger.

“What?” He shrugs. “I’m just stating the facts. You’ve just said so yourself, he is a prostitute.”

“He’s more than that, ok!?” He shouts. “He is fucking decent, sweet and beautiful. You don’t even know him.”

“Ok, ok,” Novak says, raising his hands up in defense. “Calm down. I didn’t mean to offend. I’m sure he’s got great qualities…. And he probably won’t charge that much to show you,” he laughs.

This time, Bam couldn’t control himself. He reached over and smacked the smile off of Novak’s face, leaving a large red handprint on his skin. Novak touches his stinging cheek as his eyes go wide with shock. Over the years, he had grown accustomed to Bam’s abuse, but this hit was more than their usual playfulness. He had made Bam angry by saying something against Ville. Bam had hit him to make him stop joking about the prostitute. Novak wasn’t quite sure what to make of this.

“Jesus, Bam. What the hell? It was just a joke,” he says as he rubs his wounded cheek.

“I told you to shut up,” Bam shrugs, looking away from his friend again. He hadn’t meant to get that upset. Novak was just being himself, an annoying ass who never knew when to keep his mouth shut. He shouldn’t have gotten so angry with him, but he didn’t like the fact that he had insulted his Ville…. And that thought just scared him a little.

“Shit… You really like this guy, don’t you,” the addict asks in quiet disbelief.

“I…. I think I do,” Bam nods.

Novak ceased his teasing then, not willing to risk another slap from Bam. An uncomfortable silence crept between them and no one quite knew what there was to say. The news of Bam’s sexuality did come as a bit of mild shock to Novak. Sure, there were times in their younger days when he had thought that Bam had shown some bisexual tendencies, such as the time he had caught him checking out his ass, but since Bam had become involved with Jen, he was sure that his fellow skater was completely heterosexual. Yeah, this guy Ville did look like a hot chick, but he would think that Bam would be deterred once he realized that there was another penis involved. But the skater seemed sure of himself, that he did have feelings for this… man, and from the looks of it, he had gone through a lot of trouble for him. Novak would just have to get over his shock and learn how to be a supportive friend.

The addict was just about to open his mouth to vocalize his support, but the sound of 96 Quite Bitter Beings beat him to the punch. Bam jumped at the suddenness of the music but soon recognized it as his cell phone’s ringtone. He reached for the phone in his pocket and smiled once he recognized the caller I.D.

“Hey man,” he grinned. “Its about damned time you called me. What’s up?”

“Phone work both ways Bam,” a heavy accent laughed on the other end of the line. “Not much here. Just got done with show.”

“Nice,” Bam nods to no one in particular. “Are you guys still in L.A.?”

“Yeah. We did our last show here tonight. We do one tomorrow night in Vegas and then we fly out your way. You boys still going to be in the city in a couple of days?”

“I think Jeff was going to have us stay down here for another week or so. Why, are you guys doing a show out here?” He asks, feeling a little twinge of excitement.

“Yeah. We have two shows lined up before the American tour is done. I was just hoping that you would be able to come.”

“Oh hell yes,” the skater grinned. “Just name the time and the place. And hey, call me when you guys get into the city. We’ll hook up or something.”

“Sounds good,” he agrees. “I’ll call when-”

“Hei Bam!” Another voice screams into the phone.

“Ole hiljaa!” He scolds to his friend. “Sorry about that Bam,” he laughs. “Jussi says hello.”

“Its no problem,” the skater giggles. “Just give me a call when you guys fly in…. And the tickets to the show better be free.”

“I’ll do what I can Bam,” the gothic Finn laughs. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye Jrk.”

Bam smiles as he tucks the phone back into his pocket. Well that was a pleasant surprise. He hadn’t hung out with his friends from the Eyes in quite some time, it’ll be nice to catch up with them for a bit. If it were up to him, the skater would have followed them on their cross country tour, but alas… the work for Jackass had to come first. The skater turned and remembered that he still had the problem of Novak to deal with…. That wiped the smile off of his face.

Novak pouted as his best friend shot him a look as if to say “Why are you still here”. It hurt slightly. Bam was, after all, pretty much the only friend that Novak could still count on. Despite the constant abuse and being the butt of most of his jokes, Novak considered Bam to be his closest confidant, the one person that he could always turn to. The fact that presently the skater seemed annoyed by his appearance hurt him.

“So…,” Bam started, looking down towards his feet.

“So…,” Novak repeated.

“So what do I have to do to make sure that you don’t blab this to everyone?”

“What do you mean?”

“What I mean is,” the skater sighs, running a hand through his hair. “What is it going to cost me to make sure that you don’t run and tell everybody about this?”

Even though he knew he should be offended, the addict couldn’t help the wicked smile that spread across his lips when he realized the advantage he had here. Of course he wasn’t going to tell everyone about this. Others might not think so, but Brandon Novak happened to be very loyal to his friends. He wouldn’t betray one of them with something this huge. But still, the thoughts of what he could gain from this was too tempting to ignore.

“Alright Bam-Bam,” the addict smirks. “First of all, I want to crash here with the rest of the crew and if anyone asks, it was because you wanted me here.”

“Ok,” Bam nods. Simple enough request, but Bam knew that there was more to come.

“Good, and I want to sleep in a bed too. None of that crashing on the sofa shit.”


“Good…. Good,” Novak nods as he thinks of what else he could gain from this. Once again, that wicked smile crept up upon him as he thought about something else that he really wanted. “And, since you’re having fun with your… escort, I want to see Jonne again.”

“Jonne?” The skater asks, tilting his head curiously.

“Yeah,” Novak nods. “You know, the little blonde that was here. I liked him, I want to see him again,” he states matter-of-factly.


“He was cute,” Novak shrugs. “I liked him…. Why does it matter my reasons?”

“Ok…. I don’t think that its really up to me, but I’ll see what I can do.”

“Alright then Bam-Bam,” Novak smiles sweetly, extending his hand. “Your secret is safe with me then.

The skater looks at the hand as if it were a poisonous snake, ready to attack. He shook his head and walked away with intentions of getting a beer from the kitchen. After a night like this, he needed something strong to calm his nerves. On the one hand, he was excited beyond belief over how well it had gone tonight, that Ville had decided to take a chance on him. But on the other hand, along with this second chance came Bam’s heavy burden of not fucking it all up again. He was determined to try though. After all, fate seemed to play a helping hand in this strange courtship, perhaps it was willing to give him his happily ever after.

Naiveté could be considered bliss sometimes, but Brandon Margera would soon learn that this was not to be the case.

Ville (POV)

I should have been excited tonight. After all, I had planned to have my secret rendezvous tonight. Right now I should have little butterflies in my stomach like some fucking school girl about to go on her first date…. But at the moment, all I can feel is guilt and pity as I fight the urge to shed a tear. You see, at the moment, Jonne and I were performing an act that Viggo had requested of us. We didn’t want to do it, God knows that we didn’t want to, but like so many other situations, this was out of our hands. At the moment, we were preparing Bill for his first client.

The boy has been silent for most of the day. Actually, he had been pretty quiet since Andreas had brought him home last night. All the teen would tell us was that while he was out with Emil, Viggo had called to inform him of his fate for the evening. He was due at his first client’s home in about an hour. For the past two hours, Jonne and I have been doing our best to prepare him by helping him with his clothing, make-up, and helping him to prepare mentally for the abuse he was about to undertake.

For the most part, he was taking this somewhat well. When we told him that he had to get ready, he had just shrugged and gave us the typical teenage ‘whatever’. We picked out his clothing, a simple tight, black silk shirt and dark jeans, and were mostly done with his make-up. He was a bit more helpful with his make-up process, deciding that he wanted the thickly applied dark eye liner and mascara. As much as he wanted to have his hair poking out into his ridiculous mane, we couldn’t allow it. So instead, we just straightened it into a lovely frame around his face. He did look lovely, all in all. It just broke my heart that it was all for reasons so vile. Bill was such a sweet kid, he didn’t deserve this…. None of us did.

“Hey, I just got a text,” Jonne calls from the other room as I put the finishing touches on Bill’s eyeliner. “It was from Viggo…. Emil is on his way to pick you up,” he says sadly, casting his eyes towards the floor so that he doesn’t have to look at the teen. I can’t blame him really.

“Ok…,” he replies dully.

I hate this. We’ve only recently broken Bill from his shell to where he was comfortable with us. Today though, he’s barely even spoken to us and when he does, it was usually less than three words per sentence. I wish that he would talk to me, tell me what he was feeling. Yes, we’ve already had this conversation before and he said that he was fine with it, but I don’t feel right about this numbness that he’s conveying. He needs to tell me what he’s feeling, if he’s scared or not, that way I might be able to help and provide some comforting words. If he’s not talking to me, I don’t know what I can do.

“Bill,” I start in a low voice as I run the eyeliner pencil on his lower lid. “I-if you want to talk… its ok. Jonne and I are here for you.”

“I’m alright Ville,” he shrugs absently.

“No you’re not kulta,” I mutter, not sure if he even heard me. “You’re not alone anymore sweetheart…. If you’re scared its alright to tell us.”

He doesn’t answer me though. He just sits there and lets me continue applying his eyeliner. I’m so distracted though that I don’t really pay attention to how thickly I’m applying it. Bill looks a little like a diseased raccoon, but he doesn’t seem to mind. The silence from him is unbearable. I know that he’s frightened; why wouldn’t he be? Talk to me sweetheart. Please?

“I think that’s enough,” he says finally, pushing my hand away. “Thanks.”

“Don’t mention it,” I reply sadly, putting the cap back onto the eyeliner.

“Ville…,” I hear him sigh. “I appreciate the concern, really I do…. But I’ll be ok,” he smiles weakly.

I try to return his smile, but I just can’t do it. “I wish…. I just wish that things could be better than this.”

As the words left my lips, I felt a tear trying to escape. Damn these emotions that control me constantly, making me weep like some girl. Bill took some pity on me though and wrapped his arms warmly around my frame. I returned the embrace tightly and let my head rest on his shoulder. I couldn’t protect him from what was about to be done, but at least I could comfort him somehow. My love and support, that’s all I have to give.

“I’ll be ok Ville,” he whispers again. “I’ll be alright…. And you’re right, I’m not alone anymore. As long as I have you and Jonne- as long as we’re all going through this together, then I know that I’ll be ok.”

This time, I let the tear far. Partly because of his sweet words, but most it was because of the guilt I was feeling. Yes, I could say that we were all in this together, but it would be a lie. What he didn’t know was of my plans for the night. Tonight, while he and Jonne were going to be performing unspeakable acts, I was going to be meeting Bam. I felt so selfish and horrible.

“Bill,” Jonne calls. “Emil is downstairs…. You’d better hurry,” he adds softly.

I pull Bill back to me for one last reassuring hug. I pray to whoever’s listening to watch over Bill and to protect him. Please don’t let them hurt him… please don’t let them break him. Jonne couldn’t resist as he joined in on our hug, sandwiching Bill between us. If Bill was going to take anything away from his experience with us, I hope its that he knows that he is loved.

“Come on,” Jonne says as he wipes a tear from his eye. “I’ll walk with you downstairs.”

Bill nods and lets go of me. Before they leave completely though, he turns and gives me a sad wave goodbye. Be safe kulta…

It was slightly warmer out tonight, I don’t think that I even needed this hoodie I was wearing, but I damn sure wasn’t going to take it off. Underneath the large grey hoodie was the shameful outfit that I was forced to wear, a fucking mesh top and leather trousers. I looked like I was on my way to a fucking fetish party, it was humiliating. I had to keep up appearances though, just in case on of Viggo’s men should ride by. The hoodie was the one that I had taken from Bam’s apartment. I brought it with me to cover myself up and hopefully to deter potential clients. I was going to try my best to keep my word to Bam, that I wouldn’t go with any strangers.

I’ve been out here for a while though. Its going on two hours now. Where is he…? I told him that I was going to be on my corner…. Should I have told him which corner? It probably would have helped to be specific. Maybe he’s just coming a little later? He did tell me to wait for him. Maybe he’s just tied up right now…. Maybe he’s just not coming…? That would be the big cosmic joke, wouldn’t it? The stupid whore being tricked twice by the same douche bag. Oh yeah… that’d be hilarious.

Oh stop that Ville, I scold myself. Bam said that he was coming and I’ve just got to trust that he will. Yes he may be taking a while right now, but hopefully there is a good reason for it. There had better be anyway. Right now, the cynical part of my mind is whispering harsh things to me. Things like “He’s not coming you fool,” “You’re not worth the time whore” and “Fool me twice, shame on me.” I wanted to scream at the little voice to shut the hell up, but then that would just make me look like a nut…. Hell, maybe I am a little insane. After all, if Viggo ever finds out what I’m doing he’ll fucking kill me…. I must be crazy to risk this for a man I’ve just met.

There’s a car coming towards me. I turn away and pull the hood up on my shirt to hide my face in case it was one of my regulars. A couple of them had driven by already looking for me. I managed to duck between two buildings until they drove away. Shit, if I keep this up, then they are going to start asking questions. Questions that will soon be passed along to Viggo…. If Bam is coming, then he needs to come quickly. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to keep hiding from clients if he doesn’t come soon…. I do need to make money after all.

As the car passes by, my thoughts wonder to a different issue…. Money. There’s a reason why I’m out here, night after night no matter what the weather. I’m out here to earn a living… if you can call it that. This was my form of income. Bam already doesn’t seem to like the fact that this is what I do if he’s asking me not to go with any other men. If something does come from this thing with Bam, that will mean that I won’t bring in any more cash for Viggo…. He’ll definitely start to become suspicious if I’m suddenly not able to pay him. Bam has been giving me money for the times we’ve spent together, which has been helpful, I’ll admit. But I don’t want Bam to get the wrong idea, that he’s just another client. The money makes me feel dirty, like what we’ve done together means absolutely nothing at all. Shit… I don’t know what to do to settle these uneasy feelings. I don’t want to take Bam’s money, but at the same time, I don’t want Viggo to find out what I’m doing.

Of course, these all would have been good things to consider before I jumped into this. What I’m doing is completely foolish when I stop to think about it. Viggo won’t stand for insubordination, in fact he down right despises it, that much I’ve learned in my past eight years with him. I may be one of his favorites, but I’m not above the rules. If he knows what I’m doing, what I’m planning to do, chances are he won’t be too happy. Why am I risking this? Why am I basically putting my life on the line for this man whom I’ve known a little over a week…?

Because, I small voice in my mind speaks up, whenever I think of him, I smile. Whenever I picture his bright blue eyes, I feel a warmth that I have never felt with anyone else before. Because his kiss was like a drug to me, powerful and addicting. I was angry with him for what he had done, yes, but I was mostly angry over the fact that I thought I wasn’t going to be with him. It took some soul searching to figure that out, but that was the conclusion I came to. When I was in the embrace of other men, I just dreamt that it was him holding me, caressing me. That was why I was taking this stupid gamble… because Bam made me happy. My happiness came in limited quantities these days, so I wanted to soak up as much of it as I could.

My ears perk up at the sound of a very loud bass stereo in the distance. I might just be getting my hopes up, but it sounds the same as the stereo from when he had found me that first night. Keeping the hood up, I turn slightly to peak at the car coming my way. All I can see right now is the twin headlights that are slowly approaching. Biting my lip in anticipation, I wait to see what is going to happen next. The car is slowing down, but I still can’t tell if its him or not. The car gets closer, and I’m disappointed to see that its not my prince charming riding up in his purple Lamborghini. No, this is a large red Hummer…. And sadly, it has taken notice of me.

Cursing slightly, I turn back around and pull the hood further to hide my face. By now, the Hummer has parked next to me and the vibrations of the stereo is running up my spine. Its too late to duck into an alley, so hopefully its not one of my regulars and I can just dismiss whoever is in the car. The music is turned off and I hear a window being rolled down. Holding my breath, I wait to see what the person wants.

“So that’s where my hoodie went,” a familiar voice calls to me.


The grin on my face was unavoidable as I spun around. He came! The cynical voice in my head was wrong, he came after all. He’s sitting in the driver’s seat of the overly large car, grinning from ear to ear as he waits for me to get into the vehicle. Excited beyond belief, I run to the passenger door and climb up into the seat.

“You came,” I repeat aloud, mostly to myself.

“Of course I did,” he laughs.

His sweet laughter warms my heart and I want nothing more right now than to embrace him. Holding my breath, I reach over the center console and capture his lips in a small, surprising kiss. Bam’s lips are stiff at first, but after a second or two, I feel him begin to kiss me back.

“Aww…. That’s sweet.”

I freeze mid-kiss when the new voice reaches my ears. Who the hell said that? Departing from Bam’s lips, I look towards the backseat to see Bam’s friend from last night, Brandon. He was lounging in the backseat, legs spread wide and a lecherous grin on his face. What the fuck was he doing here…? And why the hell was he eyeing me like a piece of meat?

“W-what is he doing here?” I ask, feeling that cynical voice starting to rise up again.

“Oh…,” Bam says. From the look of his face, he seems annoyed at the presence of his friend. “Its… a long story.”

“I’m blackmailing him,” his friend speaks up. “Not such a long story Bam-Bam.”

“Blackmailing?” I repeat. “I don’t understand.”

Bam opens his mouth to speak, but his loud-mouthed friend beats him to the punch. “The ass thinks that I’m going to tell everybody about you two, so he’s bribing me with a few gifts.”

“What does he mean ‘gifts’?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at Bam. I didn’t like where this was going.

“Its not what you’re thinking!” Bam says, quick to defend himself. “I-I’m just not ready to tell people about… us. Not yet…. But I will! I- I just need some time and I had to make sure that Novak wouldn’t say anything to anyone so I agreed to let him have a few things. Not you of course! God, don’t think that…. I just agreed to do him a few favors and-”

I silence Bam by putting my hand over his mouth. The man is cute, but my God his rambling was giving me a headache. So he’s agreed to give his friend, Novak, a few favors in return for his silence. I’m a little offended by that to be honest. It feels a little like I’m just another filthy little secret that Bam is trying to hide away. On the other hand, just last week all of his friends knew him as a strictly heterosexual male with a girlfriend. Chances are that until last week that’s how Bam saw himself. I suppose I can understand if he wants to ease into things…. It doesn’t make me feel much better, but I can understand. I’ll be supportive.

“Bam,” I say slowly. “I’m going to remove my hand and you’re going to stop rambling, alright?”

Bam nods and muffles an ‘ok’ into my hand. I remove my hand and wipe the moisture his lips left on my palm onto his pant leg.

“Alright,” I say, looking from Bam to Novak and back. “Something strange is going on here and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Bam, I’m happy that you came, but I am a little put off at seeing your friend here. So you are going to tell me exactly why he’s here. And don’t lie to me,” I warn, hoping that my narrowed eyes were enough to threaten him.

“Ok…. Um… Its kind of hard to explain, but-”

“Quit being such a chicken shit and just tell him already,” Novak groans from the back seat.

“Shut up,” Bam scolds, reaching into the backseat to smack his friend across the face. Novak curses and shoots Bam a dirty glare, but remains silent nonetheless.

“Ville, this is completely up to you and you can say no if you want to but,” he says, taking a deep breath. Oh no…. He’s not going to whore me out (pardon the pun) to his friend is he? He’s supposed to be different…. “I- is it alright if we pick up your friend Jonne?”

“What?” I ask, genuinely surprised by the request. “Why? What for?”

“Its part of the deal with Novak…. He liked your friend so-”

“So you wanted to pick him up for a quick fuck for your friend!?”

I know that I’m overreacting a bit here, but what can I say. At the end of the day, I’m just as overprotective as Jonne. The pain I felt over the situation with Bam was almost unbearable. I was not going allow someone to do the same to my friend. Especially when that someone was most likely not going to make up for it, like Bam has.

“No!” Bam defends. “No, not at all. We were going to take you guys with us to this place we’re filming at tonight…. If you wanted to go that is?”

“….Oh,” was all that I could say. I felt a little embarrassed for nearly flying off the handle like that. I’ve got to stop being so defensive…. Well, maybe I could be a little less defensive. It would hurt to keep my guard up a little bit. “I guess that sounds good.”

“Great,” Bam smiles. “Where is your friend?”

“Nine blocks down, two over.”

“Sweet,” Novak says from the backseat. I just roll my eyes and ignore him as I fall back into my seat.

The car begins to move down the street at a medium pace and I began to feel a little nervous. I didn’t really know what I was expecting to happen tonight. Certainly I wasn’t expecting to go out on a proper ‘date’ with Bam, but I was still hoping for perhaps a little alone time with him, so that we could talk and get to know each other better…. Maybe even start over properly. Since we’re bringing our friend’s along though, it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen tonight. On the other hand, I guess its best to keep things casual with Bam for now. I did want to take things slowly after all.

“Hey,” Novak says as he leans over towards me. “We haven’t been properly introduced. I’m Brandon Novak,” he says, extending his hand towards me.

Gingerly, as if I were about to touch a snake, I put my hand forward until it comes in contact with his. I thought that he was just going to shake my hand, but instead he brings it to his lips and kisses the back of my hand, Casanova style.

“I’m not going to get herpes from that, am I?”

My comment is met with a snort from Bam and a small dirty glare from Novak. He shakes it off quickly though and smiles at me once again.

“No, of course not,” he tells me, though I’m not sure if I can believe it. “I’m very clean.”

“Until the next relapse,” Bam mutters next to me.

Returning Novak’s smile, I pull my hand away and unconsciously wipe away the feeling of his lips on my skin. Bam’s friend seemed harmless enough, but with the references to him being some kind of drug addict made me a little uneasy. Which made me wonder…

“So what exactly do you want with Jonne?”

“Nothing dirty,” he replies, but his words are contradicted by the lecherous smile. “He’s cute. And since Bam-Bam gets to bring a friend, why can’t I?”


“Yeah,” he laughs. “He was like a little pixie, all sparkly and blonde.”

“What exactly did you two do?” I ask, narrowing my eyes in suspicion. Bammie and I left them alone for a few minutes. What could they have done that left such an impression on him? Wait… do I want to know?

“We talked,” he shrugs. “He’s got a really cute laugh.”

“That he does,” I agree, giving him one last suspicious glance before I turn back in my seat.

Looks like I’m going to have to play big brother tonight. I’m used to the role, but this is the first time that I think its going to be effective. I swear if he touches Jonne in any inappropriate way, I’ll cut off his dick and shove it up his asshole. Bam must have sensed my uneasiness though, because soon, a warm, calloused hand was wrapped securely around my own. I look to him and see that he is trying to flash me a warm, comforting smile.

“Don’t worry about him,” he says. “He’s got a high libido, but he’s relatively harmless.”

“He better be,” I mutter.

“You know I can hear you both, right?” Novak groans from the backseat.

Bam and I give each other one more glance before we start erupting in a fit of laughter…. This was nice and fun so far.

“Ok, do I take a left or right here?” Bam asks as we stop at a streetlight.


Once the light turns green, Bam turns the car down the street and soon we are near Jonne’s corner. Luckily, my blonde friend was still in sight, sitting on a bench and looking towards us like a deer caught in the headlights. I’m glad that he’s there. I was kind of afraid that we were going to stumble upon him getting into one of his clients cars. Lord knows that I don’t need to see that.

Bam pulls up the car about five feet away from him. Looking out the window, I see my friend forcing a smile as he walks up to my side of the car. Trying to fight back a laugh, I roll down the window slowly and try to give him a ‘sexy’ look. The look on his face was priceless as his eyebrows shot to his hairline in shock.

“Hello beautiful,” I greet with my thick accent. “How much for the hour?”

“Ville!?” He half-screams, half-laughs. “What the fuck!?”

“Like my new ride kulta?”

“Not very eco-friendly, is it?”

“Get in,” I laugh.

“Why? Who’s in there with you?” He asks, trying to look past me to see who’s in the car.

“Just get in kulta,” I urge. “We’re having fun tonight.”


“Yep,” I nod. “Now come on. If we stay here two more minutes with the engine running, this thing is going to run out of gas.”

Jonne giggles, but complies nonetheless. He pulls open the backdoor and climbs into the car. Its only when he’s settled in his seat that he realizes who was in the car with me. I watch as his expression turns from shocked, to confused, and then to a darker one that I usually see whenever Viggo comes around asking for a favor.

“What’s going on here?” He asks, directing his question to me, but his eyes stay focused on Bam.

“Apparently, we’re going on a group date,” I reply.

“Really…?” He asks in a dark tone. “What kind of date?”

“Well, me and the crew are doing some filming tonight,” Bam interjects. “I thought that you and Willa would like to tag along.”

“Filming?” He repeats.

“Yeah,” I say. “Bam and his friends have some television show where they do stupid things for fun. We’ve been invited to watch the magic.”

“Television show….? Oh!” He exclaims so suddenly that I jumped in my seat. “Bam Margera! I thought you looked familiar. Why the fuck didn’t I realize this sooner?”

“Wait, you know his show?”

“Yeah,” Jonne scoffs. “Get with the times Ville. Jackass is the most popular show on MTV.”

“But Jonne… we don’t get MTV.”

“Well… I haven’t seen the show per say,” he shrugs. “Just bits and pieces. But I thought I recognized you!”

I’m guessing that whatever suspicions my friend had about Bam went away with the announcement of his celebrity. Good…. Now that he won’t be breathing down my neck all night, I might be able to relax a bit.

“I like your shirt.” All eyes turn to Novak at his random comment. He’s staring at my friend intently whilst his fingers gingerly trace the hem of Jonne’s shiny gold colored shirt. “You look like a seventies disco dancer…”

“Um… thank you?” He smiles politely at the man’s attempt at a compliment.

“Its perfect,” he continues. “For where we’re going.”

“Um…,” I say, furrowing my brows in confusion. “Where are we going?”

I look to Bam for my answer, but instead I’m met with a knowing grin.

A skate rink…. A roller skating rink. I don’t think that I’ve been to one of these since I was twelve. When Bam pulled up to the abandoned parking lot, I was a little surprised. It was later in the evening, but it wasn’t that late. This place should be busy right now, full of kids hanging out and people showing off their skating moves. All I could see now was an abandoned parking lot with a large transfer-truck.

“What are we doing here?” I ask, eyeing the empty lot.

“Jeff and the producers rented out the place for the night,” Bam answers. “We had some ideas for the show that we wanted to try out and it involved some skating.”

“What’s with the truck then?”

“That… well that is for one of the more painful sketches we’re gonna try,” he laughs. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the guys.”

Bam jumps out of the car and before I could open my door, he’s already done it for me, extending his hand like a gentleman. Smiling at the small act of chivalry, I take his hand and gently step down out of the large vehicle. Jonne jumps out of the car after me and immediately locks his arm with mine. I like that he’s sticking close to me, it will make it easier to keep an eye on him, but I don’t want him to cling to me all night. After all, I’m still hoping to have some alone time with my ‘date’.

Bam looks at mine and Jonne’s arms for a moment before shaking his head and laughing a little. “Come on,” he says, gesturing towards the entrance of the building. Bam takes the lead with Novak following closely behind him. I wanted to catch up and walk in with him, but Jonne was pulling me back so that we were lagging behind.

“So,” Jonne whispers. “Are you going to tell me what the hell this is about?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” I shrug.

“You know that’s not what I’m talking about,” he replies sternly. “Why didn’t you tell me that a fucking celebrity was taking interest in you?”

“I didn’t know who the hell he was when he picked me up that night,” I defend. “He told me about the show, but I didn’t think anything of it.”

“Still, you should have told me,” he counters. “This is dangerous kulta. He’s pretty high profile…. I don’t want you getting hurt again.”

“I know the risk Jonne,” I sigh, shaking my head. I do know the risks that are involved with this, but for some reason, I’m choosing to ignore it…. “Don’t worry about me, ok? Let’s just have fun tonight.”

“Alright…. But just promise me that if you smell even a whiff of trouble, you’ll end this thing.”

“Jonne, I don’t even know what this thing is…. But if it means that much to you, then yes, I promise.”

Jonne smirks as he hold out his fist, his pinky extended. Laughing, I hook my pinky around his and we seal our agreement. The pinky promise, in our friendship, is the ultimate promise. I’ll try my best to keep my word on this agreement.

Looking back towards our hosts, I see Bam watching us as he holds open the door to the entrance. I nod my head in a quiet thanks as Jonne and I enter the building. The rink was very bright and very quiet, save for the sound of a few skaters on the slick, wooden floor. I take a moment to examine the surroundings. The pace was virtually empty, save for a group of men congregated around a pinball machine, a few camera men, and two people rollerblading on the floor. There were no employees in sight though, no sign of these men being supervised. Do these men really have that much pull with people?

“About damn time you showed up Bam!” One of the men leaning against the pinball machine calls.

The man walks over towards us and I take the time to examine him. He was fairly good looking, except for the large bags under his eyes that made him look as if he hasn’t slept in years. He was pretty tall as well, maybe as tall as myself, and thin. His dress was pretty casual, a faded red plaid shirt, jeans and red Chuck Taylors. The man is looking past Jonne and I towards Bam, but as he comes closer, he takes notice of our presence. He flashes a look of confusion at first, but then he produces a smile.

“Hi,” he greets, extending his hand forward. “I’m Johnny Knoxville.”

“He says that a lot,” Bam informs, walking up behind us and placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Where the hell have you been Bam?” He asks. “You were supposed to be here about half an hour ago.”

“Oh quit your bitching. I had to pick up my friends,” he says, pointing towards Jonne and myself. I give a shy wave in response, but Jonne’s expression is beaming. His eyes are wide with a child-like excitement.

“Hi,” Jonne greets with a goofy grin on his face.

“You going to introduce us Bam?” Johnny asks, smirking at Jonne and I.

“Yeah, this is Jonne,” he points to my blonde friend. “And this is Ville,” he smiles at the mentioning of my name and I blush slightly.

“Good to meet you both. Bam-Bam, when did you become such a player?” He laughs and Bam goes red with embarrassment.

“Shut up,” he mutters. “They’re men…”

“Oh!” Johnny’s eyes go wide and I can see him trying to fight a laugh. “I’m sorry. You just both look like…. You know what, let’s start over. Hi, I’m Johnny Knoxville!”

Jonne laughs genuinely at the man’s confusion, but I have to force one to keep appearances. The way that Jonne and I are dressed and our well done make-up, I can see why he’d be confused. I was a little upset at Bam, but I could let it go. He’ll tell his friends in time, I remind myself.

“Well… let’s try to move pass this awkward moment then, shall we?” He suggests. “Bam, why don’t you introduce them to the rest of the guys. Novak, if you want to be in this sketch, then you better fucking behave.”

Once the man turns his attention to Novak, I look towards Bam. His cheeks are still red, but he mouths a quick ‘sorry’ to me. I give him a half-hearted smile to tell him that it was alright. Bam then takes my arm and pulls us along towards the other group of men. They were a strange looking group ranging from good looking, to average, tall to a very little person, and extremely lithe to one very large man.

“Hey guys,” Bam calls to get their attention. “These are my friends Ville and Jonne. Guys, this is the Jackass crew.”

“Hey,” they all greet absently.

“If its cool with you guys, I thought that they could stay and watch us film?”

“We’ve got no problem,” the little person shrugs. “You might want to clear it with Jeff though.” He gestures over to a man talking to a member of the camera crew. Bam nods and takes off over to talk to the man, leaving Jonne and I alone with the crew.

I felt a little uncomfortable as they each gave Jonne and I the up and down look. They weren’t quite judging us, but just examining us, taking us in. No doubt they were probably wondering how we knew Bam and what the hell we were doing there. I tried to give them a friendly smile, but I was still stuck with an unsettling feeling.

“So…,” the little man speaks. “Are you guys fans of the show?”

“Actually,” I reply, my fingers fiddling with the hem of my hoodie. “I’ve never really seen it.”

“Really?” The little man says with a shocked laugh. “Well, I’m Jason, you can call me Wee-Man. This is Preston, Chris, Steve-O, and those two skating out there are Ehren and Dave.”

“Nice to meet you,” I nod. Jonne is grinning from ear to ear now like an excited tween meeting the Backstreet Boys.

“Oh my God!” One of them shouts. “You’re the dude that tried to hit me when I did my party boy skit.”

“That’s where I’ve seen you before!” Another exclaims. I quickly recognize him as the man who had approached me on the street a few days ago, Steve-O. “Damn, this is spooky…,” he laughs.

“You were in a Party-Boy skit!?” My friend asks excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t really know what the fuck it was,” I shrug. “I just thought that he was some pervert.”

“Yeah,” the man, I now know as Chris, laughs. “I get that a lot. This is weird though. You should have told me you were friends with Bam.”

“Yeah,” Steve-O agrees. “When we were filming the other day, you acted like you didn’t know who I was.”

Shit…. This is awkward. Of all the people in the world, Bam would have to be friends with two people who have come on to me earlier this week. They’re each staring at me with a knowing grin whilst I try my best to try and come up with a plausible excuse. It seems that I’m having to do a lot of that lately.

“Well… I haven’t known Bam that long. We just kind of bumped into each other on the street and we hit it off,” I tell them, looking at my feet in order to avoid their eyes. It was somewhat the truth I suppose. “I… didn’t really know who he was though.”

“Wow,” Wee-Man says, nodding his head for some reason. “Two things I rarely see; someone who’s never seen our show and Bam being able to get friends without using his celebrity.”

The others laugh at his assessment, but I feel a little angry for some reason. Partly because of the slight arrogance that I’m sensing from this group, but also because of what he said about Bam. Aside from certain obvious events, I’ve enjoyed spending time with Bam, but apparently, the Bam I know is much different than the one that these men do. I know Bam as a sweet, charming man and even though he makes mistakes, he has the balls to admit it and try to make up for it. These men seem to see him as nothing more than a Jackass.

“Well sweetheart, unlike your demographic of pot-head teenage boys, I have more important things to do than spend all of my time in front of the television,” I reply snidely. The little man raises his brow and smirks.

“Then what are you doing here?”

“Because Bam is a good friend,” I say firmly. “And I wanted to hang out with him. Nothing more.”

“Fair enough,” he nods.

“For what its worth,” Jonne speaks up shyly. “I like your show.” Jonne’s cheeks turn a reddish tint and he tucks his lower lip between his teeth. I roll my eyes, but the others seem to fall for his cuteness as they burst into a fit of laughter.

“Aw…,” Chris coos, walking over to us. “You’re adorable,” he directs towards Jonne. My friend just smiles and bats his eyes in a practiced routine that I’ve seen him do a thousand times before. No one, save for myself, is immune to his cute routine and this man is no exception.


“Yeah,” he laughs, giving Jonne a quick up and down glance.

I roll my eyes and turn away from this little spectacle. Jonne can be such a little tramp sometimes. I do wish that he would cut it out though. I’m here under the guise of being nothing more than Bam’s “friend”. If he keeps flirting with this guy, then the rest might start asking questions.

“Hey! What’s going on over here?”

Good, its Novak! He comes up behind us and wraps his arm possessively around Jonne’s shoulders, pulling the blonde towards him. Jonne makes a small yelping noise at the sudden contact and I try my best to hold back a giggle. Chris’s brows furrow for a moment as he looks from his friend to Jonne.

“Hey Nudie,” Chris greets, his brows still lowered and forehead wrinkled. “Sorry Steve-O and I missed you last night.”

“No big deal,” he brushes off. I laugh when Jonne tries to pull away from, looking to me for help, but the addict keeps a firm hold on him.

“Hey guys,” Johnny interrupts. “Nice little reunion and all, but we still have a job to do. Ville, Jonne, you guys can just take a seat anywhere but try to stay out of the way.”

“Alright,” I nod, looking from him to Bam who is still talking to the man named Jeff.

“Novak…,” Johnny says slowly, as if he were talking to a child. “Let go of the pretty blonde.”

“Aw… come on,” he laughs, gripping my friend. “Do I have to?”

“You’re lucky just to be here right now,” Johnny sighs. “If it weren’t for Bam, you wouldn’t be allowed anywhere near here. Now let the guy go and move your ass.”

Novak’s cheeky grin drops immediately and he finally releases Jonne. Johnny nods and pushes him lightly towards the rest of the group and soon enough, they begin to walk away. I’m glad they’re gone to be honest. I didn’t like being under their judging eyes, or in Steve-O’s case, hungry eyes. I saw him leering at me….

“That was weird,” Jonne says once the group has left.

“Indeed,” I agree. “What the hell was that about anyway?”

“What?” He shrugs, feigning ignorance.

“The death grip just now. What was that about?”

“Beats me.”

“Uh-huh,” I smirk, giving Jonne a knowing look.

“Seriously,” he laughs. “I don’t know.”

“What the hell did you two do last night that made him so clingy then?”

“Nothing!” He defends. “I swear! We had an awkward, forced conversation, he told a joke, I said that he was cute and that was it.”

“You called him cute?”

“Well… he is,” Jonne blushes. “It was just a compliment.”

“And the flirting just know?”

“What? Party-Boy is hot,” he grins.

“You’re unbelievable,” I laugh, hitting his arm.

“Oh relax,” he says. “You have a Jackass, why can’t I?”

“Shut up,” I warn. Is that what he thinks this is, that I’m only with Bam for his celebrity? I thought that he knew me better than that. “And stop trying to seduce everyone, you nymph.”

“Can I be a water nymph?” He asks.


“To match my pretty blue eyes,” he grins.

“Sure, why not.” I shrug.

“Good…. Now as for your request, I’m slightly offended. I’m not trying to seduce anyone…. They just can’t help but fall for my charm,” the little imp excuses.

“Well, whatever it is, cut it out,” I command. “If those two start pulling at you like a piece of meat, don’t expect me to come save you.”

“Alright,” he sighs. “But if they split me apart like a wish bone, you know that you would miss me.”

“Hey Ville!” Bam calls, running over to me. The grin and blush return to my face when I see him smile. “Ok, Jeff says that you guys can hang out, just stay away from the cameras.”

“Yeah, Johnny already told us,” I nod.

“Ok, but he also wanted you to sign something.”

“Me?” I ask. “Sign what?”

“Its just some release waiver,” he says. “He saw the footage that Pontius did with you in it and they want to put it in the show. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, they’ll just blur out your face.”

“Do it!” Jonne urges. “Come on kulta, it would be so awesome!”

“I…guess that’s fine.”

“Cool,” Bam nods. “Alright, you guys get comfortable. I’ve got to go change.”

“Change into what?”
grr... again, sorry for the inconvience. second part here: Chapter 12b

comments are love ^^
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